( \ 1 1 ! Friday, November 22, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ U.S. Failures During Nazi Era Recorded In New FDR Biography Biographical writing and historical research are magnificently enhanced in one of the most brilliant-accounts of the American role in World War II and the share in it by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In FDR by Ted Morgan (Si- mon and Schuster), biography and his- toriography rise to unmatched literary heights. In the process of analyzing the many issues that arose during the World War II years, the American commitments and involvements, Morgan takes into account the fate of Jews under Hitlerism and the manner in which treatment was pro- vided, or rather failed to be provided, by American officials. There were anti-Semites in the American ranks who have left bitter notes in this nation's history. Much has been written about Breckenridge Long, who dominated the U. S. Consular Serv- ice and was responsible for denial of visas to this country to escape the Nazi terror. He will be dealt with here a bit later. Long was not alone among the anti-Semitic guilty. Also referred to is the pro-Hitler attitude of Joseph Ken- nedy, the father of all the famous Ken- nedys. His comforting of the Nazis has often been condemned in historical re- cords of his activities as the U.S. Ambas- sador to the Court of St. James. Among the hate-spreaders was U.S. Ambassador to Russia and later envoy to France, William Bullit. Bullit was re- sponsible for spreading the tale that Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in- cluded many spies for Hitler. Quoting French Premier Edouard Daladier's con- tribution to the prejudices about refugees "who entered Hitler's employ while enjoying French hospitality," Morgan re- fers to Bullit's prejudiced views: "Bill Bullit's crude anti-Semitism was expressed in a letter to a State De- partment colleague describing Constan- tin Omahsky, (Maxim) Litvinov's press secretary and later Soviet ambassador to the United States, as 'a wretched little kike ... it is only natural that we should find the members of that race more dif- ficult to deal with than the Russians themselves.' " The Franklin Roosevelt saga reveals many anti-Semitic acts by FDR's associ- ates. Was FDR himself affected by the virus? There was some 'streak in him, as Morgan reveals in his truly great biog- raphy about the President. FDR gave no inkling of his own background, boasting only about a Dutch heritage. (In this connection, it is regrettable that Morgan did not seek this reviewer's Purely Commentary volume published by Wayne State University Press in 1981. That volume quoted Eleanor Roosevelt conceding the truth about her husband's Jewish background.) Ted Morgan's assembled evidence of the FDR failure to come to the aid of the Jewish sufferings from Nazism is mas- sive. Even Jewish associates of FDR con- tributed toward the failures. Only Secre- tary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. battled incessantly in behalf of the refugees. He was finally responsible for the concession by FDR to establish the War Refugee Board. The facts set forth by Morgan are too valuable as historiography not to be given full credence. There is much in Morgan's compulation to be treated with great seriousness. The reference to those who helped and to Jews who failed to act in behalf of the sufferers is included in the following passage: Morgenthau kept trying to fire the boiler. He was the only member of the Administration who prodded FDR on the Jewish Henry Morgenthau Jr. Stephen Wise refugee question. At lunch on June 19, he said: "Now, Mr. President, a year has passed and we have not got anywhere on this Jewish refugee thing. What are we going to do about it?" "I know we have not," the president replied. "At last even Sam Rosenman has got his eyes and sees that it isn't so easy. The whole trouble is England. The Jewish Refugee Committee in England isn't getting anywhere." "Isn't there something that can be done?" Morgenthau asked. "Well," FDR said, "I talked to the president-elect of Paraguay the other day at lunch, and he said he would take 5,000." Morgenthau pointed out that the problem was five million Jews rather than 5,000, not just in Germany but in Poland, Rumania, and Hungary. "Absolutely," FDR said. "That's what I have been saying, but I can't make any headway. I am willing to go so far, if neces- sary, to have them even call it the Roosevelt plan. If you will give me a list of the thousand richest Jews in the United States I am willing to tell them how much they should give. A man like Zeinurray, United Fruit, ought to give five million, and a lot more like him." FDR was quite willing to "spread the Jews thin all over the world," as he put it, but he did not want them entering the United States in large numbers. In any case it was politically un- feasible to change the quota sys- tem — all he could do was extend visitors' visas. He refused to sup- port the Wagner-Rogers bill, which would have admitted 20,000 refugee children in 1939 and 1940 outside the quota sys- tem. The bill was amended to death an committee. Roosevelt's feelings about the Jews were complicated. He sur- rounded himself with Jewish ad- visers — Morgenthau, Sam Rosenman, Felix Frankfurter, Ben Cohen — whom he liked and admired. One of his reasons, ac- cording to Jerome Frank, was