2 Friday„August 9, 1985 THE_RETRO1T JEWISH _NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Death Penalty Dispute: Commentator's Opposition to Capital Punishment Three teen-age Arabs, their minds poisoned by hatred for Israel, are charged with murdering two Jewish teachers in their northern Israel neighborhood. Immediately a demand arose that Israeli institute the death penalty for terrorists. Prominent mem- bers of the Israel government were among the endorsers of the proposal which would negate an established pol- icy to avoid it. The clamoring continues. Inhuman atrocities suffered everywhere have often aroused similar demands to make the death penalty a policy that has constantly been rejected in Michigan. It is reasonable to believe, on the basis of Israeli and Michigan experi- ences, that capital punishment will not become the means for retribution in both areas. In Israel, the execution of Adolf Eichmann, arch Nazi criminal, remains others from resorting to unspeakable crimes? The established Jewish principles re- ject endorsement of official, state- approved murder as a countering means of punishing crime. The very idea of death as a penalty has been debated — and rejected. It has never never gained approval in Michigan. Governor Fred W. Green vetoed such legislative action in 1929. It is this Commentator's anticipa- tion that all future Governors will refuse to abandon a policy that has set the Michigan ideal as a highly principled guideline for the entire nation. It is also exempary for the State of Israel. In an editorial on the subject in the then Detroit Jewish Chronicle, when this Commentator was its editor, in 1931, our views were presented after a thorough study of the painful subject. Your Com- mentator retains the conclusions he the only such penalty in the Jewish na- tion's current history. Michigan holds the longer record, 126 years, for rejection of proposals for institution of the death penalty. Peti- tions are constantly being circulated to place capital punishment on this state's ballots. If the established traditional attitudes here are a basis for judgment, the 126-year idealized sentiments may never be abandoned. Taking into account the repeated terrorist acts against Israel, is it to be- lieved that what three hate-invested teens committed can be ended with the death penalty threat? The very next week after their crime was committed, a suicide squad again resorted to terrorism as a means of destroying the state and nation they hate. Criminal acts continue in Michigan. They horrify the civilized everywhere. Will death for some deter Sholem Asch And Christian Missionizing Sholem Asch, who rated among the most distinguished novelists of the 1930s through the 1950s, is in the limelight again with the republication of his trilogy on Christianity. Carroll & Graff Pub- lishers already issued the first volume The Nazarene. The last, Mary, will appear in the fall. Now the public's attention is again riveted on The Apostle, in which Sholem Asch depicted the life of St. Paul. • The Apostle was received widely as both a novel, history and biography when it was first published in 1943. It was a long-running best-seller. It also aroused controversy. Now issued as an 800-page paperback, the novel already has a previous record of 1,500,000 copies. It deals with the early history of Chris- tianity, while going into great length and detail in describing the Apostle who was the chief propagator and developer, if such terms can be used, of Christianity. It should be emphasized and accepted for its realism and the remarkable descrip- tions by the author of the major cities in which Paul was involved, especially Jerusalem, Rome, Antidch, Corinth and Athens. Because Paul preached in these among the many communities, these are valuable aspects in The Apostle. Because many aspects in the Roman Empire's numerous roles are depicted here, added significance thus is given to the Sholem Asch trilogy with emphasis currently on the life of Paul. But there was a particular challenge to Asch and his devotion to the Christian theme that needs recalling in dealing with the republished The Apostle. Chaim Lieberman, who was among the most prominent members of the Jewish Daily Forward editorial staff, was Asch's severest critic. He considered him a traitor to Jewish tradition. He accused him of being a missionary for Christianity among Jews. While he praised Asch as an eminent author who made notable contributions to literature, he viewed the Asch trilogy on Christianity as having "misrepresented, distorted and degraded" Jews and Judaism. In one of his books, The Christianity of Sholem Asch: An Appraisal from the Jewish Viewpoint, which was published by Philosophical Library in 1953, Lieberman dealt with Asch's Nazarene, The Apostle and Mary, as well as Moses, the treatment of which by Asch also was criticized. Dravang'upon historical references to Paul, Asch's hero in The Apostle, to prove Paul's enmity toward the Jews, and quot- , ing numerous condemnations of Paul and his role in Christianity, Lieberman thus assailed Asch: Nevertheless, Sholem Asch finds it possible to present this half-repudiated, half-castout fig- ure as the man who knew God best. To the Jews, this great traducer and destroyer of the Jewish reli- gion is presented as a faithful and pious Jew. Even as "the greatest Jewish patriot" (Christian Herald, Jan. 1944). Jewish patriot indeed! When the Jews rejected his obscure and gloomy doctrines, Paul shook his raiment and said unto them, "Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clear. From henceforth I will go unto the Gen- tiles" (Acts xviii, 