34 Friday, November 22, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY U.S. Failures During Nazi Era Continued from Page 2 put every obstacle in the way ... which would postpone and post- pone the granting of the visas." On July 3, 1940, a writer and teacher named Varian Fry wrote Eleanor urging that someone go to France to help "intended vic- tims of Hitler's chopping-block" leave the country. She relayed Fry's letter to FDR, who replied the same day: His suggestion may have all the merit in the world but it most certainly can- not be authorized or abetted by the Government of the United States." Fry left for Marseilles and set up the Emergency Re- scue Committee, which managed to get about 1,500 refugees out of France with forged passports and other less-than-legal methods before he was arrested and de- ported in August 1941. It was a notable example of private initia- five at a time when the govern- ment dragged its feet, though the State Department did announce on July 14 that children under 16 fleeing war zones would be given visitors' visas. On Sept. 12, 1940, FDR gave $240 to the U.S. Committee for the Care of European Children, which was intended to cover the cost of transportation for the children of a Jewish family named Klein, whom his cousin Muriel Martineau had brought to his attention. But that was one family. In the overall struggle the refugees were losing ground. The president's committee was prod- ding the State Department to facilitate visas for intellectuals and political refugees, submitting 567 names, but Long sabotaged their efforts. Fewer than forty were granted visas. Eleanof intervened on Sept. 28, writing FDR that James G. McDonald, chairman of the advi- sory committee, was "so wrought up about it . I am thinking these poor people who may die at any time and who are asking only to come here on transit visas." FDR agreed to see McDonald, but Long got to him first, on Oct. 3, and used the security gambit on him. Rabbi Stephen Wise, he said, had been urging him to give visas to two officials of the World Jewish Congress, whom Long de- scribed as political agitators re- sponsible for the overthrow of a government in Rumania. The President agreed that such persons were undesirable, and, as Lonc' put it, "expressed himseff as in 3ntire accord with the policy wnich would exclude pers.ms about whom there was any suspicion that they would be inimical to the welfare of the United States no matter who had vouchsafed for them and irres- pective of their financial and other standing. I left him with the satisfactory thought that he was whole-heartedly in support of the policy which would resolve any doubts about admissability of any individual." A few days later, when McDonald's turn came and he began criticizing Long, FDR told him not to "pull any sob stuff." The consuls on the spot should have final say on the visas and pass on each case individually. Eleanor Roosevelt With FDR backing up Long's stonewalling, another means had to be found. It came through Harold Ickes, who as secretary of the interior had the Virgin Is- lands under his jurisdiction. Ickes discovered that nonimmig- rant aliens could be admitted to the Virgin Islands without visas. This loophole, designed for vac- ationers, could be applied to ref- ugees. In November, Ickes had the governor of the Virgin Is- lands issue a proclamation ad- mitting refugees on their appear- ance at a port of entry. After a short stay and an affidavit that they were bona fide residents, they could proceed to the United States. Long was frantic. There were 12,000 refugees in Portugal, among them many German agents, he was sure, and here was a pipeline to siphon them into the United States. He warned the President, who was "a little perturbed" and asked him to talk to Ickes. But Long found Ickes sarcastic and obsti- nate. When he tried to explain that the consulates were a sieve through which the refugee appli- cants could be strained, Ickes re- plied that the holes in the sieve were too small. Long got back to the President, who was, he re- corded, "still more provoked and said he would send an order sus- pending the proclamation." On Dec. 18, Ickes got the President's "cease and desist" order, with FDR explaining that "the Virgin Islands ... present to this Government a very serious social and economic problem not yet solved ... I cannot ... do anything which would conceiva- bly hurt the future of present American citizens. The inhabi- tants of the Virgin Islands are American citizens." In other words, he did not want thousands of refugees competing for jobs with backward islanders. Thus was another avenue of escape blocked. Thousands of course did reach the United States, but thousands more were shut out. In 1938, for example, when Jews could still leave Ger- many, there were 150,000 applica- tions for visas, while the annual quota was 27,370. Hull reported that in the .six-month period be- tween July and December 1940, which was the time of greatest demand, they had issued a total of 22,508 visas. In addition, from the 1,224 names submitted by the advisory committee, 402 had been accepted. In 1941, the combined German-Austrian quota was 37,000, and, according to Long, refugees were still getting out — the Germans were charging $485 a head, which he called "a sinis- ter traffic." Doubtless more could have been done. But the plight of the