108 Friday, November 22, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS BACKGROUND Israeli Druze Remain Loyal To Their Country BY SHIMON BEN NOACH Special to The Jewish News Remember the 1 lth Commandment: "And Thou Shalt be Informed" • You've read the five books of Moses. Isn't it time to try the Fifty-Two Issues of the Detroit Jewish News? It may not be holy, but it's weekly! And such a bargain. To order your own subscription call 354-6060. Despite conflicts of interest over Lebanon and the Golan Heights, the relationship be- tween Israel's Jewish majority and its Druze minority remains essentially harmonious. Indeed most. Israeli Druze are proud patriots and the Israel flag is flown more conspicuously in Druze villages than in Jewish towns. There are an estimated 80,000 Druze living in Israel. Of these some 65,000 live in 18 villages throughout the Galilee and on Mount Carmel, while a further 15,000 inhabit the slopes of the Golan Heights. The Druze are the followers of a religious sect which split from Islam in the 11th century to follow the teach- ings of the sixth Caliph of the Isma'ili Fatimid dynasty. The fundamental tenets of the reli- gion remain secret even to the Druze themselves — only the community's feligious elders are party to these secrets. Today there are close to 1.1 million Druze around the world with most living in Syria (500,000) and Lebanon (500,000). At the specific request of their community leaders, Israel's Druze have undertaken compul- sory service in the Israel De- fense Forces since 1957, al- though even before that many Druze fought voluntarily in the army and in the pre-state Haganah. In total 180 Israeli Druze have fallen while serving in the IDF — a fataity rate that is proportionately higher than in the Jewish sector of Israeli society. Like Jews in the Diaspora, and other minorities all over the world, Israel's Druze are often more patriotic than the coun- try's Jewish majority. Majeid Houosseissi is Principal of a school in Daliyat al-Carmel, Is- rael's largest Druze village, which has a population of 12,000. Housseissi, who is a member of the management executive of the Druze Zionist club, paints an idyllic picture of current Druze-Jewish relations, sidestepping any suggestons that recent events have pro- duced strains. "It is true that a few Druze soldiers refused to serve in Lebanon," he says, "be- cause they did not want to come into conflict with their cousin in Lebanon. But the Jews, too, had conscientious objectors who re- fused to serve in Lebanon. "Most Druze living in the Golan Heights (which was an- nexed in 1982) would be happy to become Israeli citizens. The problem is they have to pretend that they are opposed to Israel. After all, if Israel ever returned the Golan Heights and they had shown themselves to be too pro- Israel, many Druze could be hanging in the center of Damas- cus. Besides, many Golan Druze have cousins still living in Syria." Rafik Halaby, a Druze news director for Israel television, takes a less conciliatory line towards Israeli policies. He feels that Israeli Druze were confused and upset because the IDF backed the Phalangists rather than the Druze in their confron- tation in the Lebanon's Shouf Mountains. Halaby is also dis- satisfied with domestic matters: "The Druze are like Arabs as far as their rights are concerned and Jews as regards their duties," he claims. "If you exam- ine municipal budgets for Druze villages and those for Jewish towns, you will see the budgets are not comparable. If you look at the condition of schoolhouses in Druze villages, you will see the extent of the discrimina- tion." Nevertheless, Halaby as- Indeed, most Israeli Druze are proud patriots and the Israeli flag is flown more conspicuously in Druze villages than in Jewish towns. serts that Israel's Druze will fight against these injustices within the country's democratic framework. Jaber Abu Rukun, manager of the library in Usfiya on Mount Carmel, says that his views lie between Halaby's and Housseis- si's. "It is true that we Druze suffer from a lack of investment in industry and social and edu- cational services in many of our villages," he says. "It is our right to have these services im- proved. But perhaps we should better learn how to shout and use our democratic freedom of speech to obtain a larger budget for our villages." Abu Rukun in- sists that events in Lebanon have not damaged Druze-Jewish relations in Israel. Certainly there seems to be no disillusionment from the out- side. To the Western visitor a Druze village probably seems like any other Arab village in the region. A rustic, rural way of life that seemingly defies the passage of time. But beneath the surface lies a fierce loyalty to the Jewish State combined with a proud determination to preserve their heritage. The Druze have been able to synthe- size their traditions with mod- ern ideologies and technologies with a harmony that is unusual in the Middle East. The bond between Israel's Jewish majority and Druze minority seems a strong one — one cemented by mutual respect. Knesset member Ziadan Atashe of the Shinui Party likens the solidarity of the Druze with that of the Jews: "I compare myself with Jews in the rest of the world. Wherever Jews are in stress, other Jews raise public awareness and come to their aid. So it is with us." World Zionist Press Service