THE DETROIT JEWISH: NEWS. LIGHT ■ SIDE • 111111111111111=111111 Friday, January 3, 1986 19. 1 BY ARLENE KUSHNER Special to The. Jewish News IFIADIN For too long Israel's buses have been unreasonably maligned. Mention of the buses has conjured up only images of pushing and shov- ing, and pungent odors .on a hot summer day. Having recently returned from half a year in Israel, where I made constant use of the mar- velous public transit system, I am now prepared to speak out in defense of the Egged buses; I loved them. To Americans I offer this bit, of wisdom: Visit Israel without riding the regularly scheduled buses and you will never understand the coun- try. Tour buses and cabs are fine in their place. But only on the regular buses can you observe the mores of every- day behavior and delight hi the cultural diversity of the people. Where else will you see a Hasid in black coat and hat, earlocks swinging, reading a text intently; an Orthodox woman in modest garments, with a large family in tow; and an Arab in traditional headgear, all in close proxi- mity, interacting with reason- able manners towards each other? Where else will so many tongues reach your ear at once—Hebrew, of course, English in a wide variety of pronunciations, Yiddish, French, Russian and Arabic? Where else would one have the opportunity to gaze casually upon so many types of Jewish faces—Slavic faces, round with high cheekbones; Ethiopian faces, black and narrow and wide-eyed; fair faces; dark faces; freckled faces—yet Jewish faces all? To become aware of all of this is to begin—just begin— to understand the nature of this land. And to understand its nature is to grasp both its miracle and the extent of its problems. Climb up onto a bus. Do not be surprised if the bus begins moving before your fare has been' taken, &if the driver has a potted plant on the dashboard. Understand that there will be a radio play- ing, and that, more likely than not, there will be bun- dles in the aisle which you must step over. Notice the "No Smoking" signs, which are the fruit of a long lobby- ing effort by American immi- grants, but do not expect an American-style experience. Sit down, if you are lucky enough to have a seat, and observe. If you are standing, observe anyway. The people on the bus with you—reputed, not without reason, to be pushers and shovers—have an innate understanding of how one acts on a bus. It is an understanding so humane that it can reduce a com- muter from the New York City subway system to tears •of envy; The bus is crowded. A pas- senger enters via the rear door and cannot make his way up to the front. He does not try to hide in order to avoid paying the fare. •He passes money up. From hand to hand it goes, until it reaches the driver, who then passes back the change. Again, from hand to hand it moves, until it returns to the original passenger. If instead of cash he has a commuter ticket, which must be punch- ed by the driver, this moves up and back in the same way. , A mother enters with a baby carriage. (Yes, baby car- riages are permitted, and dogs, tool) The carriage must come in by way of the back , door, and •young men leap from their' seats in order to carry it up the steps into the Continued on next page rl •