that Jews did not get the presidential bee. Since they knew there could not be a Jewish president, they would not become political threats. Rosenman and Frankfurter were Jewish "Uncle Toms." Rosenman never men- tioned the refugees, and was against the relaxation of quotas. Frankfurter, who called Morgen- thau "a stupid bootlick," was Franklin D. Roosevelt more interested in New Deal legislation than in the plight of the Jews. Actually Frankfurter, who sent FDR a steady stream of messages telling him what a wonderful job he was doing on foreign policy, was more of a bootlick than Morgenthau, who did not hesitate to come to grips with the President of the refu- gees. Roosevelt was outraged by the persecution of the Jews and had the humane reaction that something must be done. But at the same time there lingered in him a residue of the social anti- Semitism he had inherited from his mother and other relatives such as his half brother Rosy and his uncle Fred Delano, all three of them anti-Semites. Thus FDR would sometimes make unflattering references to the Jews, who he felt should be restained in certain areas. They should, for instance, accept a quota system at Harvard. "Some , year ago," he told Henry Morgen- thau , "a third of the entering class at Harvard were Jews and the question came up as to how it should be handled." As a member of the board of over- seers, Roosevelt helped to formu- late the decision "that over a period of years the number of Jews should be reduced one or two percent a year until it was down to 15 percent." FDR carried on a friendly correspondence with anti-Semites such as Miller Reese Hutchinson, an industrial engineer, who was "Uncle Hutch" to the president's "Marse Franklin," and who wrote him in "Rastus" dialect in 1937: "I dun tuk notiss, arter tryin ter git erlong wid Jews, dat effin yer holds er stik uv candy er mile long fer one uv um ter eat, he gwineter bite yer finger when he's et der las inch. Hitler is rite in one respect." FDR certainly did not believe Hitler was right, but he might well have laughed heartily over the rest of the letter. When Bur- ton Wheeler came to see him one day to discuss the third term., FDR said, "You know, Jack Garner wants to run for President, but he couldn't get the nigger vote." Wheeler was star- tled that FDR had used the word "nigger." "Farley wants Hull to run," FDR went on, "because of the fact that he wants to be vice president and he thinks Hull might not live and he'd become President. Cardinal Mundelein says that he wants to see a Catholic President some time but he doesn't want to see him come in the back door. You know, Burt, Mrs. Hull is part Jewish and you don't have to go back through your ancestors or mine to find out if there's any Jewish blood in our veins. We're either Dutch or English." So here, thought Wheeler, was the man who had the Negro vote, the Irish vote, and the Jewish vote in the palm of his hand expressing his true feelings about them all — the blacks were really just "niggers," the Irish Catholics were unworthy of the highest office, and the Jews were not true Americans, in the way that the old families of English and Dutch ancestry were. Volumes have been written, many brochures are available, all exposing the FDR failure to aid the Nazi refugees, to come to the protection of the hundreds of thousands endangered in the Holocaust. In less than 50 pages, Ted Morgan pro- vides summaries of the events, per- sonalities surrounding FDR and the de- veloping horrors, summaries that pro- vide the hairraising effects of inexcusa- ble failures. The manner in which the effort to rescue children from the Nazi massacre, let alone the stymying of the visa issu- ing by American Consuls, is exposed by Morgan. The interceding of Eleanor Roosevelt and of James G. McDonald, who years later was to become the first U.S. Ambassador to Israel, are recorded in Morgan's FDR. Here are some of the revealed facts: In June he (Roosevelt) turned down a plan to amend the $50 million Red Cross appropriation so that $1 million could be used at the President's discretion to defray the transportation costs of refugee children from England, France, Belgium, and Holland. The plan was backed by Harry Hopkins and Attorney General Francis Biddle, but FDR did not want to spend his credit with Congress by seeking more dis- cretionary money. Also in June, the Immigra- tion and Naturalization Service was transferred from the Labor Department to the Justice De- partment, and the Alien Registra- tion Act, which required the registration and fingerprinting of all aliens over 14, began to be enforced. In Europe, American consu- lates were besieged by thousands of desperate persons hoping for visas. Obeying the letter of the law, and aware of the attitude of their superiors, the consular staffs sometimes worked with heartbreaking slowness. It took them weeks and months to exam- ine legal documents, allocate quota numbers, and check af- fidavits of support and other as- surances that the refugees would not become public charges. Breckinridge Long directed the consuls to issue visitor or transit visas only to persons with exit permits. As he wrote Adolf Berle: We can delay and effec- tively stop for a temporary period of indefinite length the number of immigrants into the United States. We could do this by simply advising our consuls to Continued on Page 34