86 Friday, June 14, 1985 fJ FjE OFTEI0111 JEWISH NEWS The Family of the Late NEWS ADL Urges Censure Of Kansas Radio Station New York (JTA) — Nathan Perlmutter, director of the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL), has asked the Fed- eral Communications Commis- sion (FCC) to reconsider a deci- sion providing First Amendment free speech protection to a Kansas radio station that aired threats of violence and death against non- whites and Jews. OBITUARIES marnimm ■ Eugene Epstein - Eugene J. Epstein, founder and president of Vesco Oil Corp., died June 5 at age 70. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Mr. Epstein was past chairman of the Mercantile Division of the Allied Jewish Campaign; past president of the Businessmen's Group, City of Hope; past national board member of City of Hope; and a , member of Crescent Shrine Club, Mosaic Lodge of the Masons, Men's ORT, Tam-O-Shanter and Franklin Hills Country Clubs, Adat Shalom Synagogue and the 100 Club. He leaves his wife, Elsie; two sons, Donald and Richard of Ann Arbor; two sisters, Mrs. Sidney (Selma) Blum and Mrs. Elaine Weiss of Florida; and four grand- children. Oscar Cohen, 77 New York (JTA) — Oscar Co- 1t4n, director of the Detroit Jewish Community Council from 1946 to 1949 and a leader in the field of human relations who for 25 years Was associated with the Anti- Defamation League of B'nai I3'rith, died June 8 at age 77. During most of his tenure with the ADL which started in 1949, Mr. Cohen served as director of its national program division in charge of education programs to combat anti-Semitism and racism and to advance democratic ideals and inter-group understanding. Born in Canada and educated at the University of Toronto, Mr. Cohen helped organize the Cana- dian National Committee on Ref- ugees in an effort to secure the entry into Canada of refugees of all faiths forced to flee Germany during the Nazi era. Milton Goldberger Memphis, Tenn. (JTA) — Mil- ton W. Goldberger, former editor of the Hebrew Watchman, the local Jewish weekly, died May 26 at age 79. He worked with his brothers, Leo and Emanuel Goldberger in the family publishing enterprise until 1955 when Leo Goldberger reassumed his post as editor, in addition to his work as managing editor. At that time, Milton Goldberger opened his own busi- ness, Reporter Publishing Co., which is housed in Memphis with other Goldberger family enterprises, including Tri-State Press and the Hebrew Watchman. "The FCC loftily asserted that broadcast speech is protected under the First Amendment, no matter how offensive. Fair enough," Perlmutter said, "but is it offensive or is it a calculated warning of intention to murder to broadcast, 'We're going to cleanse our land, We're gonna do it with a sword, and we gonna do it with violence.' " Perlmutter was referring to one of a series of racist and anti- Semitic broadcasts aired over KTTL in 1983 by William P. Gale, a leader of Posse Comitatus, a group of vigilante bands that ad- vocates "war" against federal and state government. In a related incident, Black Muslim leader Louis Farrakhan is bringing his anti-Semitism to new and larger audiences, ap- pearing before friendly crowds on college campuses and in other public forums, according to the ADL. "In view of this, Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam remain of serious concern because of the dangers inherent in public appe- als to bigotry and racism." Perlmutter said in a recent report from the research and fact-finding department of the ADL's civil rights division. The report said: "Farrakhan cloaks his anti-Semitism in reli- gious symbolism, innuendo and threats." It cited recent remarks by Farrakhan at the State Uni- versity of New York at Old Westbury, Long Island, where the Black Muslim leader charged Jews with threatening the Rev. Jesse Jackson's life and killing Christ and said they would be "punished and die" for those acts. U.S. Company Helps Israel New York (JTA) — An Ameri- can company that has been or- ganizing, financing and adminis- tering Israeli enterprises for 60 years reports its earnings rose 30 percent last year and says it con- tinues to find new investment op- portunities in fields as far- ranging as computer systems and supermarkets. The company, PEC Israel Cor- poration, has helped launch liter- ally hundreds of new Israeli com- panies, including Elron Elec- tronic Industries and Scitex cor- poration, two of the leaders of Is- rael's burgeoning high-tech in- dustry. The Family of the Late AARON M. FINKELSTEIN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory at 10:30 a.m. Sun- day, June 23, at Machpelah Cemetery. Rabbi Nelson will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Sister and Brothers Of DR. JACK GOLDSTEIN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 23, at Hebrew Memo- rial Park. Rabbi Gruskin and Rabbi Jacobowitz will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. MAX KATZ Wish to thank their families and friends for all their loving support. Dollye, Ely, Joey, Sam and Davy The Family of the Late SAMUEL W. LEIB Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory at 11:30 a.m. Sun- day, June 23, at Adat Shalom Memorial Park. Rabbi M. Robert Syme will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late In Loving Memory Of VIOLET BERMAN BETTY LEWIS Wishes to thank our friends and relatives for the many expressions of love, caring and support during her illness and our recent bereavement. Always remembered, always loved. Lois and Fred Howard, Barry, Dale and Connie The Family of the Late FAYE SHERMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory at 10:30 a.m. Sun- day, June 23, at Hebrew Memorial Park. Rabbi Martin Gordon will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. In loving memory of our beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother LIBBY ROSENBERG Who passed away June 16, 1959. Her beloved memory will always be our inspiration. Sadly missed and always remembered by Rose and Mitchell, Max and Ann and Esther and Dave and grandchildren. The Family of the Late In Cherished Memory Of MEYER SILBERBERG MORRIS TULUPMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in his memory at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 16, at Hebrew Memo- rial Park. Rabbi Gordon will officiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. Dearly beloved husband, father and grandfather. Time to remember the love and devo- tion, caring and sharing. Through happiness and sorrow, laughter and tears that we have missed these past eight years. Yahrzeit, June 8. His Family The Family of the Late To Our Beloved Father PEARL FELDMAN SINGER WILLIAM KAUFMAN Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory at 11 a.m. Sunday, June 23, at Hebrew Memo- rial Park. Rabbi Spectre and Cantor Vieder will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. The Family of the Late ANN WATNICK Announces the unveil- ing of a monument in her memory at 10:30 a.m. Sun- day, June 23, at Hebrew Memorial Park, Lakeside Section. Rabbi Arm will of- ficiate. Relatives and friends are asked to attend. Daddy, This is our second Father's Day without you and instead of getting easier it's much harder. There isn't a day that goes by without us needing you. We miss sharing all our good things with you, even sharing our troubles because you were always there to guide us and make sure we did what was right for us. You always gave us so very much of yourself and never asked for anything in return, only that we be happy. We miss your loving smile, your warm and loving embrace and your constant good humor. But most of all we miss the wonderful father who every day should have been Father's Day for you. You will forever be loved very dearly in our hearts. All our love forever, Patty and Terry 4111RNME, "75-ri771M11111111., your advertising dollars do better in THE JEWISH NEWS Call Us Today! 354-6060