, 2 Friday, August 30, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ A Festival Season For The Newest In Jewish Calendars A French scholar, Joseph Justus Scaliger (1540-1609), writing in 1583, made the interesting comment: "The Jewish calendar is the most brilliant achievement of its kind." One would have to know the French language and delve into Scaliger's book De Emendatione Tem- porum for a fuller understanding of his compliment, written in an age when there was more prejudice than appreciation of Jewish values. Even without extended re- search of that viewpoint, the definition merits application to the current interest in calendars generally and the Jewish in particular. This is, indeed, the Jewish season for calendars and for an interest in them. There will be many Jewish calendars drawing special attention to their contents in the approaching month of the High Holy Days. One such calendar already received special attention on this page in an earlier issue' It is My Very Own Jewish Calendar: Phe Luach With Ruach, the Calendar with Character ( Kar-Ben Copies). Another special one just off the press is a splendidly illustrated and informative one entitled plainly The Jewish Calendar 1986, published by High Lauter Levin Associates. The notable paintings and religious ceremonial art collected for the illustrative section were secured from the Jewish Museum of the Jewish Theological Seminary. While the publishers of this calendar are based in New York, it is in- teresting to note that it was printed in Ja- pan. Is it because the very expensive re- productions, multicolored, can be repro- duced more cheaply in the Japanese print- ing establishment'? The fascinating illustrations include religiously-motivated paintings such as an ancient Israeli Basalt Double Altar and 19th Century rimonim (pomegranates) from Hakofot. Each month in the calendar has an illustration related to it. Candle lighting, a chart listing the holidays for a five-year period, the civic and other holidays are among the standard facts included here. The illustrative portion in itself is so enriching that this calendar immediately attracts specific attention as a product that will enrich the home wall on which it is hung. Much has been written and published on the subject of the Jewish calendar. Vol- umes are availble on the subject. Notably, the subject is treated with simplicity, yet with thoroughness in a book for young readers. Dr. Azriel Eisenberg, the well known educator who has a record of nearly five decades of leadership in Jewish educa- tional spheres, covered the subject, relat- ing to the civic, lunar and solar calendorial aspects, in The Story of the Jewish Calen- dar, which was published in 1958. Dr. Eisenberg's book lends itself for study by all peoples, all faiths, while the emphasis is primarily on the Jewish calen- dar. Written for children, readers of all ages will benefit from the information pre- sented in this volume. Season For Calendars On the subject of the Jewish calendar, Dr. Eisenberg wrote: The Jewish calendar is a com- bination of the moon and sun calendars. According to it, the months are fixed by the movement of the moon, and the days of the year by the movement of the sun. It is regulated so that it keeps up with the movement of the earth around the sun which, you will remember, determines the seasons of the year. Dr. Eisenberg's The Story of the Jewish Calendar invites wide attention and readership. The entire subject of the Jewish calendar is fascinating. As the famous interpreter of Jewish traditions and Halachah, Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch (1808-1888) wrote in Bet- rachtungen zum Judischen Kalendarjahr, "The Cathechism of the Jew is his calen- dar." Downtown Treasures: Sam's Cut Rate And The Opera House Dr. Azriel Eisenberg Jewish holidays come about 11 days earlier each year, but this is taken care of by the addition of a whole extra month approximately every third year. In this way, there are 30 days extra in the Jewish Leap Year to take care of the days that have been "lost" in the three years, just as there are 24 extra hours in the general Leap Year to take care of the time lost in the previous four years. By following this moon-sun calendar, the Jews keep their holi- days in the seasons called for by the Bible. Passover is always in the spring, even though it comes on a different day each year according to the general calendar. Why did the early Hebrew and Arabs base their calendar on the moon rather than the sun? We can't be sure, but it may have been be- cause they were originally a desert people who raised sheep for a liv- ing. As shepherds, they did not have to depend on the seasons when planting and harvesting are best, and when the sun is more im- portant than the moon. The moon changed regularly and often, and made a natural "clock" by which people could measure the passing of time. Farming people based their work calendar on the sun, as they still do (and that is why we have "daylight saving" time in the sum- mer). Hunting people, like the In- dians, and herding people, like the early Hebrews and Bedouins, based their work calendars on the moon. Deserts are always very hot during the daylight