THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 13, 1985 47 YEAR IN REVIEW 5745 YEAR IN REVIEW Continued from Page 45 By Craig Terkowi tz October PERCY'S DEFEAT was heralded by Jewish lobbyists as one of their greatest political victories. With Charles Percy (above) off For- eign Relations and out of the Senate, Illinois' William Simon (below) is building on his Democratic following. MARSHALL BREGER, the Administration's Jewish liaison, came under intense criticism for his role in defending the President over Bitburg. King Hussein rejects Israel's offer for pleace talks . . . Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin begins discussions on Israel's withdawal from Lebanon . . . Abba Eban hosts PBS's most ambitious TV series, Heri- tage: Civilization and the Jews ... Former Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin has successful prostate surgery ... U.S. De- fense Minister Caspar Weinberger plans to visit Israel soon . . . The Allied Jewish Campaign holds its annual opening meeting and raises $7 million .. . Gov. Blanchard receives JNF's "Tree of Life" award .. . Detroit-based Nazi supporters stage a peaceful demonstration in Lansing . .. The Jewish Community Center and Jewish organizations sponsor the 33rd annual Book Fair . . . The Holocaust Memorial Center opens to the public . . . An Arab and a Jew oppose each other for 48th District Court seat . . . Racial slurs and swastikas appear on the walls of the Livonia Jewish Congre- gation ... Jewish News Editor Gary Rosenblatt wins 1984 Smolar Award for Excellence in North American Jewish Journalism in Public Affairs ... The Jewish Welfare Federation honors Samuel Frankel with the Butzel Award . . . National Con- ference of Christians and Jews condemns religious issues in an anti-Rep. Howard Wolpe campaign ... The American Jewish Committee awards Mandell Berman its first Cyrus Adler Distinguished Jewish Commu- nity Service Award . . . Temple Beth El's Rabbi Emeritus Richard C. Hertz is hon- ored by Israel Histadrui Campaign of Met- ropolitan Detroit ... Detroit-born pianist David Syme perforfris at Balfour Celebra- tion . November The only Macomb County synagogue, Beth Tephilath Moses in Mt. Clemens, is robbed ... Liv Ullman speaks for the Allied Jewish Campaign ... Carl Levin defeats Jack Lousma for a U.S. Senate seat .. . Howard Wolpe retains his House seat ... JNF elects Franklin J. Ellias president .. . Sister Ann Gillen addresses the Interfaith Plea for Soviet Jewry ... Judge Anna Diggs Taylor tells the City of Birmingham it cannot put a nativity scene in front of -city hall ... Israel and Lebanon begin talks on Israeli pullout ... Reagan crushes Mondale in Presidential election, despite American Jewish support for the Democrat. In other .key races, Percy is defeated in Illinois, Helms wins in North Carolina and Clarence NEW LEADER IN MOSCOW, Mikhail Gorbachev is seen as more modern than his Kremlin predecessors but just as tough in terms of policy. Continued on Page 49 P7M1:74:c4, 7 1,%,