xst KATZ 'S liLeslictet3iuter dnsten 13731 W. Nine Mlle Rd. a 'THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 13,' 1985 83 _ . slim ...1"1 " " minim COUPON •••••• ■ •• ■ •31...... ill. DINING • I King of Corned Beef Oak Park's Finest'', 398-7200 ROOM Wishes Everyone A Healthy & Happy New 'Year , WE WILL BE OPEN THROUGHOUT THE HOLIDAYS as • ,, gone , from amusement to out- rage, depending on how ser' ously one takes this kind of nonsense. Among those who definitely were not amused was Allen Cohen, president of the Kosher Meat Dealers Associa- 1 tion. For the Pest 15 years, Mr. Cohen has waged a lonely, and 1 sometimes losing battle, to place 1 legal limitations on the indis- 1 p's*,-,)/ceeePelie, criminate ' use of the word 1 1osher.'. 19460 W.10 MILE r 1 Blk., E. of Evergreen 352-1466 "The wordls popular; the pro- OPEN 7 DAYS . . ducers of the dog food decided on BREAKFAST LUNCH — DINNER . it because their tests indicated I WISHING EVERYONE A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR I that people perceive it as-a I cleaner, more nutritious prod- uct. Placing , a label on a food I that implies, it's kosher is one AFTER 4 P.M. j thing; the k osher process is an, ANY DINNER AT REG. other it's. .involved, time- consuming,: and, not at all cheap. PRICE WITH PURCHASE "A kosher label requires the OF SECOND DINNER AT supervision of men trained; EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE I the necessary. Judaic rituals, Exialre Seat4 - 30, 1985 wirmum mir r e and can only be used on foods ••• e>•o um ••• ••• ••• 11. 1.• prepared in accordance with Jewish law. So a lOt of food pro- LOCATED .1N THE ducers try for the name without NNE LAKE MALL c lt the game; theY place 'kosher 851-2770 style' labels on foods that Would not be allowed •in, back, door the . , of any self-respecting syna-, DINNER, $ 1 0 199 gogue. "New ,,York and California FOR TWO have lawa prohibiting the use of , 1 the term:. 'kosher style' on the Your choice of 5 entrees grounds that the term is decep NAPPY •. New' York Steak' tive. 'You can't be imitation NEW • 'Pasta PrirnaYircr' kosher of a little bit kosher,1 YEAR says Mr. Cohen. 'It's like being • Chicken Teriyaki a little bit pregnant.' Mr. Co. : • Whitefish hen's bitterness about the Rib- • 1/2 13rolle&ChiCken ject stems from his long fight to place egal sanctions on ,the Dinners indude: Salad, Vegetable, • .misuse of ,tha word. A bill was or Potato & Bread Basket . . . PLUS 2 GLASSES OF HOUSE WINE passed i the*lichigan Legisla- ; Coupon Expires 9-30-85 ture and signed into law by the governor, in 1966. But no , MON.• THUR . approPriation or means of 11"10PM OPEN FRI. & SAT enforcement followed; so unlike 11 , I lAM•121411D 7 DAYS . sun 4 PM PM other states, which take a firm I NIIIIIINNNINNININIINIIININNINIINNIIINHINNEINImmumnimmo stand on yiolations, Michigan lets the misuse, and the decep- tion, go unpunished, and the bepartment of Agriculture does FAMILY RESTAURANT nothing about the flouting of the •3041 COOLIDGE N. OF 9 MILE RD. • OAK PARK • 542-2799 law. OPEN.7 DAYS — MONDAY MU FRIDAY 6:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. "One interesting side note: SATURDAY 7 a.m.