20 Friday, November 15, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS DESIGNER SHOE OUTLET CONGRATULATIONS HELEN CT BOB DORN ON YOUR 45TH ANNIVERSARY WITH LOVE ALWAYS YOUR FAMILY SHARON, ILENE, JODIE & AMY INSIGHT For Men & women BRAND NAME SHOES & BOOTS `Let Us Arm Ourselves With Reason • • • AT DISCOUNT PRICES! SAVE UP TO 75%! HUNTERS SQUARE Next to Loehmaim's 851-4190 Orchard Lk & 14, Farm. Hills 551-0062 SOUTHFIELD PLAZA BY SHIMON PERES 11•111 ■ 11•1110111111.11 MAUL TOV on your 55th anniversary MONA AND ALVIN GRAFF FROM YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN IDELLE ERNIE SUSIE DEBBY 'DENNIS . GAYLE BRENDA — AMERICAN EXHAUST SYSTEMS, INC. MON.-FRI. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. SAT. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 15441 W. 9 Mlle (Corner of Greenfield) Oak park/Southileld Pay To The •-• B Order Of earer The Sum of Ten Dollars With Complete Brake Expires Nov 29 — 968-0662 20,00 0 miles or 2 yrs. (ltd. warranty) 1 1 1 1 1 b, $1000 Limit Ono Per Customer With Coupon With Complot Muffler System — Lifetime Guarantee (ltd.) I•••••• •• • • • 111••• • • MIMI= •• ••=16•1 ED= =MB OM • • • • • • MO • MI MI • MP= OM ei 1 FRONT or REAR BRAKES Reg. 49.95 Save $10.00 I Includes: I Turn Rotors or s Drums, Pads, or "1 . Shoes, Road 111 Test Moat U.S. cars 9 4 95 MUFFLERS Lifetime Guarantee Most U.S. cars. $ Save $5.00 1 WINTERIZE YOUR CAR NOW!! including flush E. fill, up to 2 I gals, antifreeze, check all belts, hoses E. -water pump. 1 1 95 I, Reg. 29.95 Installed I 1 /1••••=11•1••••••••••11111 • 1111••••••••• ••••••• 1131 •■ •••rnalli•••••— 26400 W. 12 MILE RD. 10600 Galcode Ferndale, MI 48820 399-9830 Southfield, MI 48034 353-3355 Sheila, Jimmie and Marc would like everyone to come visit them at both GEMINI I and GE- MINI II for all your office supplies and gifts. In addition we're now giving you ... more than an Office Supply Store .. . GEMINI II • Executive Gifts • Office Furniture • Free Delivery • Invitations, Personalized Stationery • Rubber Stamps • Pottery • Printing • Cards • Decorating & Design Service WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF INVITATIONS AND HOLIDAY GREETING CARDS NOW AT 20% OFF I I Stop in at GEMINI II and receive a FREE Bic Lighter good with this coupon only The world in which the United Nations was bbrn was torn between two conflicting feelings. There was shock and grief in the wake of death and holocaust. But there was also a gleam of hope. Hope for a new era of freedom. For a world free of oppression; of discrimination; of racism; of apartheid. Above all, for a world free of war — for the reign of peace. Nothing reflects the univer- sal idea of Judaism more than the noble idea of nations united, alJnited Nations. This ideal rests, as our forefathers taught us, on the three pillars that support the world: on justice, truth, and peace. Yet, this great vision is shadowed by inescapable concerns. As Jews we bear heavy memories. As Israelis we confront na- tional dilemmas. Search the map of Western civilization across the ages — not a place will be found where Jews were not perse- cuted. Save for the new world, you will find yourselves marching along the trail of Jewish blood and tears, trac- ing the chronology of Jewish martyrdom. This, Mr. President, was the history of my people for two thousand years. Until there came a point, when the Jews tired of dependence on the hatred or the tolerance of others, to settle their fate. This is the very essence of Zionism. Jews were no longer willing to court the favour of others, and to contend with the force of their fear. Israel was created not only as a home for persecuted Jews the world over, but also as the last refuge from any need to justify their Jewishness. Here is the hope of the peo- ple of Israel: To finally be masters of their own fate, true to their own heritage, sover- eign in their own land, free to practiceEheir faith, and con- tinue their contribution to a world that rejected them. Zionism is thus a victory over racism. When the dawn finally came, an ancient language was given a new reality. From across distance and time, Jews gathered anew. A waste- land was made to bloom. The unskilled wandering Jew turn- ed artisan, farmer, scientist, and soldier, rebuilding his home with a new found pioneering spirit. True to our heritage, we set out to secure a safe haven not only for those who fulfilled their dream by making Israel their home, but also for those yet deprived of that right. In that tradition, still today, we pray that all Jews who yearn for Zion — be they in the Soviet Union, Ethiopia, Syria or elsewhere — be permitted to reunite with their destiny. I call upon the Soviet Shimon Peres: "Let us argue but not fight." leaders: let our people go. Empty the prisons of people whose sole crime is loyalty to Jewish tradition and pursuit of the Zionist dream. Individ- uals like Shcharansky and Begun. This call exceeds or- dinary political considera- tions. It reaches the depth of human dignity and the source of human rights. A people reborn, we faced poverty, desert, isolation, and the challenge of molding the ingathered into one nation. We never expected to be sur- rounded by hostility. Seeking coexistence with our neigh- bors, we found that the revival of two national movements — the Jewish and the Arab — produced conflict rather than cooperation. Recently, it has manifested itself in the form of interna- tional terrorism. Indeed, in our region, ter- rorism is at war with peace. Terrorism is bent on injur- ing the peace process — but we have an equal determina- tion: It will not stop progress toward peace. We reject the absurd claim that resisting terrorism — rather than terrorism itself — undermines efforts for peace. Mr. President, nobody brought more tragedy on the Palestinians than PLO terror- ism. Our enemy is not a peo- ple, a race, a religion, or a community. Our enemy is bel- ligerency, hatred, and death. We know that there is a Pales- tinian problem. We recognize the need to solve it honorably. We are convinced that there is no solution but through dip- lomatic means. From this ros- trum, I call upon the Palesti- nian people to put an end to rejectionism and belligerency. Let us talk! Come forth and recognize the reality of the State of Israel — our wish to live in peace and our need for security. Let us face each other as free men and women, across the negotiating table. Let us argue, but not fight. Let us arm ourselves with reason, let us not reason with arms. Continued on Page 22