' '''-'3"`"7"=* '' ''''''''''''*'-""--* '''''' ' .. '*''' • --`.; IRSZAWK t' . . . . . . , ••• ■ -...."74,4*.y.4.4440.44.1........-.....- ............-,.......................,..,,........................,_,............- ..............................-4.- -.vs. ''''.. -.7:— ', ',:. 4.41 , tfichtT.Oe '4,', t ta ",,r;"4-M4411r ....,1". ''''' '32.1Mar--41 ,- - . - .10.*.xetwrall. .-" *.•,..r.. - ...:rr .;:z *, -**,,,, '•.. -- -",- ...gr -....--,41,, ,,,,, r- ••••••• '''''' -*"""'''''' - ''''''''''-=4F .. . " . ._. "'"'" ''' ''' '''''''''"'""....••• -... - •'.r.................--..--....-,4 ■ --4r."•,‘-'r•-ryAr+4iw,•••••4. ' . . . ... . ... . ........-....----..,,.,. ONIIIIIIIINIallikt (.111ber 13, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1B 4 FROM THE RABBIS mi The Decree Is Inscribed And . - Then It Is sealed We Are Proud To Announce The Addition Of Great EASY r•r,ACK RIBS BY RABBI HAROLD M. SCHULWEIS MADE WIM OUR OWN SECRET BARBECUE SAUCE! TO OUR MENU TO INTRODUCE YOU TO OUR RIBS, WE WILL GIVE A Contributing Editor blasphemes. He who prays, •"Thou unfoldest the records, and the deeds therein inscribed ,'may my wife who has con - ceived give birth to a male,' tell their own story for lo, the prays oohshly and irrever- seal of every man's hand is set ently" (T.• Berachoth 60a). thereto...' •All of which is to teach that Expires Sept. 21, 1985 "On New Year's Day the in our world time is irrever- decree is inscribed and on the sible. One cannot pray against Day of Atonement it is sealed, the grain of nature. One cannot how many shall pass away and pray for anything whatsoever. how many shall be born; who Prayer requires wisdo or else shall live and who shall die..." it degenerates into theurgy. Netaneh Tokef is an The Luncheon Doily from 11 o m Dinner Mon.-Thurs. tI 10:30 p m , Fri. & Sot. til 11:30 p.m There are moral, logical and awesome prayer, set to moving phys limits to prayer. How are melody, recited on the first and we to distinguish the amoral West Bloomfield second days of Rosh Hashanah facts of nature which are and on Yom Kippur. "...who by neither punishments nor -46.14-4 ■ 01.- Ar°101•4' *44.41%-p- sword and who by beast; who rewards, from those events by hunger and who by thirst..." which we experience as moral Advertising in The Jewish News Gets Results However poignant, it remains judgements? for many worshippers a troubl- Place Your Ad Today. Call 354-6060 ing passage whose text is ensnared in the web of a fateful The "Netaneh determinism. Is it God who issues such severe decrees, Tokef' is an. punishing by earthquake and awesome prayer, set by plaque? The imagery runs counter to to 71101) ing melody . . . everytmng we have been taught about Judaism: its in In one important sense all sistence on the competence of events in nature may be trac- men and women to choose, the - dignity Of Milian free will and • ed back • to one God who creates all, heaven and earth, the character of a compas- light and darkness, good and sionate God. Literally read, the evil (Isaiah 45). In the sense prayer is a stumbling block to that God is the ground of the those who reject the notion of universe, the source of Crea- a preordained universe filled tion, all energies are originated with human automata, ciphers in Elohim. Every power, for blown in the wind by the good or for bad; depends upon breath of an inscrutable deity. the one God who alone creates. Nevertheless, the prayer has • But the God of creation does a hold