THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, November 29, 1985 POLITICS The Midterm Minuet Due to exchange jobs next October, Prime Minister Peres and Foreign Minister Shamir are engaged in a courtly dance of political plotting. BY SYLVIA MEHLMAN Special To The Jewish News a narrow coalition without the Likud, however, he would be back to Square One. One doesn't need to look at the results of recent public opinion polls to know that Prime Minister Peres is tre- mendously popular these days. It's obvious in the af- fection, the respect and the World Wide Photo Will they or won't they? With Prime Minister Shi- mon Peres and Foreign Min- ister Yitzhak Shamir schedul- ed to exchange jobs in less than a year under the terms of their National Unity Gov- ernment agreement, a very serious game of politics will play itself out in the coming months. The proposed exchange will obviously not constitute a mere political musical chairs, since the two men and their respective parties are at log- gerheads on certain key is- sues. If Shamir becomes Prime Minister, he is almost certain to do everything in his power to reverse direc- tions taken by the Peres gov- ernment, specifically with re- gard to negotiations with Is- rael's neighboring countries and the future of the admin- istered territories on the West Bank. As Foreign Min- ister, he has already done this, but his power to change events has been limited be- cause of his unwillingness to go so far as to bring down the government and thus ruin his chances of becoming Prime Minister next October. Prime Minister Peres, as a man of honor, must go along with the agreement. His best way out would be to have the present government fall — through no obvious fault of his — and render the agree- ment null and void. If this were to happen, Peres would be given the first opportunity by President Chaim Herzog to form a new government. Unless he can muster enough changed votes in the Knesset to form In better times Peres and Shamir toast each other and their new coalition. applause he is accorded on all sides, even from some of those who pelted him with soft tomatoes only last year during the election cam- paign. Why then is he report- edly- loath at this time to go into early elections — par- ticularly if the reason for the fall would not be seen in the public view as a cynical be- trayal of his coalition pledge to step down at the end of two years? For one thing, Peres feels that he is moving ahead, albeit slowly, on both the economic and political fronts; he does not want to digress into a disruptive and costly election campaign before he can show concrete results. On the economic front, in- creased unemployment and personal difficulties on the grass roots level are recogniz- ed as being necessary before the economy can take an up- turn. These negative mani- festations are not likely to enhance the election chances of the party seen in the public eye as "in power," however. Furthermore, King Hus- sein of Jordan seems to be on the verge of a commitment toward direct negotiations. Unless he takes a clear and unequivocal stand, however, the Israeli public may be vulnerable to election pro- paganda that will again ac- cuse the Labor Party of being ready to "give away" ter- ritory. King Hussein knows as well as anyone else that time is running out for the possibility of negotiations; if he's ever going to move, it must be soon. cir- these Under cumstances, there is always the possibility that Peres may find himself unable to translate the public's ap- proval of his style and abili- ty as Prime Minister into a decisive victory for his party at the polls. He is likeable and effective, even statesmanlike, but he is not charismatic. The wild adulation of a Menach- em Begin that carried his fol- lowers along into the Likud camp will never be the lot of Shimon Peres. If Peres has reason to want to prolong the Unity Govern- ment, at least until shortly before switchover time, Foreign Minister Shamir has even more reason to hope that it lasts until the next regularly scheduled election in 1986. It is his only hope of serving as Prime Minister again. His popularity, accor- ding to all the polls, has fallen New Elections? Many observers believed that the political altercation two weeks ago between Gen. Ariel Sharon and Prime Minister Shimon Peres would be used by Peres to orches- trate new elections. Obser- vers saw Peres dismissing Sharon for insubordination because of his public criticism of Peres' peace overtures to Jordan's King Hussein. Foreign Minister Shamir had threatened to bolt the cabinet, along with his fellow Likud colleagues, if Sharon was let go. This in turn would force Peres to try to form a coalition of at least 61 Knes- set seats without Likud or call for new elections — a move many say he had been seeking for weeks. This particular scenario, and the immediate political crisis, ended when Sharon publicly apologized to Peres. G.R. to an unprecedented low; he is beset by challenges to his leadership and power strug- gles within his Likud faction. The National Unity agree- ment signed last year is now the only factor keeping Sha- mir in the running as head of his party and Prime Minister- designate to succeed Peres next October. The agreement designated Shimon Peres to serve as Prime Minister for two years, with Yitzhak Shamir serving as Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister; for the next two years, the roles of the two men were to be reversed. The agreement did not say that the leaders of the parties are to serve; it specified these two men by name. Given Shamir's lackluster personality and the strong personalities of Ariel Sharon, David Levy and Moshe Arens baying at his heels in competition for leadership of the Likud party, it is certain that nullification of the coali- tion agreement at this time would also mark the end of Shamir's position as party head and its candidate for Prime Minister under present 29