THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 5, 1985 The ubiquitous official photograph of Dr. Doe. Liberia's Head of State, Samuel K. Doe, met with our delegation in his office meeting with the ADL delegation in Monrovia, the capital city. He said his country's "bold step" in renewing diplo- matic relations with Israel in 1983 was met with "many negative reactions from the Arab world," including the deregistration of Liberian ships as well as negative votes at OAU meetings and in the United Nations. "But that has not hindered us because our decision is fundamentally cor- rect," he said. Political instability is the norm in West Africa, where tribal rivalries, economic decline, widespread official corruption and tenuous government control are constant problems. Nowhere in the region are these problems more evident than Liberia, a depressed and depressing country of two million, which is nevertheless of critical importance to the U.S, There are moral and historical reasons why Liberia receives the highest per capita U.S. aid of any African country (totaling about $80 million this year): the state was founded in 1847 by former American slaves who based their Constitution on America's and named their capital, Mon- rovia, after President James Monroe. The official language is English and the cur- rency is the U.S. dollar. But Liberia is also of strategic importance to the U.S., pro- viding Air Force and Navy base facilities, , the Voice of America base for Africa and the site of one of the five Omega tracking stations in the world, monitoring the movement of all ships and planes. Foreign Minister Eastman and other Liberian cabinet members expressed a love-hate relationship for the U.S., refer- ring to their country as "America's step- child." They had warmer words for Israel, which they said has been a good and loyal friend. Samuel K. Doe, a master sergeant, led a military coup in April, 1980, eliminating President William Tolbert, suspending the Constitution and imposing martial law. Doe has managed to maintain power for five years despite a series of attempted coups. In a meeting with the ADL delega- tion at the executive mansion in Monrovia, Africa's youngest leader defended his deci- sion to renew diplomatic ties with Israel and said he hoped other African leaders would follow suit. He pledged that his na- tion will soon return to civilian rule and he invited the visitors to attend the 1986 in- auguration of the next president following democratic elections in November. This is significant because Doe has been under strong American pressure to hold free and fair elections, which he has postponed several times since 1981. (One reason for the delay is that Doe, who has changed his official biography to make himself two years older, just turned 35 — according to the revised version — the minimum age requirement for president according to Liberia's new Constitution.) Doe has taken steps to make it difficult for other candidates to be eligible to run for president. The U.S. is currently debating foreign aid to Liberia and attempting to link continued heavy financial support to Doe holding free elections. Doe told the visitors he hoped they would "tell the truth" about Liberia and encourage an American Jewish economic mission to visit Liberia and discuss invest- ment possibilities. Ivory Coast, Liberia's neighbor to the east, is also scheduled to hold elections this year. A model of African political Continued on Page 18 Liberia's Executive Mansion is the most impressive building in Monrovia. Israel has official diplomatic relations with Liberia, as evidenced by Israeli Ambassador Gavrielli's car. 15