refugees was low on the President's list of priorities. He had to turn- around a nation tempted by isolationism. He had to get Lend-lease and conscrip- tion and military appropriations passed. He had to prepare the country for war. He had to deal with the isolationist wing in Con- gress and the isolationist press. In 1940, he had to get reelected. Refugees did not vote. They had no political clout, except for the private groups that rather timor- ously spoke up on their behalf. There was no lobby acting on their behalf. Even Jewish leaders in Congress advised FDR that it was not feasible to change the quota. FDR listened with a receptive ear to the arguments of Breckin- ridge Long. He was sensitized to subversion, seeing daily evidence in intelligence reports of espion- age and sabotage. He tended to believe the argument that among the refugees there would be a proportion of spies. He tended to accept the link Long made be- tween Jews and international Communism. For a number of reasons, he thought, it was better to be cautious than to fling open America's gates to every refugee. To have Breckinridge Long in charge of refugee matters was like putting a right-to-life advo- cate in charge of family planning, but nothing was done to have him transferred. In 1941, FDR could almost forget the entire refugee problem. Hitler had taken it off his hands. Many American consulates in occupied Europe had closed their doors. The Jews who had not gotten out were in hiding or were caught and sent to camps. In France, the collaborationist Pre- mier Pierre Laval promised to deliver every Jew into Nazi hands. Four thousand Jewish children were snatched from their parents and deported to Germany. The Nazis boasted that the city of Rouen was now juden- rein, free of Jews. With every cat- tle car that rolled eastward, there was less of a refugee problem. It's a long quotation proving the charges of FDR's indifference that under- lined rescue efforts. It needs remember- ing for the sake of the factual record, and it also helps add to the compliments for Ted Morgan's biography, proving he did not pull punches in his treatment of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Chaim Weiznabb's meeting with FDR is recorded. The anti-Zionist British position is mentioned. Long's anti- Semitism is at issue here. Roosevelt's final compassionate act in establishing the War Refugee Board is outlined. This long but necessary evaluation of the tragic experiences is an obligation. Ted Morgan reveals many hitherto unknown facts in the following: It was also just at the time of the deterioration in his health that Roosevelt was faced with a crisis on the Jewish refugee question. Saving the Jews had not been a high priority on his agenda. It was not even dis- cussed at the summit confer- ences, absorbed as the Allies were in military plans. Congress was opposed to opening up the quota, and the State Department stalled on all rescue plans. When FDR first heard about the Final Solution in September 1942, he refused to believe it, tel- ling Felix Frankfurter that the deported Jews were simply being employed on the Soviet border to build fortifications. The first OSS report called information about German extermination plans "a wild rumor inspired by Jewish fears," though later OSS reports described the deportation of Jews to death camps in Poland. On Dec. 7, Rabbi Wise and other Jewish leaders gave the President a 20-page paper on the Nazi "Blue Print for Extermina- tion," and FUR assured the group that efforts would be made to save the Jews and punish those who had committed the crimes. Breckinridge Long wrote in his diary that "Rabbi Wise and others like him might lend color to the charges of Hitler that we were fighting this war on account of and at the instigation and di- rection of our Jewish citizens." In April 1943, there was an Anglo-Ameircan conference on refugee problems in Bermuda, in which Long played the key role. Not surprisingly, according to a British participant, it was "a facade for inaction." On May 7, Cordell Hull as- sured the president that there was plenty of room under exist- ing quotas to accommodate large numbers of Central European refugees. Enlarging the qxfotas, he ,said, would only anger Con- gress, "where there is a prevail- ing sentiment for even more drastic curtailment of immigra- tion." FDR agreed, replying on May 14 that "I do not think we can do other than comply strictly with the present immigration laws." In June, the president saw the Zionist leader Chaim Weiz- mann. Escorting him to the White House on June 12, Sumner Welles was sympathetic, saying that Ibn Saud had been writing letters demanding a stop to immigration in Palestine, "which of course is childish." The British policy was that there should be no more Jewish immigration after March 31, 1944. Weizmann told FDR that Jews had a right to Palestine. The President said the Arabs had done very badly in this war, and that they had not developed their vast territories. Perhaps the Jews might help with the development. In any case, he believed that the Arabs could be bought. Weiz- mann said the 500,000 Jews in Palestine felt trapped, and that Jews must be assured they had a future there. In fact, Roosevelt did not intend to take any stand on this question, wanting to re- main on good terms with his British ally and Arab leaders. It was because of State De-