er ,er my) ,vti 34 Friday, October 18, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ANALYSIS MIDNI1 JVIADNEr ,$) sci4 October 25, 7 pm•Midnight WIN A $1,000.00 SHOPPING SPREE CLOWN & MIME ENTERTAINMENT COMPLIMENTARY REFRESHMENTS FREE CARICATURES ORCHARD MALL Orchard Lake Rd. North of Maple • West Bloomfield Watch the center spread of THE JEWISH NEWS next week for SUPER MIDNIGHT MADNESS SAVINGS! The Morass Of Lebanon Needs Clear Distinctions BY HAROLD M. SCHULWEIS Contributing Editor A Talmudic source ques- tions the necessity for smear- ing the doors of the children of Israel with the blood of the lamb as recorded in Exodus. Purportedly it is to inform the angel of death that Jews reside in those marked homes and are to be passed over. But surely angels are wise enough to know which homes belong to the captors and which to the enslaved? The Talmud observes, "Once.the angel of destruction has been unleashed, it does not distin- guish between theinnocent • and the guilty, between foe and friend." Violence raises a dust of confusion. Violence, of the kind experienced around the hijacking and hostage-taking in Lebanon, is attended by a dangerous ignorance. If we learned anything from this chaos, it is to cultivate and cherish the power to differen- tiate. It is noteworthy that from the first benediction of our wakening daily services to the blessing at the end of the Sabbath, praise of the ability to distinguish between day and night, light and darkness, the holy and the profane are emphasized. At the Hebrew root of binah (understanding) lies bain (be- tween), the art of differentia- tion, unravelling the twisted, enmeshed cords of events. In the wake of the hijack- ing of Flight 847 anew bit of wisdom emerges maintaining that "terrorism is simply another form of warfare." It is argued that terrorism is to be understood as another in- strument in achieving one's political aims much as diplo- macy is said to be another way of doing, war. Once of- fered this adoption of terror into the repertoire of war, a whole set of immoral equiv- alences follows. Hijacker and soldier, terrorist and freedom fighter, hostages and de- tainers, Arafat and Sakharov are all cut out of the same cloth. With these false sym- metries, crucial distinctions are collapsed. Violent acts of all kinds may be casually sub- sumed under the rubric of warfare. Throwing distinc- tions to the wind, we reap morally dangerous and false equations. We are caught up in the cynical conclusion that "all's fair in love and war." Viewed as another form of warfare, terrorism is legit- imated. It is as if one were to proclaim cannibalism as another form of eating, or murder as another way of ex- ercising capital punishment, or maiming as another mode of doing surgery. Distinctions must be drawn. Terrorism is the, indis- criminate attack on the inno- cent h order to achieve political ends. The target of terrorism is not military per- sonnel or military =installa- tions. The targets are inno- cent civilians who are de- liberately intimidated, shocked, brutalized, demoralized, ter- rorized. For the sake of civil- ization, distinctioAs_or this order must be held and kept in mind The effort of some 0 equate the activity of th Irgun during the Britis Mandate with the hijackers of Hezbolleh is dangerously misleading. The Irgun at- If we leat'ned anything from the chaos of the hostage-taking in Lebanon, it is to cultivate and cherish the power to differentiate. tacked British military and administrative buildings, not children's playgrounds. The Irgun sent warnings to those occupied booby-trapped buildings, some of which, as in the case'of the King David Hotel, were tragically ig- nored. Distinctions must be pre- served. Terrorism must be condemned as an abomina- tion contaminating the ele- mental order of civilized behavior. Terrorism must be condemned whatever its source, whatever its motive. Whether the bomb be placed in an Arab village or a Jewish market, whether it be tossed into a mosque, church or synagogue, whether its' no- dyes be protest or rev:, ge, whether it be condo , • by or the Falangists, Hez J.D.L., such ' ' discriminate attacks on in ocent by- standers must be unam- ,biguOusly conde s ed and punished. Distinctions are necessary if we are to avoid the panic of moral anarchy. Frustration may be understood, but frustration. is not justifica- tion. The passion of ven- geance may be understood, but its behavior is not to be condoned. The right to de- fend one's self and one's peo- ple against the pursuer is obligatory, but the slaughter of innocents on the grounds that they might be tempted to join the terrorists is not pre-emption but premed- itated murder. Distinctions must be drawn: Shiite detainees are not American hostages. The Shiites were armed with weapons and iMplicated in the back-stabbing attacks upon Israeli soldiers under orders to retreat from Leb- •