18 Friday, December 6, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY Elie Wiesel's 'Against Silence' Continued from Page 2 breach in all facets of human searching, including religion. Un- fortunately, this did not happen. New art directions emerged in painting and in literature, but not in the area of religious thought. Only a scant number of individu- als reacted with religious con- sciousness, with religious sen- sitivity. There have been in- stances of intensely religious people who ceased to believe out of sheer protest, and also of apikorsim, non-believers, who turned to belief out of protest. Under the impact of the catas- trophe they could not remain what they were before. Whether they had been in Treblinka or not, something had died in them, in their views of the world. With one it was atheism and with an- other belief. That is why I was sympathe- tic to the declaration of war which the rabbi of Detroit served on God, in whose very service he had been harnessed until now. However, when I read more detailed reports of his revolt, I was disappointed. His revolt was no uprising at all — merely a play on words. Instead of trigger- ing unrest, it had provoked laughter, and instead of serving as a guide to truth-seekers, it has become a theme for humorists. It is the season of Passover now, when we read the Haggadah and learn that what distinguishes the four sons is the manner in which they express themselves. They all ask the question, differ- ing only in style, in tone, and in intention. Had the rabbi of Detroit cried out in the synagogue that the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob is also the God of Auschwitz and Treblinka, and I can no longer praise nor serve Him," many hearts would have trembled. And his anger and his questioning would have sounded authentic, for they would have issued from a tormented soul. Instead, he chose another way, a non-Jewish way. He lost his faith not because of Au- schwitz, but, in his own words, as a result of unripe, so-called philosophical motivations. Be- cause he can find no proof that God exists, he no longer believes in Him. Should he discover the proof tomorrow, he will believe anew. He seems to forget that this approach is now antiquated. To a person of this generation the question of God's existence is no longer a theological but purely a moral problem. Words, too, have fallen victim to the Holocaust. Whoever seeks to build his world outlook on mere words has completely failed to grasp the meaning of the events of our generation. The rabbi's atheism is infan- tile. Whether or not he mentions God's name in the Haggadah is not of the slightest interest to anyone. His anti -Ani Maamim has no relevance to the sense of pro- test every believing Jew and non-Jew must carry inside of himself like an open wound. We are deserving of another kind of atheism, of another brand of apikorsut. The Wiesel trilogy is divided into three voluminous sections. The first vol- ume is devoted to the Holocaust, the sec- ond dedicated to Jerusalem and the third contains dramas, television speeches and related subjects. Elie Wiesel wears many mantles. He is the spiritual guide who inspires de- votionalism. He is the historian who helps perpetuate the facts about the Jewish people and the environments under way they gave dignity to the people's heritage. He is the teacher who inspires interest and indentification. Therefore, his works are not limited to the Holocaust. They are Jewish liter- ary and religious classics. But even in dealing with the entire theme of Jerusalem and Israel, as in the second volume, the memory of the great tragedy is there. The section devoted to the Eichmann trial and its many ramifi- cations again emphasizes the Holocaust horrors, again gives emphasis to the title of the entire trilogy: Against Silence.In the Jerusalem volume, Editor Abraham- son has updated his Wiesel anthology. The tragic experiences of the Lebanese War are included with the statements by Wiesel. So is the emphasis on the battle to attain justice for Soviet Jewry. A Chassid, the Wiesel gems contain the evidence of his devotion to the piety of the movement he supports and is identified with. Here, too, what he wrote emerges as a history of Chassidism. Always in great demand as a speaker, as a commentator, as a partici- pant in many symposia, the Wiesel views are vital. As chairman of the President's Commission on the Holocaust, Wiesel plays a great role in the American proj- ect that keeps gaining world Jewish at- tention. With the attention gained by the Detroit Holocaust Memorial Center, there is added significance to these de- clarative statements which attain and retain great significance in the task of remembering, of never forgetting the horrors that marked the Holocaust. Because of the demands made upon him, Wiesel very often figures promi- nently in leading newspapers and maga- zines as a book reviewer. His accom- plishments on that and related scores, in the press, on radio and television, are provided completest possible coverage in the material selected for these three vol- umes. It's a pity that Shoah, the deeply- moving documentary about the Holocaust-Annihilation by Clyde Lanzmann (Pantheon Books) appeared immediately after the three-volume Schocken-published classic. The com- ments upon Shoah by Wiesel on the first page of the Nov. 3 New York Times Arts and Leisure Section is another classic. The NYTimes article by