on us. Its toughness not exhaust the character of resonates with much in our Divinity. There is more to God own lives. Behind its stark than being the author of all literalism, the prayer express; that is "given" -- earth, water, es an undeniable "reality prin- seed, sun. That which may be •ciple," There are areas in life, "taken," those energies which larger than we would wish, may be used to mold and shape over which we have little con- and form society out of the tro1.1There are catastrophes, "given" may be traced to God congenital, acquired, over as well, God as "Adonai." The which no freedom of will can be • "given" We: inherit is laden exercised. There are earth- with potentialities which can •quakes and hurricanes, ac- deseCrated. be sanctified : cidente Which c arefatilt-free, for The congenital, r"given" is Which'no moral blame can be neutral (Itcholl. In human •assigned. Unless we torture hand a ti* neutral can be con- :ourselves . with , masOChistic dese- secreted ("kodesh") guilt, these are events which crated ("chilul"): Whether peo- are "given," not chosen.; "By dint of force we are born and. pie die by sword or suffocation, N- , PA 43 whether " their lives are • dis- by dint of force we ,die" (Ethics: turbed by violence or pollution, of the Fathers). We who are which people die of hunger and born do nOt Cheese the angel of :;• .'x' r .' ., /J . . .j. 1; coaception, we who die do not thirat,. is not :.foreordained by choose. the :angel. of death. God, but ordained by nations. women are not , free • Lawyers may call such catas-i Men RESTAURANT LIPATESS trOphic events "acts of God," from conditions.' There are 548-1111 or, 541-2888, - 13821 11/4 MILE:RD. • Oak Park.'. • LA but' 'there is a rabbinic eiients:in:,whicb:,*e^ara but clay i, , ?,`,fi .'i, 4.' , i , :i;.i;;;,. the hand ei of tbifpOtter; but „ which sees such events quite '-.' , r'.' 0 ,-:',•i• " differently. "It would be not all Sitiatiiiiikken4er,Us im- ','. ,:,, vit tustemers, , gives Friends ' .' e ,4 e'. ",,,? Wish Their . :4 ,,-:,;:;„, o., i ,3,z lb $V,,ere,tatele4a*da;a0t.tOprotat'. ; patent.. Thera.,afeInOnaents A iirri A and' Womaa ratlittt itatta beer When. wisdia# 410atek •. HEALTHY. ,, tinvo , 411 i euiee4piCuOt'all illoRiant.a. call 9114497bb•y nature pursues 1:1 is Otinlbouise1,4fL.:,Avodah: resigOtiO0-:. 13 •F iZatah 54b):, There are everits, `.:7,..,Not;,41',! -eVenPir . 7s, #4.4, 044,1- . • ........ . . .... • oz!,411gr;p0 folupOliinelits tpri . - a but * zatural, firfiet Sept. ef AI ' ay L , x , IfilLCIpse Sun.,' t y , .:± ' • . a lati6tsi Wlivitig, d nale. wi,:i.v.s- i. r..1 40, il..Ktr Ail ':• „ti prayliaifidtrtheir occurre Oiled ell Meg, 1,r4 xxiza , p!Faclox- • '1. •• 3r34041FYer bl'ma c." CiP iIy 3 ii 24, , "Be . . iept. ...A s :Orithe • ,. , tfilm . „ efAilIT iltalliek)atilliktetO who cries to Clod over that .... Fathers.. 7 , a • m • ' rtztA .1#100pegraphouppigfirept. 26,ill whith already passi3d; ON ALL RIB DINNERS! 00 REBATE $2 ANY HOUR! ANY DAY! BLOOMIES 626-1581 t, A 6560 Orchard Lake Road at Maple 1 . Tony Tocco And The Employees at • Potnte eir of Sterling Heights 977-3536 39909 Van Dyke Take Great Pleasure In Wishing Everyone A Very. Healthy. and Happy New Year , Barbara and ttan Snitz Family and Staff of • • :. •,•., ..." ', f ' ,;.... . r' :.. ,. - - - , j .: , ■ r ,,:, - .,. • Rid . v ,...., , , , p, „ , , • : .,. . . ...,. .... .... .-• f 4 ._ 4 " " . • . • . , . 71 • • —..."6.4,1/4.7.-"± P•ft.4.11•1• Her ** s LI • .