38 Friday, Octo bdr18,'1 . 985'' h IE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY Continued from Page 2 Journalism's Many Facets in Anne Hammerman Anne Hammerman Journalism is more than a medium for news gathering and" dissemination. It includes editorializing and therefore opinionating. It demands researching in fact-finding because of the 'primary de- mands for truth. In the opinion-expressing aspect, the guidelines will be found in magazines as well as newspapers. In the researching for the unusual rooted in historical backgrounds, Sidney Harris, nationally- syndicated columnist,. exerts an impres-, sive influence. Jewish writers may admit to emulating him, .and many certainly follow in his path. Anne Hammerman, retired editor of the Dayton, Ohio Jewish Chronicle, certainly matches him in many respects. Reference to the Dayton Jewish Chronicle introduces an American Jewish case history. The American Jewish Year Book lists the Jewish popu- lation of Dayton as 6,000. (The city's total population is 193,536 as of this year.) It may be a shock to learn that the community no longer has a kosher butcher, and dietary law observers order their meat from other communities. But Dayton is, nevertheless, a thriving com- munity with active synagogues, a Jewish federation, a Hadassah group, and re- lated community fuactons. Much of what has been attained is due to the encouragement toward an active Jewish life by Editor Anne Hammerman of the Jewish Chronicle. It is because she was the conscience of her community during her active editorship. She possesses a fine style and is motivated by a strong devotion to Jewry, Israel and her profession. Many of her columns now appearing under her byline as Editor Emeritus keep attract- ing wide attention. The one she wrote as a. personal memo on the 50th anniver- sary of her marriage to Ben Hammer- man was noteworthy. Especially in- teresting currently is the Column she •wrote Erev Yom Kippur. It was a com- mentary on the status of the synagogue and on, emotions that could be judged as tests of human reactions on a universal scale. Under the heading "Have We For- gotten. How To Cry?", Anne Hammer- man made this comment: • My theme for Yom Kippur is based on a little story I heard some years ago before ,a Sehchot _service. The rabbi told of newly- erected synagogue in a commu- nity where he formerly served. The synagogue was built ranch style — its interior was modern and comfortable. It was, of course, air-conditioned; the sanctuary was bright and beariti,- -' ful. One of the portions -who imis , Christianity, then the factual must be instrumental in the building of stated again. the new edifice proudly invited his elderly mother to see it. He An interesting refutation of such showed her the new synagogue claims was provided in a most illuminat- with pride and his mother exam- ing essay in The Texas Lawyer, pub- ined its comforts, gazed at its lished in Austin, Tex.,. by Robert Heard. beauty, and then, turned to her The views of members of the official son and asked "Es is zeir shone White House and the Supreme Court du-ober vi ken min du vanen?" ("It associates are drawn upon by Heard, is very lovely here — but where who introduces the ultra-religious views can one cry here?") by stating: •As the rabbi told this story it Edwin Meese lectures the •occurred to me that here, per- Supreme Court on constitutional haps, was the crux of what is law. Reckon this paragon of ethi- troubling the modern Jew. He no cal conduct knows any more longer has a place to cry. It is about that than Willard Scott difficult to weep amidst so much knows about brain surgery? plenty; it is difficult to transcend Meese told the American Bar • spiritually surrounded by our Association's House of Delegates materialistic pleasures. the high court's view that the Es- Lest I 'be misunderstood, may tablishment Clause in the First I say that I am not an 'advocate Amendment "requires a strict of sorrow. Yet, to be able to truly neutrality between religion and cry, whether for joy or sorrow is nonreligion" would have "struck indeed a blessing. Our male chil- the founding generation as dren are taught that it is not somewhat bizarre." "Manly" to cry. Why? Are the He told a reporter the "origi- male hearts less tender than their • nal intention" of the Framers was female counterparts? Even the I "to be sure that there was no girls are being taught that they preference given to any religion; must be strong — control their —it was not to put religion on the emotions — sublimate the true • same par constitutionally as non- feelings in their hearts. _ religion." There is great comfort in • To be fair, I should note tears. We have wept for our loved there are others in positions of ones and we have wept for Rol power as untutored .on the Estab- Yisroel. We have wept for the lishment Clause as Meese. Re- poor and the sick and many of us gretfully, these