24 Yrid4,-Atifitist •36;19eig -THE 1A140[T-144i Uiit; For some, like Oz, the kibbutz may end up being a sanctuary. For others, like the fictional Yonatan Lifshitz, it may be a straight Jacket. Israelis' Thrum Image Eroded In U.S., Scrys Oz American Jews' perception of Israel is becoming "slightly more sober and definitely less ecstatic," said Amos Oz. "When I lectured to Jews in the United States 10 years ago in the marvelous days of Golda Meir," he said, "I spoke before audiences that were devoutly loyal to Israel. Israel, right or wrong, they thought. This is not the case anymore." A decOe ago, said Oz, Americans believed in "the Israeli John Wayne, the Jewish Tarzan who toiled in the field of the kibbutz by day, made wild love in the evening and picked up his sub- machine gun and dashed out to smash the hostile Arabs before calling it a day. We are now left with a healthier realiza- tion of what Israelis are all about." A growing awareness of the complex- ities of the Middle Eastern situation has helped erode this myth of a new super race in the Holy Land. Israelis have done wonders with the land. They have made a nation out of a hodge-podge of immigrants. But they have not yet forged a peace. Oz is relieved that Americans haVe a new view of. Israelis. For one thing, it helps foster more realistic political solu- tions for the Middle East. And for another, American assumptions of the ever virile, never tiring Israeli is "a par- ticularly difficult bit to do every day and every evening and every night. There's hardly a niche for a touch of sleep in this schedule." — A.J.M. phrases and a forever dulling lack of ex- pectations. For Yonatan, not for Amos Oz, the kibbutz is not redeeming. For Yonatan, not for Amos Oz, it is not a place to which one flees, but from which one escapes. Yonatan Lifshitz shares center stage in Oz's new book, A Perfect Peace, with four other characters: Rimona, Yonatan's slow- witted wife; Yolek, his father, an aging Jeremiah of a Zionist leader; Hava, Yona- tan's mother, who can move from shrew- ness to shrewdness in an instant; and Azariah, a wanderer, who shows up at Yolek's door one night drenched and desperate, seeking a haven in a crazy and drifting world. In his last work, In The Land Of Israel, a masterful collection of diatribes, wailings and confusions about the Jewish State that came out of interviews Oz conducted from Dan to Beersheba, Oz charted the na- tional psyche of Israel. In A Perfect Peace, he is again exploring the same terrain. In both books, Oz assures us that for all its failings, for all its energies that can send it in a thousand directions at the same time, the Israeli temperament has a death- defying cohesion, one powered by an almost mystical centripetal force that carves some sense of nationality out of a wildly disparate set of citizens. The Yonatan of A Perfect Peace furtive- ly plans to leave the kibbutz where he was born 26 years ago and perhaps settle "in a rented room high up in a skyscraper in some foreign city — no doubt in America; no doubt in the Middle West of the movies..." He ends up fleeing not to the New World, but half-way to the ancient city of Petra, "the city half as old as time," in the Jordanian desert. Crossing the border in the middle of the night, Yonatan stumbles about in the dark, frightened by the wail of the jackals and the black shadows of nightbirds, half- hoping that bloodthirsty Atallah Bedouin would discover and kill him. The "perfect peace" of this death would "turn him into just another rock in the stony desert." He would be "without a single thought or longing; cold, inanimate and forever still." The death for which Yonatan so longs never comes. Yonatan panics in the Jor- danian night. Shooting his rifle wildly in every direction, he runs blindly back to the Israeli frontier. He eventually lives in the Negev with an eccentric prospector. Discovered by an old army buddy, he is taken back to the kibbutz. Yonatan returns to a kibbutz whose changes belie his notion that the place is static and stifling. Alliances have e affections have altered; valences have gone haywire. In the months before his tore, Yonatan bad befriended Math, do drifter in search of a home. He let him sleep in his living room. He played chess with him and listened to his long, ram- bling, often disjointed monologues about Israel and the Middle East and man and the universe in which he perpetually quoted Spinoza and incorrectly cited Jewish history. Like everyone else on the kibbutz, Yonatan was thoroughly bored by Azariah's soliloquies. When Yonatan returned, his Azariah was still in his home, but he was a different and wiser Azariah. He still loved to dis- course, but he was no longer boring. He was a workhorse in the tractor shed, which he now headed. He comforted others. And he strolled about the kibbutz with one arm around the waist of Yonatan's wife, Rimona, "his green eyes glinting with the unspoken arrogance of a male who has taken another male's female and might do it again any time he wants." Yonatan, Azariah and Rimona continue to share the bungalow. The men sleep in the living room and Rimona — now preg- nant, but by whom is unclear — sleeps in the bedroom. There is a strange conjugal contentment in the arrangement. Yonatan's mother, Hava, who before had few good words for her son or daugh- ter-in-law, is now doting and fiercely pro- tective; her husband, Yolek, after taking on Azariah as would a mentor, or, even, a father, is lapsing quickly into senility. He has been succeeded as kibbutz secretary by Srulik, a private and quiet man whose new authority gives him an inner stature he never had. It also makes him suddenly appealing to Hava, whose idea of romance seems to be to gravitate from power to power, from the declining power of her husband to the new, rising power of Srulik. Lurking behind all this is an allusive shadow from some 6,000 miles away: Ben- jamin Trotsky. Trotsky had left the kib- butz in 1939, six weeks before Yonatan was born and a few days after he had shot at Yolek, the kibbutz' bull and, finally, at himself. He was as good a marksman as he was a suitor of Hava. Trotsky moved to Miami and became a hotel tycoon. Over the years, he seems to enjoy sending oc- casional letters "in a strange-Hebrew" to the kibbutz claiming he was Yonatan's , real father. High above Park Avenue, with the noise of the hotel strikers still rising from below, Oz said that A Perfect Peace is a novel of triangles. "There is Rimona-Azariah- Yonatan. There used to be Trotsky-Yolek- Have. There is evolving a tiny triangle be- tween Hava, Yolek and Ikulik. But, of course, that has to be taken with a grain of salt," But even more than a book of triangles, A Perfect Peace is a book of Israel. It ex- pkges the jealousies that fester between