THE DETRPIT JEWISH NEWS had received a complaint about Goldman's yarmulke from the court-martial prosecu- tor. "I feel the prosecutor simply did this as a personal retaliation," says Goldman, who points out that he testified at a simi- lar hearing a year earlier, before the same prosecutor. No harsh words were exchanged during the first encounter and there were no complaints about Goldman's yarmulke. In any event, the hospital commander, Col. Joseph Gregory, told Goldman that the yarmulke, which he had worn for two years as a Navy chaplain and three-and-a- half years as an Air Force psychologist without incident or complaint, was in vio- lation of Air Force Regulation. Specifical- ly, of Regulation 35-10, subsection 1-6(h) (2)(f) which requires that "headgear will not be worn...while indoors except by armed security personnel in the perfor- mance of their duties." Col. Gregory told Goldman that while he could not overlook the formal complaint, he would allow Goldman to continue wear- ing the yarmulke in the hospital, but no- where else on base. Goldman, though, felt compelled to ad- here to a higher authority. As an Orthodox Jew, he follows traditional law and custom which directs that the pious should keep their heads covered, not going "more than four paces" with the head uncovered out of modesty and "reverence for the Holy Presence." Goldman protested that the compromise would force him to violate his religious beliefs, but the commander was intransi gent. Finally, Col. Gregory withdrew the compromise offer, issued a formal repri- mand, and cancelled a recommendation that Goldman, who had a flawless record in the Air Force, be permitted to extend his active service. Goldman was also threatened with additional sanctions, in- eluding court-martial. He sued the Air Force on the ground that it was depriving him of his First Amendment religious rights, and he won. Judge Aubrey Robinson, in U.S. District Court in Washington, granted Goldman's request for a permanent injunction against the Air Force's enforcement of its yar- mulke prohibition. Goldman was honor- ably discharged in September, 1981, and now works in private practice. . , But the story doesn't end there. The Pentagon fought back. (A deputy at the Pentagon expressed surprise at the military's tenacity in pursuing the cm, noting that "the consomme seems to be that we would rather lose funding for the MX than have to accept yarmulkes.") the owing of 1983 , a three-judge panel of the! A.! Chu* Court of A.p& In Wash- lagton leeve rsedthelowercourtru1Wg. The court expressed some doubt over 'ill entagon's claim that by wearing a yarmulke on duty a military man would Impair discipline or morale, but it held that ra such military decisions "are entitled to deference from civilian authorities." The three judges ruled unanimously that "the free exercise (of religion) clause of the First Amendment guarantees both the freedom to believe and the freedom to act, but only the former is absolute." Nathan Lewin and David Butler, Wash- ington attorneys who have argued many cases on behalf of Orthodox Jewish rights, petitioned the Supreme Court on Gold- man's behalf to review the case. They con- tend that the -Air Force's pkohibition against .Goldman was an "unreasoned" Simcha Goldman wearing his yar- mulke: "I was acutely aware that it was me vs. the Air Force and I was disobeying an order." 'and "blatant deprivation of his most basic right" of religious freedom. "The Air Force is wholly circular," Lew- in maintains. "The reason why Captain Goldman can't wear this is because the Air Force says he can't wear it." Lewin feels the case, which will be heard this fall (the Court resumes October 7), could result in a landmark ruling because the Court never has directly ruled on to what extent, if any, the First Amend- ment's guarantee of religious freedom may be restricted by the military. Simcha Goldman, now 39, says that because he believed in it. Looking back, he calls the episode "a series of misunder- standings that show the inability of the military system to manage minority prac- tices in a fair way." On a personal level, he called the experience "useful" and says he has grown from it, by "overcoming the stress." He now works as a clinical psychologist at a Lubavitch-sponsored drug rehabilita- tion program in Los Angeles. And he wears a yarmulke at work. of course Goldman is not unique in wearing a yarmulke while on the job. Dov Loketch, national sales manager at World Wide Equipment Co. in Livonia, has worn the traditional head covering to work since his first day on the job." I really find that I get, more respect as a , person by practicing the principles that I beliefe in," Loketch says. * Herman Halon, a salesman at Factory Steel and Metal Supply, is another De- troiter who chooses to keep his head covered while at work, although he opts for a hat rather than a yarmulke. Halon notes a large number of employees• at the Jewish-owned supply firm are reli- giously observant and he says he had never had an adverse reaction from a customer. . Wearjng a yarmulke at work is far more . comMonplace in a city like New York, where the chairman of the prestigious in- vestment banking firm of Sanford Z. Bern- stein Inc. has worn a yarmulke for almost two years.. Bernstein, 59, became Ortho- dox several years ago, and while he did not change the name of his company, he had his own name legally changed last year to his Hebrew name, Zahnan Chaim Bern- stein. Wearing a yarmulke, he says, was a matter of personal religious conviction. "I wear it all of the time and I've gotten no reaction to it," he says. Ron Katz, a 23-year-old trader and one of 75 employees in Bernstein's firm, says he feels perfectly comfortable wearing a yarmulke at work and he's had no prob- lems. "But I have friends in cities like Cleveland where they say it's not as well accepted there. "I think it's primarily a matter of your personality and self-confidence, though," he adds, Katz also said that some Orthodox gra- duate students in business administration are advised not to wear their yarmulkes on job interviews with prestigious firms if they want the best chance of being hired. One Orthodox ambulance employee in New York almost lost his job because of his heroics. The employee was photo- graphed In a New York daily newspaper while sucreisfWly reviving a woman who was near *OW The dramatit photo showed 1g g;g iscaudke rather OAP his issalso6 mom est. But disci• pilaw solissma dkolleataids new re. -aside from having his name recognized in places as far away as Paris, he is no longer affected in his daily life by the case. There were some rocky times, though, when he was still in the Mr Force and he felt his every action was being scrutinized by his superiors. "I certainly made sure my shoes were polished, " is the way be puts it. "There were times I figured 'the hell with it,' There was a groat deal of prepare on me and I was acutely aware that it was me vs, the Mr Force and I was disobeys ggan order," But be says be pursued ttbbss case 1104 .0., Friday, August 23, 1985 45 Continued on Page 517 4 4 ' •