62 Friday, July 19, 1985 s p,••••••V******40 414 • PHOTO PARTY FAVORS • • quality photography makes us the best choice for your party THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Send Someone Special a Gift 52 Weeks a Year. • Send a gift subscription to 1, PHOTOS BY OILS° FOCUS Ordeal Of A Jewish Hostage THE JEWISH NEWS! 1514765 357.5160 * •‘••*******••••iot 1, bruce m. webs for oil of your • Jugoogo repair nneedsr Jewelers 26325 Twelve Mlle Rd, Southeast corner Northwestern Behind Gabe's Fruits In The Mayfair Shops Mon,•13e1, 104;30 Thin, 10430 350.1424 SEXUAL THERAPY PROGRAM • Reduced interest e Premature Ejaculation e Sexual Communication Problems Orgasmic Problems •Impotence e General Lack of Sexual Fulfillment RON RICELPH,D. NATALIE MICE, 111,A, PROGRAM DIRECTORS humanistic 6284058 WNW' 32010 W, 13 MILE RD, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI, 440111 PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES, •i. • :CROSS PENS 40% Dour , COLOGNE SONY TV'S : • ivii KITCHEN AID: amp PHONE AIIRIMII plul.._//gl • • SE I K O WINES 1101.7 RUM NM • 1'111'11g' Jttillitt *MU • WATCHES NORELCO "Sim — rag SONY : • IP/ off • WV V • ELECTRIC SHAVERS s ir RCA Nu RECOVERS KODAK MUM I 120 •: OYES vino • MI" Pi le TAPES :OschR BRAUN'S OT 4 Iii, • • • it " 16076 Lincoln MY; Mlle) 908,0 68 *a, *to frl, VA 10, a 010 OM fallifirNilloll •••••• 411•••••••• • ■ : $1,0o 141:1)A I I: • TOWERS SUITE 111 r on o • gI4 CS •••••••••••••• Continued from Page 41 before him, and it couldn't be all that bad, It would soon be over, and at least his wife would be safe, Fear was replaced by suds den anger, not over losing his life, He was reconciled to that, But these people were taking something perhaps even more precious away — a future, "I had just married," says Herzberg, "I wanted a family, That's why I married, to have a wife and a family, What right did they have to take that from me," But the ten armed militia. men waving AK47s did not shoot, "Shamutaf" (Arabic for male whore) they shouted, waving Richard and four others into a waiting truck, The others were Jeffrey Ingalls of Virginia Beach, Virginia; Robert Brown of Stow, Massachusetts; Robert Trautmann of Laredo Texas; and a Greek national, Speeding off toward the terminal in the darkness, headlights off, the truck suds denly veered left, Just out• side the airport grounds, the truck came to a checkpoint, The driver flashed hie d• arette lighter, was allowed to pass, The headlights now went on, Five minutes later, Herzberg and the four others were ordered out, In the early dawn, the piteous squalor of Amal Village came into view, They were led to a bombed out structure, the first floor of which had a steel door, front and back, Inside, there was nothing but a bench and cockroaches, Upstairs was a second identical room, The building wee clearly a "hold. ing tank" designed for cap. Oyes, THE BUNKER Soo_ n i the four were put into a BMW and a rod Sods Ag, cord LE with a wool, Several armed mictiamen took down the sunroof and sped off through the sido• saes of "They were obviously in s great mood/ rzlleate Keno% l'hty Ans wen really r tsat, woe It I M tho - Iver hshion Apparel • ive Fashion Shows and AcceoPries a Total Image Seminar •Incentive Viscount Series Program NI NT*, he to, 9f 'unbars No 1 tour ainridem woo more Impor than the ' machinti• pr, of mon at the The ci)ylbluslil. MI *VIM On §ol , • 4 74' , •(4 rtf 14 .111101041i nilki 41114 e981Aa 104‘1914 An rir,14,-. W*4 VI r t-r-r PROPAGANDA AND INDOCTRINATION 7 Allyn Contuell,a spokesman for the hostages, frequently criticized Israel, white wooden garage door was marked by a circled fist emblem, After a short wait, it wiled, and they drove two flight. down, Instructed to close their eyes, they were then walked down a third flight to what the hostages would nklouune "the bunker," after Hitler's underground headquerters, By now, Richard was numb, "I had long ago con, sidered myself a dead man," recollect. Richard, "At this point nothing had changed, except I was not yet dead, And I had not slept for 24 hours, This bunker would be home for Herzberg and his come pardons for the next nine dz•VT ir Gook national was r four cloys PAW in a two s colleague of the lib jaank. sneeted in Greece) It sin spparen that wrwas in fact lorbion"ior many Lebanese, Clearly, the Americo; wore by comparison trestod ike golt"They wee impt In a sort of office, while the Lebow prisomm were in, amok' in Sokut's vats* 'tom ass," ,T0se width six tog n tbe 410wiese wsire y otan bj t gight, haioanas* •mkt be taw out, iod sonow sort MAW 00.0JURASSM I I I'l l Put was 1 the guard, ry ye war y i wi th *w • friffirierefilc 111 I birth, religion, Richard stuck to his Lutheran story, And when they interrogated another of the IOU" h ostages about the name "How*al," he told them that "berg" meant German ancestry, If it were Jewish, the spelling would be "burg," The jailers seemed to buy that, Nonstbe• less, Herzberg never confided to anyone — allies or enemies — that he wet anything but Lutheran, r, I, • r-* I r` oonOtion 4 work, Over t4 940i v4r nX4Iguee the woul4 wrong, And won* of pain IMP? tpr, 11,4041 prisonersoui41 ♦ Abilltir re From the beginning, the Americans know their stay In the bunko was part of the new pr opaganda pri they repre sented, "They want anted ed us to toll how well they treated us, to indoctrinate us, and have us to tell their mama to the world," ox, plain. Richard, The Wore in, fisted that they were not as sadistic as the hijackers, Richard remembers, They claimed they were 'normal people' like you and me who have tried for thirty year. to got their point across by every means they can ha , l &visa, w it hasn't many worked, And that If we were in their shoes, we would do the same thing, This type of thing would go on for an-tour or so every once in a while as they tried to indoctrinate us, The four hostage. were also shown crudelyproduced documentaries of Beirut car bombing. including the massive explosion that _ joutil andated hundrado, "May ono OS OS CAP Richardnifyingthwr in the Weeiftten Pest, that film was *Mt J sw bodies without mad AM/ and Mw, one pascal w Irbr: Yay oar to taatioat 4"4") OR we w ursito „gri