30 Friday, January 3, 1986 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Air Conditioned & Heated SCHECHTER'S • M TORAH PORTION 2 Hours More of Sunshine doily © GLATT KOSHER HOTEL YOUR HOME WAY FROM HOME • HEATED THERAPEUTIC WHIRLPOOL Reserve Now for the • • PRIVATE BEACH FREE PARKING cowRiv& woo IN ALL ROOMS PASSOVER • NIGHTLY ENIERTAJNMENT 1;511 HOUDAYS Is, Forgetting Differences Forges Jewish Unity • WE CATER TO ALL DIETS CALL TOLL FREE: 800.327-8165 -Entire Oceanfront Block 37th to 39Th Set Miami Beach SAM SCHECHTER, Owner Mgm't. BY RABBI M. ROBERT SYME Special to The Jewish News INSTANT CADILLAC • HOTEL COLOR PASSPORTS ID. & VISA PHOTOS On The Ocean At 40th St., Miami,Beach Studios with full ktichens SPECIAL WINTER PACKAGES . Any 21 Day Visit • Thru Jan. 28 from $525 Jan. 29-Mar. 10 from $699 Mar. 11-Apr. 1 from $399' Any 28 Day Visit After Mar. 7 from $529 • Special Rates For ' Longer Stays PROFESSIONAL PORTRAIT LIGKTING 1352.70301 per person double occuponcy LEO KNIGHT Large Pool & Lounge Area • Coffee Shop • Beauty Salon lb Ball Room Dances. Bingo • Social Club • Card Rooms • Movies • Jazzercise • Library • Maid Service • COURTESY SHOPPING BUS Convenient shopping In the Heart of Miami Beach PHOTOGRAPHY 26571 W 12 Mile Rd Corner Northwestern Hwy . 3925 COLLINS AVE., MIAMI BEACH. FL 33140 CALL COLLECT: 305-532-4541 WHEN YOU COME BACK, MAKE SURE YOUR PICTURES ARE AS VIVID• AS YOUR MEMORIES. CRAINE • CORCORAN S FULL SERVICE ONE HOUR LAS solenoid plaza • seetbfleld rd. between 12 & 13 • across from Farmer Jack WHEN YOU FLY use your: "valet park" JUST DRIVE IN WE WILL PARK YOUR CAR, TRANSPORT YOUR LUGGAGE AND TAKE YOU DIRECTLY TO YOUR DEPARTURE TERMINAL • NO WAITING FOR SHUTTLES. ONLY $2.25 PER DAY, INCLUDES FREE CAR WASH WITH A PREFERRED CUSTOMER CARD • DOLLAR 7788 MERRIMAN ROAD 1/4 Mile North of Metro Airport (313) 942-1905 RENTACAR This Sabbath, we begin read- ing the second Book of the To- rah, the Book of Exodus. It dif- fers from the Book of Genesis, which deals with individuals: Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob, Rachel and Leah, and so on. The Book of Exodus deals, not with individuals, but with an entire people. n describes the birth of a nation, the people of Israel. If you study the text carefully, you- will notice one line, which provides us with an insight into Jewish survival: "The more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied." • Indeed,- when you study Jewish history, you will discover that whenever we were threatened by the non-Jewish world, that is when we forgot our differences, and forged our similarities into a solid unity. I remember my childhood years, growing up in Winnipeg, Canada. In those days, there was no Anti-Defamation League to protest against, or to protect us from, the blending of Church and State. At Christmas time, Jewish children were taught Christmas carols in the public schools. Christian religious symbols were placed everywhere. Yet, at no time did we Jewish children feel inferior or insecure. We were' taught: Vos mir zeinen, zeinen Mir, ober yiden zeinen mir. ("What we are, we are; but most important of all, we are Jews!") We were taught not only to respect ourselves, but also to re- spect the religions of those around us. There was a Hebrew teacher by the name of Kush- ner, of blessed memory, who would say to us: "The Catholic religion, is the best religion — for Catholics! The Protestant re- ligion, is the best religiopn — for Protestants! The Jewish re- ligion, is the best religion for Jews!" Then he would say to us: "Your attitude to Judaism, should be like your attitude to motherhood., You should think of your mother as the best mother in the world, but that should not prevent you from re- specting someone else's mother. Similarly, you should love your religion, but never express dis- respect for someone •lse's relig- ion." What a marvelous lesson for all of us to learn, especially to- day, when so many different re- ligious sects are hawking their wares, and arrogantly pronoupc- ing that their religion is the only true religion. I have grown accustomed to receiving letters and tracts from various religious denominations, warning me that if I do not accept "their way" 'then I am lost, and doomed, and destined to end up in a rather, warm climate somewhere be- neath the earth's surface. Now, from its early begin-' nings, the Church has preached: "extrtf 'ecclesia ..." -7- "outside the Church, there is no salva- tion." But that has never beer the Jewish approach. Long ago our sages taught: "The rightem of all people have a portion ix the world to come." Our Got was the God of all mankind And precisely 'because there ii one Father, we are all part o one family. Then how can we explaii what is happening in our time How can we possibly corn prehend one group of Jews turn ing against another group o Jews, denouncing each other ridiculing each other, ready to read each other out of tho Jewish people? What happeneo to the teaching: "Kol Yisrae chavayrim?" (All Jews an brothers!). Or "All Jews are re sponsible for one another!" Or "A Jew, even if he sins, is still o Jew!" Why are we poisoning ow children's minds, and teachini them to believe that "their way' Sabbath Shemot: Exodus 1:1-6:1. Isaiah 27:6-28; 29:22-23. is the right way, and that thos, who differ with them are no authentic Jews? On this Sabbath, when w begin reading the history of ou people — a history which begat with hatred leveled against u — I urge all Jews in our com munity, in whose hearts then burns the .candle of ahavat yis rael a love for Jews am Judaism — to extend to eacl other the hand 'of friendship and to give to one another genuine respect for the right to be different. The splitting of the aton poses a major threat to the fu ture • of the world. The splittini of the Jewish people poses I major threat to the survival o Judaism. Therefore, let no ono divide our hearts. This is fir time for Jews to say: "We an .united in our efforts to create I society in which every persol will be free to believe in his or her own way; we are united is our efforts to create a society which will "give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no as sistance." That is the greatest gift thai we can give to our children, anc to our blessed land America! — , PrOducer Cited Philadelphia (JTA) — Josepi Papp, the producer, has been hors ored with the first Harp of Davit Award of the Reconstructionis 1 Rabbinical College.. Bonds Officer New York (JT4) — Susan Weikers of Philadelphia hai bean named national chaiman of the Israel Bond Women's Division.