Wiesel, entitled "A Survivor Remembers Other Survivors of `Shoah' ", is another deeply-moving and unforgettable essay by the inspired and inspiring literary and spiritual mas- ter. Memories abound in the Wiesel compilation and the record of the years of tragedy, with the many evidences of resistance, becomes an historical literary treasure. The martyrs are remembered, the saintly in humanity who came to the re- scue are dutifully acknowledged. At the Remembrance Day obser- vance at the Capitol Rotunda in Wash- ington, April 30, 1984, Wiesel paid honor to the rescuers who provided comfort for the fictims of Nazism: While we remember the vic- tims we also remember those who tried to help us: the Raoul Wallenbergs and the Oskar Schindlers. They were so few, so alone. It breaks our heart to think of their solitude, of their sacrifice. Memory is not exclu- sive. Memory is inclusive. Be- cause we remember the singular aspect of the tragedy we re- member its universality. It would be utter vain glory to claim that 1,000 pages of essays, speeches, book reviews and excerpts from novels can be properly analyzed in a single ar- ticle. What Dr. Abrahamson has accom- plished is the compiling of the literary gems from one of the most articulate and inspired writers of the century. The tril- ogy is an anthological accomplishment seldom matched in literature. It emerges as an historical documentary that ec- lipses much else compiled as the library of Shoah -- the Holocaust. The result is an emphasis that Against Silence will retain the memories and help create the human sparks for a "Never Again" warning to the bigotry that made possi- ble the worst crimes in history. `Judaica' Gains New Significance A nationally-acknowledged authority on art and ceremonial objects, himself a collector of such valuables, shares his knowledge with the Jewish communities in an exceptionally valu- able collection of facts and art reprod- uctions in an art book of great merit. In A Collector's guide to Judaica (Thames and Hudson), Jay Weinstein, who heads the Judaica department of Sotheby's, the famous art collectors, defines the Jewish religious symbols represented in art. In the large-sized, 240-page artistically-compiled volume, there are 352 illustrations, 32 of them in color. Centuries of Jewish ceremonialism are represented in the ritual objects shown here. Portrayed are Torah orna- ments, Sabbath spice boxes, Chanukah candelabra, etrog boxes and every ele- mental object related to them. Every festival and religious occa- sion, in the home and synagogue, is in- cluded in this skillfully assembled illus- trative volume. Paintings and reprints are among them, as well as jewelry and metal works. Marriage rings and amulets have a special appeal for the reader, and many of the objects portrayed date back to the 16th Century. The notable record of the Bezalel Art School of Jerusalem is shown here by the works of the prominent creator of the school and those who were associated with it. For art collectors, the price guide provided by the authoritative author of this collected effort is especially valu- able. By establishing guidelines for judg- ing workmanship and quality of the art objects, A Collector's Guide to Judaica became a priceless work for art lovers. Jay Weinstein, in an explanatory in- troductory essay, describes the value of "Judaica," as the religious art works are titled, and points to the rising intere" and the emergence of a new trend len ing new significance to treasuring the Jewish art works. For the collectors there is this guideline and encouragement provided by Weinstein: I have heard many sad tales of unwanted Judaica, which no one would buy or even take away for reworking, and yithich were simply discarded. Now that A Bezalel silver mezuzah case, circa 1920. prices have increased and there is an active market, people are beginning to value their pos- sessions correctly. Another realization we have come to is that there are many more pieces of Judaica available, at all levels of quality, than had earlier been believed. Collectors used to think that the vast major- ity of objects had been destroyed throughout centuries of persecu- tion and displacement, and that the Holocaust had delivered the final blow to the Jewish artistic heritage. When material started to appear on the market after the Second World War, people reacted to it as though this was the last opportunity to acquire a spicebox or ceremonial cup, and thought that there were perhaps only a few hundred other exam- ples worldwide. We now know that this is not the case, and that a significant body of material did survive, treasured by its owners. The ignorance of the art market did survive, treasured by its owners. Now that prices have risen and the material is actively sought, Judaica are being drawn out of their hiding places in a steady stream. Weinstein's collectors' guide is of major value to the art lovers. The as- sembled illustrations will prove a delight for readers of this volume and all who reach out for knowledge about the trea- sured ceremonial objects portrayed in this very interesting book. The Mezuzah In Space When the next shuttle goes up in space on the scheduled date of Dec. 18, it will carry a mezuzah skyward. Con- gressman Bill Nelson of Florida, the Congressional Representative on the space ship, thereby fulfills the requested suggestion of Congressman Steven J. Solarz of Brooklyn. Continued on Page 20