11 , Ut:1 . 13-Th THE DETROiTOWISH NEWS 8 Friday, August 2, 1985 CALL NOW. ONE WEEK ONLY! NO DOWN PAYlvIENT or SECURITY DEPOSIT Free Service Loaners -,i t ZERO DOWN LpsiN a . - ; Minton OFFICE Introducing . FREE . . . a • Consultation in your office. • Delivery. Installation. For information call . . . ALL MAKE & MODELS ART FIELD STUDIO Across From Tel-12 Mall 2646 Coolidge Hwy. (S. of 12 Mile) 399-1320 or 399-1327 Berkley 355-1000 JOE BURGDORF G I Hrs. 9-5,Mon Sat : Lease Manager VISA 1.1.11 lips•amarearreeetestrzseeni With Approved Credit YouVesenre the very Best. You desSr* the service and care of the Professionals at Fox Formal Wear. NO matter what the occasion, we will. yourtuxedo needs to perfection. We offer such fine names as: LORD WEST'• BILL BLASS,• AFTER SIX YVES ST. LAURENT • DYNASTY COLLECTION and we guarantee the finest fit you'll find anywhere. GRAND OPENING OFFER Mention the Jewish News for a FREE HEM. Men's or Ladies'. No Obligation. Offer does not apply to Jeans, Cbrds, or Lined Pants. SHATNEZ FREE TUX'S AVAILABLE WE ARE NOT A DISCOUNT STORE, BUT BECAUSE WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS, WE WILL HONOR ANY VALID COMPETITOR'S OFFER. n't take chaties. LOCAL NEWS ART for your Jack Robinson TO Chair HMC Anniversary Event Jack A. Robinson, Perry Drug Stores chairman and chief executive officer, has been named general chairman of the Holocaust Memorial Center's first anniversary dinner. The appointment was an- nounced by Henry Dorfman, Holocaust Memorial Center board chairman. "The first anniversary marks a significant milestone for the memorial," said Dorfman, "and with Jack Robinson as dinner chairman, we know that the ceremonies and dinner marking this occasion will take on added importance in the community." The event will be held Nov. 3 at the Westin Hotel. Robinson said, "The entire community can be proud that it was the first and, indeed, the only community in the nation to have built a memorial exclu- sively dedicated to the Holocaust. "We are indebted to Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, Holocaust Memorial Center director, for his perseverance and commit- ment to make this memorial a reality. The Detroit community has once again proven itself to be Jack Robinson unique in the development of this significant institution. We plan to make the anniversary dinner a community-wide event while we sensitize the entire na- tion to, what can and must be done to promote awareness and consciousness to the story and lessons of the Holocaust." Rabbi Rosenzveig said that during the first nine months of operation, nearly 100,000 people have toured the HMC and more than 80 percent have been non- Jews. Dulzin Says Ethiopians Incited To Fight Halachah G 55741 26 X E D OALES R E N S 2 681.0iSOuthfield Id. (at 11 Mile) LathruisVillage Nr SOMETHNG I SPEC AL Ring sizing FREE for one week only! We will 'size your 14Ict or 18itt gold ring one size larger or one size smaller free of charge with this ad. Limit one per customer. John .. Darakpan Jewelers Advance Building Suite 300 • Greenfield at Nine Mile Rd. 557-0616 29100 Northwestern Highway at Franklin Rd. • Franklin Center Building. 356-7140 Franklin location open till 8:00 p.m. Thursday Prime Minister Shimon Peres, left, asks leaders of Ethiopian Jewish immigrants to be patient while awaiting a solution of their grievances from the chief rabbis. Jerusalem (JTA) — Jewish Agency Chairman Leon Dulzin accused "certain circles in Canada and in Chicago" of "in- citement" of Ethiopian immig- rants against Halachic require- ments laid down by the Israeli chief rabbinate. In a lengthy radio interview in Jerusalem, Dulzin said these cir- cles had in the past falsely maligned the State of Israel for ostensibly failing to bring the Ethiopians on aliya. And now these same circles were active in inciting the newcomers on the matter of the symbolic renewal of the covenant ceremony, he said. Dulzin praised the chief rabbis who, he said, had been sym- pathetic and responsible to Ethiopian sensibilities and had thus dispensed with the re- quirements of a symbolic recir- cumcision. (Recircumcision, through a drawing of a drop of blood, had been required of Cochin Indian Jewish immig- rants to Israel 25 years ago, Dul- zin noted.) Two chief • rabbis, Mordechai Eliahu and Avraham Shapiro, had ruled that the Ethiopians were fully and entirely Jewish for every Halachic p urpose (pub- lic prayer, burial, etc.) but if they wished to get married, they would have to undergo the very same examination of their Jewishness as every non-Israeli coming on aliya and wishing to marry is required to undergo.