is a 1 ! ' aHT i'V/111 C If THEI DitROIT`JEW*NO;NS - 22 Friday, Octet:d 11';1985' FIND It NEWS L IN THE CHARTER HOUSE' NAIR SNOPPE Researchers Claim AIDS Breakthrough •CONFIDENTIALLY PRIVATE CONSULTATION • CUSTOM HAIR PIECES FOR MEN •HAIR CUTTING & STYLING SALES SERVICE REPAIRS CALL 29185 NORTHWESTERN HWY SFLD APT 353-7733 MAr feature ... "Look and live like you never lost your hair" Man 1211 LE194.‘9 414: 11# . COLONY INTERIORS friw _ Sugar Tree Plaza 114 ' at Maple & Orchard Lk. Rd. 5 HAIR STYLISTS TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR PIECE AT ALL TIMES! Prof. Bornstein says that or- ganic, THF has beeh adminis- tered to some 100 patients in Is- rael since 1975, including two AIDS victims, with generally positive results., But he stresses that no con- trolled study has yet been made, owing to the insufficient number of potential; AIM-patients avail- able in Israel. Prof. Bornstein says of the two AIDS cases studied in Israel, one, a 20-year-old male has par- tially recovered: his itnmune de-, the first such case known. This victims was in the early stages of AIDS,. Which he had ac- quired from blocid received from abroad to treat hemophilia. He was given,* biological THF, not the syhtlietiClind, and has since been,discharged from the BellinsonfHOspitidek! Tel Aviv (JTA) — Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot last week claimed a breakthrough in the battle against the killer disease AIDS (Acquired Immune Dek ciency Syndrome). The new de- velopment involves the isolation and synthesization of a hormone linked with the immunological process. Prof. Natan Trainin, a cancer researcher in the institute's cel- lular biology department; has been working on cancer and im- munology research for the Past 20 years and dealing' with a hormon known as THF (Thymus Hymoral Factor) found naturally in minute quantities in the Thymus gland. The hormone was synthesized some six &Tiths . ago by Prof. Yigal Bornstein, who has >been working with Trainin for the past seven years: 00000000000411 00000 626..1999 (xxxXIMIQQ412(104 00 GETTING MARRIED MADE EASY All your plans don't have to be filled with difficult decisions. At Topper's we Make getting married easy. Our selection of loose diamonds, engagement rings, and wedding.bands is the largest, most exciting you've ever seen. Out 100% satisfaction guaran- tee gives you the confidence you need in making this most important purchase. Make it easy on yourself, shop and save at Tapper's. r. Soviet Jewry Protests Mar Gorbachev Visit,„ IT'SSMART TO-SHOP FIT TAPPER'S ,AND AVE! Paris (JTA)• — Tens of , who keeps it brethren prisoner thousands of Parisian Jews and •end vibe 'depriiiil tthem of their non-Jews marched through the basic "righte.PiEtilf !delegation steets and attended4 &Wildly: `spokesman saitLelp;',/, Gorbachev passed the delega- in behalf of Soviet Jews last week Prior to the official visit to Paris tiunif,in liettet -agT showed no by.s.Soviet. leader Mikhail Gor- • sign of having' seen the upright bachev. However, the French flag and its guards, of honor, who Government banned all R4blic ., all y101"§1 a 14geri:Wayid on 'their demonstrations during the fla t:- breast poclit'atir 1., : , .,,, de visits. ". a .- ilidli 14 ‘ .. -tniftlifiied : '.; 2 Pa447..... fig.E.0 plainclothes detectivee fanned out onam r along the routes GorbetheYstallg , ,Arlarthelt its,: Oar -dawn, hundreds, of iP4.1.- ' - r, , - 0 .'..f Soviet poster's put up by Jewish ew YorjE (JTA),.---- Yitzhak organizations and h tfinhni rights : . :ghNitiii 'i, DePitOrline Minister the visit,. however,, and :Foreign' Minister of Israel, gro D uuling- French political personalitiii re. stated categorically Sunday that of , : the position' bf 'did 'State of Israel lentlessly pressed ,the issue; , Soviet Jewry on Gorbachev, ,,r.e, : 7,!. S antheid, we ° u,th We eant i,c a lp 4 ar artri Ligai minding him at every opportunity : oppose racial discrimination' a" Salflgopenly before of the, , Western world's concern: lahtl:Weihave about fate. . taaver dared to governmentivie t I lar , g r .thi. Paris Mayor Jacques ChiraC, ,,. ubject," he , , ,,.. ::, and Prime Minister Laufeht s --(47.-7-1m Baia - v ....................... w ith Fabius, in separate meetings with Addressing a , group of civic the 'So et leader, L,*-cit ;1 PP.ecifi"'',.' leaders iiiidioVer- Ppient officials - dilly mentioned the SOviet're convened by the Jewish Com fuseniks. of. New iv .., pity,.Relati cin,pcnincil , m- Reportedly, Gorbachev gave' ne '. , York, Sharali Wetted that the indication that he had hear ct.1 i system 'Of' apaitheid 'could never At a wreath laying ceremony 4ozono at , , be acceptable to Israel because it the.** of Triompk,, of liStitiida.iivoii*ti6ii to its moral Aelegationi of war veteraila di:. plied their flags te :hoittor the principles. Shamir also . expressed his dis- Soviet leader. One flag duly;that appointment with the failure of Carried by a delegation of Jewish - the global Community to give war veterans, remained uprt 11 solving the We refused to salute the man- famine ravagingthe African con- ,'.F; ( :‘,- „t-,.41, ,tinent .which,,'"Inay :)e the most 'iinPortaneiiiterOnal problem after the peace issue." :03, M - '1'he..Foreign:Nliniater outlined . ._, . Israel's ,'eXtensiye programs of elori pca a n 1, i cooperation ivih tillo lac dk evAf The Jewish Coiiiihuititit tl cirs Detroit Soviet Jewry Com- infrafitrikturefor the production mittee (MC)_v)ll add a 4 1111 0ml.\ -- "f:1fIfoacif lltilizing.achievements in of trees to the Seliiet JeiirY 'Free-- ' agricidtitrarf,echnology and in- dont! Gitaii it' the Jeiviehltom- novative irrigation techniques . rdiiiistyeeter in cereinohies developed in Israel. slated for 4 p.m. . Sunday Shamir called on the countries *g. - 4 •'. i 'N 0,- this` . , 6; ,. *KrADISCOUNTO , ei., (Aifo(PRICS appealtat '*DilaniOnd trade in policy *Free, insurance WL,: . ! satisfaction guarantee Ask aboutout100% '- .,. -. , DSJC Adele To JCC Grove .„ ; , tfz, CASH ROUNDS Rule wi,E.;`,44! l ( Topper's has the right giftior MON.-59T. 10:00-5:45 •'• . If tee's b'nai mitzvot twinning pro- starving suffering men, women • and children!' gram.