14 Friday, August 16, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Jewish people will split apart within decades into two hostile groups who are unable or unwilling to marry each other. Unless we act now. IN there be one Jewish people by the year 2000?" Until recently, this question would have been dismissed as mis- chievous. The normal, ongoing social dynamics of the Jewish community worked to keep us one people. From time to time, divjsive actions by militants from different groups have threatened to disrupt the unity, but "We Are One" appeared to most BY JRVING GREENBERG Special to the 4leioleh News Jews to be as eternal and solid a truth as the ageless hills. There has been a decisive chal- lenge to this truth in the past twenty years, though. The pattern of current demographic change and negative social interaction is leading to grim consequences. If sociological forces are left to operate unchecked, within decades, the Jewish people will split apart into two, mutually divided, hostile groups who are un- able or unwilling to- marry each other. It will take determined, con- tinuous action to reverse the combi- nation of demographic trends, par- ticularly in the areas of conversion, patrilineal descent' and mamzerim (halachically illegitimate children), that is creating this disaster for Jewish survival. (See Sidebar) •