0 I € I I ".; THE JEWISH NEWS Serving Detroit's Metropolitan Jewish Community with distinction for four decades. Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076-4138 Telephone (313) 354-6060 PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt CONSULTANT: Carmi M. Slomovitz ART DIRECTOR: Kim Muller-Thym NEWS EDITOR: Alan Hitsky LOCAL NEWS EDITOR: Heidi Press EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Tedd Schneider LOCAL COLUMNIST: Danny Raskin ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Lauri Biafore Allan Craig Rick Nessel Danny Raskin OFFICE STAFF: Marlene Miller Dharlene Norris Phyllis Tyner Pauline Weiss Ellen Wolfe PRODUCTION: Donald Cheshure Cathy Ciccone Curtis Deloye Ralph Orme © 1985 by The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 275-520) 'Second- Class postage paid at Southfield, Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $21 — 2 years - $39 — Out of State - $23 — Foreign - $35 CANDLELIGHTING AT 5:06 P.M. VOL. LXXXVII, NO. 10 A Timely Appeal If the Soviet Union cannot live up to the Helsinki accords on human rights, which the USSR signed, can it be trusted to live up to an agreement to halt the nuclear arms race? That is the question of the hour. As the U.S.-USSR Geneva summit approaches, President Reagan should give serious thought to measuring Soviet sincerity by their response to issues of basic human rights. The President, in his address to the United Nations General Assembly, affirmed once again his intense concern about human rights in the Soviet Union. Now he will have the opportunity to deal with the issue forcefully and directly when he meets with Soviet leader Gorbachev. With the doors of Jewish emigration virtually shut, the President must make it clear to the Soviet leadership that their adherence to a treaty on human rights is not just a Jewish issue. It is an international issue and it is as good a gauge as any to their commitment to keep their word.. Successful Beginning The Holocaust Memorial Center is marking a milestone Sunday evening. Its first anniversary dinner at the Westin Hotel completes a significant year for one of Detroit's newest, and arguably most important, facilities. Senators, Congressmen, dignitaries from the Jewish and general communities will mark the HMC's year with well-deserved speeches and recognition. Yet the importance of the Holocaust Memorial Center will rest far from the banquet Sunday evening, and even far from the HMC facility itself. The Jewish community and Holocaust survivors groups have worked extremely hard over the years to make the credo of "Never -Forget" a reality. The laudable aim to remind the world of the dark chapter of the Nazi Holocaust has as its purpose the prevention of a sequel. Noble efforts have been made by individuals and groups in this regard, but few of these efforts have paid dividends as quickly and as handsomely as the Holocaust Memorial Center. More than 120,000 persons have visited the HMC in its first year of operation — more than seven times the origianl projections according to Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, the HMC's director. Most importantly, these visitors have had the educational experience of seeing the impressive facility and its haunting exhibits. And they are haunting because the multi-media presentations bring to life for half our population who were not yet born the tragedy and horror of the Holocaust. Among the HMC's 120,000 visitors this year were groups from 125 different schools. It is these schoolchildren that are the raison d'etre of the Holocaust Memorial Center. If the HMC can continue to expand its outreach programs, and continue to draw visitors from far beyond the Jewish community, it will more than fulfill the lofty goals and high promise of its first year. OP-ED Unholy Four: Farrakhan, Khomeini, Qaddafi, Arafat BY MARC TANENBAUM Special to The Jewish News The real danger posed by the re- cent, highly-publicized speeches of the Rev. Louis Farrakhan is that he is beginning to be treated as big- time media entertainment. Audiences appear to be in- trigued by the Farrakhan psychod- rama — the bizarre scene of frown- ing bodyguards in bow-ties; the bravura rhetoric and its outrageous apocalyptic imagery; the wholesale frisking of an entire audience; the mindless, uncritical excitement of the media over another circus "hap- pening." - The danger is that mesmerized preoccupation with the theater obscures or diminishes the content of what Farrakhan is really preaching — his precise ideology, his geo- political world-view, his propaganda warfare. A study of Farrakhan's speeches and writings since the 1950s dis- closes that he has a coherent world- view, that at its core is rabidly anti-white, anti-American, anti- Semitic and anti-Israel. Defenders of American democracy, and certainly the Jewish community, cannot afford to dismiss Farrakhan as if he were some minstrel act. Should he continue to gain large audiences and increased media expo- sure — and should the PLO and Libya's Muammar Qaddafi continues to pour added millions of dollars into his coffers — Farrakhan might well become a significant source of poisonous pollution of the wells of American democracy. And he could certainly become a focal rallying point, especially among young blacks, for vicious anti-Semitic and anti-Israel hatred in the United States and abroad. At the core of Farrakhan's ideology is a "white devil theory." First propounded by Elijah Muham- Liu mad, "prophet" and founder of the Black Muslim movement, this myth tells of an evil scientist named "Yakub" who worked for some 600 years in his laboratory on the lonely fortress island of Patmos in the Ae- gean Sea. After innumerable exper- i Louis Farrakhan: God's covenant with the Jews is not valid. iments and many generations of selective breeding of lightskinned blacks, Yakub created an entirely new race of man — "the degener--4.--- white devil" who is the enemy alp who must be violently destroyed. In the 1950s, early in his career in the Black Muslim movement, when Farrakhan was known as Louis X. Wolcott, he wrote and re- corded a song that became a smash hit among Black nationalists. Its title — "A White Man's Heaven Is A Black Man's Hell." Farrakhan was a loyal and dedicated disciple of Elijah Muhammad, unswervingly commit- ted to his black nationalist- separatist policies. When Elijah Muhammed . died,. Continued on Page 21 E,62(\p, ,