-9 p.m. The State Senator who intro- SUNDAY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. duced the kosher bill continued W i shing shing All Our Customers & Friends his fight for consumer reform: A Very Healthy & Happy New Year r some years later, he was elected I Mayor of Detroit." WE ALSO FEATURE DAILY LUNCH & DINNER SPECIALS Esther Shapiro's broadcast' of the day before had said ... "A 10% OFF OPP SENIOR CITIZENS AFTER 4 p.m. few weeks ago I commented on, some new .trends in the dog'food ...mmi.......g.,.......m..,.......=.....u. market, in which fancy spe- COUPON I - cialized brands are pushing or- dinary, low-cost pet foods off the shelves. You can buy high protein ,,dog food for the picky pups, low-cal for the fatties, and II , With This Coupdn'. . . After 4 p.m. if the government approves, a I Good 7Days A Week . . Pine In Only — No Carry Out I product containing birth 'tontroI I :..- - chemicals ' for frisky lady dogs. 1' • • BROILED. ..WHITEFISH w . /Pit. Now, out of hot little minds, of an advertising group, comes The latest — kosher dog foOk,,ac l 11..tHISII:NEookimice'?.;.621: cording to kiFertisi;nt f4ly zi Mother Klein's KO,sher, j0.41 1 0 vl ' ' ' . ' NEW.YORIC.STRIP)STEAK ilikif . : .10P. C. 1 :. Wit fic?P, 1 •,,r1) canned 'dok (Ood; iii, :the eves ,. • . 1 • .T....1.:.r 1 ,- ' . ' , of three ad nienand Ilia #0'' ;RR Ar,, -;.SHRIM P a noveltnntarltet ftng, Cominny.. jwi liANAE ill ri'ion S KE ,,..i,,,,o/Foidirietq cio 1.5 -' T Y V ,05, 1ENA i llti or c.;‘1;7 ' • - ' ' .T,''is 31(1:1 01 rook .; ?ipey , - eieu. 0 li C,i1SPiNACtIPIE.'s iwniki,ig JN 1 buying lareadk ' on e s' ger91 44 Continued on next page Illimamminsimmormiumoluassuummuswas EVENING DINNER SPECIAL in ONLY ° 4 P.m. ARMY! 7 DAYS A WEEK! ON OUR COMPLETE MENU • r MON.-THURS. 11-10 FRI. & SAT. 11-12 SUN. 12-10 • HAPPY NEW YEARI 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZENS (Not Good With Coupon) 1 COCKTAILS AND ( EXOTIC DRINKS) IORIENTAL CITY I nev omen 25298 GREENFIELD AT 10 MILE • OAK PARK owi-00w0 JN • ommenesimmem.... 7czninni r r ExPires - 85 POIVIEROY iS • SEAFOOD • RESTAURANT Specializing In Best Quality Seafood DINNER FOR 2 SPECIALS I MONDAY THRU THURSDAY SEPT.,9 TO SEPT. 12 2 FROGLEG DINNERS • I SauCeed In Butter . . . . • • 1. $12 n 2 BOSTON SCROD DINNERS . . . I UT' WEEKEND SPECIAL---FRI. MAINE LOBSTER 1 WHOLE INCLUDES:. 95 SEAFOOD CHOWDER, SALAD OR COLE SLAW, . POT. OR VEG.,•GARLIC BREAD • AND A SPECIAL DESSERT We Also Feature Dolly Lunch & Dinner Spec Monday' Thru Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 I p.m., Friday 11 a.m. to 10'p.m., Saturday 12 ' noon to 10 p.m. 569.3322 10% OFF SENIOR CITIZENS (except specials) [ • 29080 SOUTHFIELD RD. AT 12 MILE 1.. IN THE F & M PLAZA - IN HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL HE ARISTOCRAT , Featuring International ASIAN CUISINE The Perfect Setting For Your Afternoon Lunch In A Subdued, Elegant Dining Atmosphere Very Happily Wishes Its Fine Customers & Friends A Most Hearty and _Healthy New Year DOM: Toes.-lbms. 11 a.m.-11p.m. Fri. 11 a.m.-12 MK Sat 5 p.m.-12 MIL So. 4 O r 95 /4it"1.7100infi i 4 t Att *it Ali' 1NCtURFc`•' AiAo1RentrWitirkt . I & tit , SEPT. 13 & 14 , FOR I TWO! •;lc I INCLUDES; CHOICE OF SEAFOOD CHOWDER, SALAD OR COLE SLAW, CHOICE OF POT. OR VEG. & BREAD BASKET , HOENIX 2 "4143 i8hard Lake Rd. IgiB1 907041dilVII iv kilni4kji E MALL 5154 0 Banquet pelllties & I/ A