hours when the sun is highest, so the people of the desert usually move about dur- ing the evening and the night, and in the early morning hours. Both Jewish and Moslem holidays begin the night before (around sunset), per- haps because it is in the cool of the evening that people in the desert encampments wake up and start doing things. But the time came when the Jews were no longer wanderers in the des- ert. They settled down in the land of Canaan, some as farmers, and some as town-dwellers, doing the work that people who live in cities usually do. However, they had been following a moon calendar and their religion and festivals were based on it. But the farmers couldn't work according to the moon calendar, so the calendar was "regulated" for the farmers, and by catching up with the sun year they were also able to keep their holidays from shifting too far out of season, as the holidays still do today for those who follow the Moslem calendar. Letters to the Editor are worth study- ing. They often express viewpoints as in- spiring as newspaper editorials. On occa- sion, they revive interest in forgotten inci- dents in local and world history. One such reminder was incorporated in a letter published in the Detroit Free ily and their local leadership in business and community makes for an interesting story. The letter in the Free Press mentioned another Detroit landmark: the Detroit Opera House, which shared the same building as the Osnos' Cut Rate Store. Scores of Jewish functions were held there. One such gathering this writer recalls was organized in honor of Vladimir Jabotinsky, the mentor of Menachem Begin, whose name is recorded in Jewish history as the founder of the Revisionist Zionist move- ment and the staunch opponent of Chaim Weizmann. The meeting took place during the 1920s, the active period of early Zionist history when Jacob Miller, who later be- came the director of the Judea Insurance Company in Palestine, was executive di- rector of the Detroit Zionist Organization and the United Palestine Appeal. Jabotinsky was introduced to the gathering by another popular Detroit name, the late Louis Cohane. One cannot recall Cohane without including in this chapter of Detroit Jewish history of his widow, Regene Freund Cohane. Regene, who is now in her 65th year as an active law practitioner, in the beginning shared law offices with Louis. She was among the very active leaders in Jewish women's ranks. For a generation she was listed among the most talented women in Michi- gan. That she is still active in law serves as a welcome message for her many friends. It may be of interest to recall also that Louis Cohane became known as Michi- gan's leading "four-minute speaker," for his activites on behalf of the U.S. War Bonds campaigns. These historic events are recalled and deservedly glorified by a letter writer to the Detroit Free Press who is surely un- aware of the sensation he created in his invitation to recall a Downtown Detroit, Campus Martius experience. Max Osnos Volume Documents Mideast Conflict Vladimir Jabotinsky Press. Expressing chagrin over the planned demolition of a building on Mon- roe Street in Downtown Detroit, the letter to the Free Press referred to the old Sam's Cut Rate Store, with a comment that in the 49 years Sam's Cut Rate was functioning "every child of this city has shopped there at least once." This is a compliment to the founder of the firm, Sam Osnos; to his sons who were active in the business. They included Max Osnos, who was the first president of Sinai Hospital and one of the first chairmen of the Detroit Israel Bond Organization; and Herman Osnos, who, among other activi- ties, served as president of Pisgah Lodge of B'nai B'rith. This is one aspect of the letter that should not be overlooked. The Osnos fam- Co-edited by Walter Laqueur, the noted authoritative author of numerous works on the Middle East, and Barry Ru- bin, Senior Fellow in Middle East Studies at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies, the Israel-Arab Reader (Facts on File Publica- tions — Viking) retains its status as one of the most important documentaries on the Middle East. The fourth edition evidences a continuing significance in the gathered facts which provide the vitally needed in- formative source for a proper evaluation of what had occurred in the troubled area, from the pogroms in Russia in the 1880s and the founding of the Zionist movement until the Lebanese crisis of 1982. The fact that the documentaries he- rein commence with the "Bilu" movement in the 1880s and embrace every aspect of international occurrences affecting Zionism, the Jewish experiences during the Nazi era, the founding of Israel ele- vates The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documen- tary History of the Middle East Conflict to the status of a textbook for schools and study groups as well as the provider of pro- per information for statesmen of all calib- ers. The world's leading personalities, commencing with Theodor Herzl, includ- ing Winston Churchill, Gamal Abdel Nas- ser, Menachem Begin, Andrei Gromyko and many scores of others figure in the collected data incorporated in this impres- sive historiography. Continued on Page 20