r. 38 Friday, August 16, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS O FOM EQUINOX DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. , 3865 PARK • WEST BLOOMFIELD, MICHIGAN 48033 • HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT/REVIEW • MANAGEMENT AND MEDICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS • CONSULTING • 363-7243 AARN D. ROSEN The Workmen's Circle & Sho lem Aleichem Institute Jewish Community Council Sarah K, Gold Philanthropic Fund, United Jewish Charities PRESENT THE 7th ANNUAL 00"1111 CPAr tlif 4 4' In 000porallon with fho City of Oak Park.' , PILATURI IWO P A Jewish Women's Roles In U.S. Politics Increase BY BEN OALLOB Women are moving into Um of elective political power induding in the United Jewish women, but the pace le slow, A report in a recent isms of Women's World, the publication of B'nai Frith Women, noted that, in 1073, there were no women Governor., Currently, Kentucky and Vermont have women Go vernors and the Gov- ernor of Vermont is the first Jewish woman Governor in American history — Madeleine Kunin, Five women are second in command as Lieutenant Gover- nors and, again, one is a Jewish woman — Missouri Lefutenant Governor Harriet Wood., The report asserted that both are representative of a trend which started in the early CANTOR HAROLD ORBACH MACK PITT & HIS ORCHESTRA Sunday, August 18 1 1985 3:30 pm Shepherd Parkin Oak Park Rot Please brims choirs or blankets for your comfort No admission charge I IN o Inotrumontol male Or U maw k 11 NNW to Ma MON' v ma** cony INNIIIIPMWOOMI0141111101WICIIIIOMVION In* TN Onnt.1111160/800111161OWN00. OlIO0 Olaf Mir (000011101 Of 1,010 t ONION WINOS Of WOW. 1970.; when the feminist movement began to take form, In 1973, there were 426 women in State legislaturee and at pre• sent there are 1,067, including a number of Jewish women, Kunin described it as "a very slow and cautious revolution," She added that 'the real surge is going to come from State 14islatures and thaCs where a 14 of (feminine) talent and Ail, sty i. being groomed," Woods said she had seen "a growth and development in poli- tics and women emerging from the back seat role of working on campaigns, licking envelopes "You cannot assume any automatic support from my gen- der," said Kunin, "Just because I am a woman does not mean that I automatically get the of women," She said she bu eirvId there is "a lot of willingnese to not look at gender as a' factor, but to look at you for the Job you can do and that "You cannot assume any automatic support for my gender, Just becaue I am a woman does not mean that I automatically get the support of women," is what you really want to achieve According to the report, Woods is considered by some ob- servers to be a possible condi• date for the seat being vacated by Ben, Thomas Bagleton in 1986, In response, she said she had never "made it a secret that I would love to be in the US, Senate some day, Dot right now I'm concentrating" on being and doing the canvassing, to Lieutenant Governor, "to COB , more prominent roles where tinue the work that I have done they are winning seat. in Legis' in bringing government closer to latures and the Congress in the yowl* and making it more greater numbers," row nsivo to people's floods," Seth women served in their State Legislature., Kunin was active in the Vermont Legisla- ture for six years, during which she served as Democratic Whip and chairperson of the House Appropriations Committee be, fore she was elected twig* as Lieutenant Governor, Woods was a member of her local City - Council for eight years, serving on the Missouri resident of the Mormon Universit y State Transportation Coma* , in a IVf sip') and that* Highway Com- mission before becoming State yor Teddy Kol• t Nora wouic Watch* in WV, A/Airily in thi in 1982, each ran against IS DP ar incumbents MO Jot, 4414'000011 foNliff, it is On popular popul ran for 43,ovoraor and twit the iiebrem W994# fp; the Saaata, The AD M t sionoto JO P rom thake • ' • • • UNNv KAM* ltrra Nowsamosie * lerounium 4 0 : 0 wu il fi tosi omoo wi n f he phoigod . ;FP M • yV "MA JO 41 , , , rr ,•1 I t • . p-re,mrt . • • fill " .. tirr • • • . , , 0 P9rwrry / , 1' / I v ,rir,715 • or jrt.,. v rri v v , • Marl r f -•.-.,tio . rt5 j„ r,,p 1 rlyv.i.it