4-7). It was in his lengthy review of Paulist views that Lieberman went into great de- tail to expose Paulism and to reject Asch's role as a defender of Paul by stating: Asch holds to his heart the man who was the first enemy of the Jews among the Christians, the first Jewish informer among the Gentiles, the first falsifier of Judaism to the Gentile world, the foe of Israel, and the foe of the To- rah. When among Christians everywhere in the world one hears or reads that Jews are a materialis- tic people devoid of spirit, a practi- cal people devoid of soul, the source is Paul. When in evil times Christians drag forth our Scrolls of the Law, dishonor them, rend them and burn them, it is owing to Paul, who taught them that the Torah is the quintessence of sin, the apotheosis of death. Sholem Asch attempts to in- sinuate Paul into the house of Is- rael through the backdoor of the English language, and at a time when in more enlightened and dis- criminating Christian circles Paul is being politely but firmly bowed out of house, church and faith. It is one of the remarkable paradoxes of all history that in one sense Paul is Christianity entire, and in an- other sense he is so clearly Chris- tianity's angel of death, that the demand has risen to dethrone him from the high place in which for many centuries he has ruled the Christian Church. Sholem Asch will unquestionably be retained in Jewish literary ranks among the moo noted literary masters. Neverthe- Sholem Asch j less, the controversies created by his Christologically-emphasized works cannot be ignored. Incidentally, Chaim Lieberman may have been the most religiously-observant member of the editorial staff of the For- ward. As such, his adamant treatment of Asch was especially understandable. • Asch's Opposition To Circumcision Rite While it is unrelated to the repub- lished novels by Asch which have been criticized as Christological, it is worth indicating that Asch was involved in the matter involving circumcision. He shared the views of the early leaders of Reform Judaism in Germany who opposed the practice, calling it in- human. That was the Sholem Asch opin- ion. While it is not overwhelming, the anti-circumcision element is heard from frequently. Noteworthy in recent weeks has been correspondence on the subject in the Jerusalem Post. One such letter writer, from Hempstead, England, con- ducts a campaign against circumcision when an anesthetic is not used. He also mildly opposed the ancient practice. This addendum may be of more than passing interest, both in relation to Sholem Asch as well as circumcision. reached 44 years ago and he wishes share them again with his readers: Capital Punishment An Editorial by Philip Slomovitz in the Detroit Jewish Chronicle, March 27, 1931 By quoting Jewish law it is easi possible to make out a case in fav of capital punishment. The endorseme given by many clergymen to the mov ment for the introduction in the State Michigan of the death penalty punishment for crime suggests t Shakespearean quotation: "The dev quoth scripture for his purpose. Preachers for the cause of the deat penalty can point, for instance, to the b blical "lex talionis," and in support their proposal might quote: "An eye f an eye, a tooth for a tooth." Or the might say that the Bible makes dea the wage of murder by quoting: "He wh smites a man and kills him shall Buret be put to death." But humanitarians and the trul religious must shudder at the ver thought of the proposal. It was a sour of deep disappointment and of amaz ment to have read editorial opinions our newspapers, and extracts from se mons in Christian churches by ministe speaking the word of God, advocatin legalized murder in civilized society. Rabbis in Israel have long ago, du ing the Talmudical period, modified th ancient laws of capital punishment an have rejected the death penalty. It is di ficult to think of a religious group, a vocating the ethical teachings of whic Jewry boasts, acting and believin otherwise. And it is even more difficul to understand how Christian preacher of loving kindness and mercy permi themselves to speak in support of inflic ing death upon a human being, even he has been found guilty of the mos heinous of crimes. There have been many interprets tions of the so-called Jewish law of retal iation, and if there are among the adv cates of capital punishment those wh refer to "lex talionis" in support of thei views, we deem it an obligation to pom out to them that as far as Jews are con cerned the cruel death penalty was Ion ago relegated to the realm of archeology We need only quote the opinion of tw great rabbis of old, Rabbi Akiba an Rabbi Tarphon, who said: "If we ha been members of the Beth Din then would never have been a death sen tence." In the latter days of the Jewis commonwealth, capital punishment wa a rare occurrence, and a statement s i be found in the Mishna stigmatizing con court as "murderous" because it demned to death more than one hums being in seven years. Rabbi Eleazer be Azariah, colleague of Rabbis Akiba an Tarphon, went a step further and app ► the same epithet to a court that execu more than one person in 70 years. The State of Michigan for a period o close to eighty-five years eliminate punishment by death for capital offenses preferring to align itself with th humane commonwealths who strive cure rather than kill criminals. 0 numerous occasions the best citizens this state have expressed their abhorr ence of a return to the death penalty. June 1929, Governor Fred W. Gres chose to veto the measure. To revert capital punishment now would m ea j that we refuse to subscribe to principles of socia l