THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 20, 1985 sian Belvedere of 1889, a similar spectacle could be observed: the barren hills of the Judean desert, the waters of the Dead Sea glint- ing 3,900 feet below, and, on the horizon, the mauve mountains of Moab, among them Mount Nebo, from which Moses looked across the Jordan valley to this very crest, the guardian of a Jerusalem he was never to see. Beyond the city walls, 1898 saw the consecration of the Ang- lican Collegiate Church of St. George, and the foundation of the American Colony Photographic Department by Elijah Meyers, a Jew from India who had con- verted to Christianity, and Fred- erick Vester, a German Protes- tant born in Jerusalem of mis- sionary parents. That same year, the first bicycle was seen in the city — being pedalled courage- ously along the Jaffa road. The Kaiser's entry into Jerusalem took place on 29 Oc- tober 1898. A hundred photo- graphs, professional and amateur, recorded the scene: William, mounted on a black charger, wearing white ceremo- nial uniform, his helmet sur- mounted by a burnished gold eagle. "Revolting," wrote the mother of the Russian Tsar. "All done out of sheer vanity, so as to be talked about." The whole visit, she wrote, "perfectly ridiculous, and has no trace of religious feel- ing — disgusting." For the Kaiser, however, the entry into Jerusalem was more than theatrical: more even than a display of German power. "The thought," he wrote in' a letter to the Tsar, "that His feet trod the same ground is most stirring to one's heart, and makes it beat faster and more fervently." Theodor Herzl's heart had also beaten faster, at the thought of putting the case for Zionism to the Kaiser personally, and in Jerusalem itself. But at first he and his delegation were denied an audience. Herzl fumed; changed hotels to be nearer the Jaffa Gate; watched from his hotel window as the Kaiser entered the city, through the Jewish and then the Turkish "triumphal" arches. While awaiting word that he could speak to the Kaiser, Herzl explored Jerusalem. "When I re- member thee in days to come, 0 Jerusalem" he wrote in his di- ary, "It will not be with delight," and he went on to explain: "The musty deposits of two thousand years of inhumanity, intolerance and foulness lie in your reeking alleys. The one man who has been present here all this while, the lovable dreamer of Nazareth, has done nothing but help in- crease the hate." Herzl added: "If Jerusalem is ever ours, and if I were still able to do anything about it, I would begin by cleaning it up. I would clear out everything that is not sacred, set up workers' houses beyond the city, empty and tear down the filthy rat-holes, burn all the non-sacred ruins, and put the . bazaars elsewhere. Then, retaining as much of the old architectural style as possible, I would build an airy, comfortable, properly sewered, brand new city around the Holy Places." Thereupon, Gilbert gives this ac- count of the meeting between the foun- der of the political Zionist movement and the German Kaiser: On 1 November 1898 Herzl wrote in his dairy: "We have been to the Wailing Wall. Any deep emotion is rendered im- possible by the hideous, misera- ble, scrambling beggary pervad- ing the place. At least such was the case, yesterday evening and this morning, when we were there. We inspected a Jewish hospital today. Misery and squalor. Nevertheless I was ob- liged, for appearance sake, to tes- tify in the visitors' book to its cleanliness. This is how lies originate." The meeting between the Zionist leaders and the Kaiser took place on 2 November 1898, at the Imperial tent. "The Kaiser awaited us there" Herzl noted, "in grey colonial uniform, veiled helmet on his head, brown gloves, and holding — oddly enough — a riding crop in his right hand. I halted a few paces before the entrance and bowed. The Kaiser held out his hand to me very affably as I came in." During the course of their dis- cussion, Herzl noted in his diary, "I managed to allude to my idea for restricting the old city to humanitarian institutions, clean- ing it up, and building a New Jerusalem which could be viewed from the Mount of Olives as Rome from the Gianicolo." During the audience between the Kaiser and Herzl, Herd was emphatic that the Zionists could find and develop the water needed to modernize Palestine. "It will cost millions," Herzl told the Kaiser, "but it will produce millions." "Well," the Kaiser re- plied jovially, tapping his boot with his riding crop, "you have plenty of money, more than all of us." In the heat of a Jerusalem morning Herzl did not argue against this view of Jewish wealth; he spoke instead of "what could be done with the water power of the Jordan," to the Kaiser's evident approval. The audience was then at an end. On the following day Herzl wrote the final diary entry of his Jerusalem visit; "I am firmly convinced that a splendid New Jerusalem can be built outside the old city walls," he confided. "The old Jerusalem would still remain Lourdes and Mecca and Yerushalayim. A very lovely beautiful town could arise at its side." Herzl was never to see his dream: he died eight years later, at the age of 42. But Jerusalem, already transformed, already showing so many of the signs of a modern city, was now an integral nart of the political conflicts and notional longings of the new century. Jew, Arab and Euro- pean, Christian and Muslim, in- habitant and visitor, had built up the city, and given it its char- acter. None were to find it per- fect each was to seek to change it; few were to leave it in peace; but all were to cherish its golden glow. It is not surprising that the Kaiser should have resorted to "Jewish wealth," a standard non-Jewish misconception which often created delusions that Jews had enough money to buy up whatever existed in Palestine. It was a negation of the actualities, of the ever-struggling Zionist campaigning for financial success because the wealthy limited their sup- port to the philanthropic aspects. While the charitable concerns of Baron Maurice de Hirsch and the Rothschild and Mon- tefiore families are accounted for, they were limited to the needy and to the new settlers, especially from Russia, and not for state-building. Problematically, occurrences of major importance in the Jerusalem his- tory include the missionary threats and the immigration restrictions imposed especially on Jews by the Ottoman power ruling the Holy City. Chief among the missionary prop- agators who actually conducted the pro- selytizing was British Consul James 15 Finn. Truly distressing accounts related about him have direct relevance tc the present, in view of the movement, mini- mal as it may be, organized to fight al- leged missionary efforts in Israel. There was an American presence that negated the malicious that domi- nated the missionary movements. United States Consul Edwin Sherman Wallace emerges in Gilbert's Jerusalem as a re- sister to the proselytizers and as a friend who understood the Jews and their role in the Holy Land. For example, in a comment on archeological findings, he wrote: The residences are smell, ill yentilated and poorly lighted. In the poorer Jewish quarters hu- manity has not breathing-room, and apparently does not desire it. I have found ten persons sleeping on one small room with every door and window tightly closed; it was a room to be looked into for curiosity, but not to be entered voluntarily. U.S. Consul Wallace gained an in- Continued on next page The Kaiser leaves a Jerusalem church during his 1898 visit.