include the chief have also wept with joy. How justice Warren Burger, and Jus- close are' the emotions of laugh- tice William Rehnquist. And we ter and tears! have a Democratic governor, I pray that our people will not forget how to cry, for if they do, they will have forgotten their heritage — they will have forgot- ten their ancestors; and they will surely have forgotten the essence of our endurance.. May you have an easy fast — L'HITRAOT , The very title of this essay suggests a challenge to, human needs. It is sad- dening when people forget either to smile, and laugh, and to cry. , The Hammerman essay also suggests the need for intimacy and for closeness among people in .synagogue. Massiveness in houses of worship trans- forms them into cathedrals, and the human contact vanishes. Thomas Jefferson Hammerman in the newspaper of a small community emerges as a symbol of what can be accomplished even on a - Mark White, popping off about small scale. Hers is among the smallest the court's failure to sustain a of Jewish newspapers in the country, but law requiring employers to give she has given it soul and appeal to a workers their preference for a - concerned readership. Her appeal that day of rest. Just as bad is our people do not lose the power emanating Republican senator, Phil Gramm" from an occasional tear is impressive. It who recently said people w ilt° gives emphasis to the collective appeal, think the First Amendment that people neither forget how to cry nor grants anyone freedom from reli- abandon the ability to ,smile and to gion "is living in the wrong coun- laugh. , Burger doubts there is any validity left in'''Jefferson's metaphor about a wall separat Repudiating CIa!m ing church and state. The fears of Ii*:',Vhis Founded the Founders" about religious domination are "of far less con- On Christianity cern today," he said. Rehnquist wrote a 24-page dissent in the It is not surprising that advocacy of religious practices in schools and in pub- Alabama moment-of-silence case • in ,which yhe concluded the lic domains should remain an objective •inlitaphor "is based on bad his- in some quarters. There is a fundamen- tory talism that is self-repeating. The (and) should be frankly Church-State Separation Principle, is: and explicity abandoned." , often under attack. It needs defelym at Many people mistakenly think this country was founded all times. When some extremistplo so -far as on "Christian principles." They'd to claim this country-44e feunded on be right if they said that about , - try" - , ' • the colonies, but not the Robert Heard at this point listed L. length the manner in which those - whO were unbelievers in the Trinity were punished. The cruelties will be_ viewed as unbelievable when the actual barbarities in the name of Christianity were prac- ticed by fanatics in Colonial times. Chil- dren were among those tortured. There were whippings for the minutest acts which were judged as blasphemy. Then the interesting- essay. proceeds to define the blueprint of the Founding Fathers on the Separation ideal which has remained a guiding principle for this ,land but which is under constant attack neverthe- less. Heard thus outlines the historic blueprint: The Founders knew exactly what --they were doing. They wrote a blueprint for government in 1787 that with later amend- ments included not one reference to a Supreme Being but forbade government from passing any , George Washington law respecting the establishment of religion. We concluded a treaty (a law not reviewable by the Supreme Court) with Islamic Barbary pirates in 1797 in which appear these words: "... as the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian reli- gion." It was signed by George Washington and consented to unanimously by the Senate. Two of, the Founders.led the disoo , nn . • religious freedom, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. Madison wrote a 15-poifit re- monstrance against a proposal in 1784 to levy taxes in frglnia for / the support' of teachers of the , Christian religion: Christianity didn't need it, he said deftly in • point No. 6. To'say otherwise "is a contradiction to the Christian religion itself, for every page of it disavows a 'dependence on the powers of this world." A tax for Christianity would "foster in . those; who still reject it a suspi- don that its friends are too con- scious of its fallacies to trust it to its own merits." .. Robert' Heard wrote his essay for the legal profession. It has special merit for the entire nation. In its defense of the Church-State Separation 'ideal' it also warns against religious bigotries. It ele- vates faith above partisanship and is -therefore a strong rejection ,of the claiin that this nation was founded on Chris- tianity alone. Heard's essay is an in- structive lesson for all who are deter- mined always to act in defense of a basic American principle involving religion. , , t