Friday, August 9, 1 5 17 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The Detroit Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science JEWELRY APPRAISALS requests the pleasure of your company at a dinner honoring AT VERY REASONABLE RATES CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT the last of the presidential advisors who also served as links with the Jewish com- munity. At least seven pre- ceded them. In the F.D.R. White House, it was Samuel Rosenman and David Niles, who con- tinued on into the Truman years. Maxwell Rabb, who wab Eisnhower's assistant campaign manager, served as the President's assistant on a broad range of adminis- trative matters and also helped link the White House with the Jewish community. Ted Sorensen was Jack Ken- nedy's special counsel and in- formal liaison with American Jewry. Myer Feldman served as deputy special counsel to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. Harry McPherson, Johnson's special assistant and counsel, although not Jewish, served effectively as the President's liaison with the Jewish community, And Leonard Garment, who is Jewish, performed the func- tion for Nixon, "My own role," said Gar- ment, "was minimum wage in the sense that most of the actual work was done by Max Fisher (Detroiter and an official of the Republican National Jewish Coalition), although he wasn't in the government , It was part of a larger advisory job, There were other things that I did, basically in a domestic policy area, I had a range of rela- tionships in the administra- tion that made it possible for me to be more effective in this particular area," Garment, who was general counsel to Richard Nixon, feels that the liaison job should not be narrowly de- fined. Most of the people who have held the position agree."My concept of the job," said Garment, "is some- body who works very well with the presidential staff and with the President him• self, and therefore has func- tional access, whether it's di- rectly to the President or to the people who are involved in making polio' and soot, ins it from day to day. "It should be somebody who has other things to do so that he doesn't become a single issue obsessive whose effectiveness is increasingly limited because he's dip counted as someone repro . sentins a particular pop , "It should be somfoodY who has a double fonotion: to form of owe provide the coasually lads ai that Collnimit en oil pip 0 AA44, 1 1" Rol Igny OPC/ LAWRENCE M ALLAN President 0EMOLOOIST/OIAMONTOL0015 1 AWANDID CINTIFICATIL IV 01A IN ORAD040 EVALLIATION • 30400 Tel•graoh Road Suilif 104,134 Birmingham, Mo, 41010 (313) 64'l41176 10.010 Thum, , „ 10410 MN, , „ 104,00 Alminmonnommi ■ "IT'S THE LEASE inaugurating the Irwin Green Research Fund In Neurosciences at the Weizmann Institute of Science WE CAN DO FOR YOU" Capri Julie Budd quest artist Wednesday, the Fourth of September nineteen hundred eight five, six o'clock p,m, Hyatt Regency Hotel Dearborn, Michigan $250 per person LEASING CO. • • • • • No Down Payment FREE Loaners Provided FREE Pick-up & Delivery All Makes & Models Open & Closed End All You Do Is Cell Lee Roth 589.8900 28431 Southfield Lathrup VII., MI I low AAA members can protect this little number... ,s, 1/ 111111111.111 Green 'Twin Black Tie AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR THE WEIZMANN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - DETROIT COMMITTEE Norman !Wpm; Winn H ndmun 0urry1 I 0014buru, M 0 Mom H Ookirnan lintmer Boanrck Cluormun Irwin Oman Worn Prornnurgor Dowd 0, Hirmalin Clanial M. linniwnon UM. MAW Jostrob M. Jacobson, 0 0 li Ammo I. Jsdo Hitrwry Kimman Graham H Landau Logone Appintoon Minor, M ii0/11111111 Louis Dow/ Viwon Wary Hoban II, Dluomain evionno C. 'Noniron Hyoid IN Pansy lilurrionsloin Marlon' Gamin Paul Orman Soo Cilrin Dusan Pappas honny thoolan Jut* A Hotorroon Jug H. Lavy Eno Val* Lull Frodaulcir H Mall Milton Donny Horton 0, /grains Donna Prat* Alan I, Proomsn Loio Opoulor 'ro man WrIliarn /01 Moo I) 0 EINoli C &brow Yvon J ftilya, M 0 Guoon gosno,14 ()mod M. Otoward, 0 0 lisrry WWII Rad 6, Y Ai Pouf A4 ASO NicAsnl g ZuD4fman Edo! Milionitiol Esormiwo Outrun( WA WAIN 00(d0f 1 P d , Mot M 0 Word NOM Grew A, 000y Hdbort Z, Foldotoin Flom Mato Him Susan Bosun Susan livr Aisioranl Claude OWL 0,0. IRWIN MIN DINNER GENERAL CHAIRMEN Hoban Dorm* Ounial M Honlyman Paul Donn HONORARY CHAIRMEN Donato( Carl Lavin 14nroxstAu Hithrud H, Malin Hononkla Change L. Lavin Honorably handy' M. 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