18 Friday, May 24, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS FIRESTONE HOUSE CALLS MADE Wholesale Diamonds & Jewelry Remounting Jewelry & Watch Repair FOR NAIL AND FOOT CARE JEWELRY APPRAIS6,LS SUITE 312 ADVANCE BLDG. DR. SEYMOURE BALAJ Foot Specialist 111 GLASS' & MIRROR 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1860 851-8058 We Will Beat Your Best Price BI-FOLD SUPER SPECIAL existing Doors $123.99 Installed 4 ft. openings $128.99 Installed $145.99 Installed 5 ft. openings 6 ft. openings NEW MIRRORED BI-FOLD DOORS—FINEST QUALITY Slim Foldr) • 4 ft. openings $190.00 Installed $200.00 Installed $250.00 Installed 5 ft. openings 6 ft. openings ' ored Walls, Furniture, Bars, Cubes, Etc. Heavy Glass Table Tops, Shelving, Beveled Lowest Prices On All Types of Min O. G . Edges. Shower and Tub Endosures, Replacement Windows. MIRRORED WALL SPECIAL — 12'x8' High $425.00 Call today for free estimates: 552 0088 . - Atlas Glass & Mirror PERFECTION IS OUR REFLECTION Where quality work, discount prices and you the customer make us #1 552-0088 BOOKS Jewish Facts, Figures Highlight Trivia Volume Capsules of Jewish history, an ingathering of personalities, re- views of current and ancient his- tory — every conceivable aspect of Jewish experience is included in The Jewish Trivia and Informa- tion Book (Steimatzky Press). In this paperbacked, 400-page book, the editor-compiler, Ian Shapolsky,_provides the accumu- lated information in question- answer form. The hundreds of capsules emerge from this collec- tion as a veritable encyclopedic accomplishment. There is need to appreciate the effort that has gone into this work. It is, indeed, an accom- plished task, with an emphasis on immense knowledge of current as well as past historic events. So vast are the areas covered that they include .all ages, all climes, personalities from many spheres. It is a globally treated work. The best way to understand and appreciate this intriguing ap- proach to Jewish studies and his- torical knowledge is by quoting samples of the questions and an- swers. Taken at random, here is one of the exemplary sections in The Jewish Trivia and Informa- tion Book: "CURRENT EVENTS: James Keegstra, an anti-Semitic high school leader in Alberta, Canada and mayor of his village, taught his class that Jews are the root of all evil in the world, and he made one even more outrageous claim. What was this other widely re- ported lie that he taught his class. "ANSWER: That the Holocaust never happened. "ARTS AND CULTURE: This hilarious Jewish comedian- actor-musician was born with the name Allan Stewart Koenigsberg "ANSWER: Woody Allen. "PEOPLE: What was Israel's `Operation Ship to Shore?' "ANSWER: The resettlement of refugees in Israel — from their "The Jewish Trivia and Information Book," compiled and edited by Ian Shapolsky. Steimatzky Press. embarkation in Europe to their unloading in Israel. "RELIGION: What is another English name for Pentecost? "ANSWER: 'The Day of the Giving of the Law' or the 'Feast of Weeks (Shavuot)'. "HISTORY: The Jewish period of prosperity in Spain became known as . . .? "ANSWER: The Golden Age. "LANGUAGE: The holiday food `kishkeh' is otherwise known by this name . . .? "ANSWER: Stuffed derma. "GEOGRAPHY: The Jewish Theological Seminary of America is located in . . .? "ANSWER: New York." There aren't many works which so extensively educate as well as enlighten. The Steinatzky- published paperback authored by Ian Shapolsky merits highest commendation. — P.S. NEWS Interfaith Goals Pushed New York (JTA) — The leaders of Reform Judaism called on American Jews and Catholics Sunday to join in a new and wide- ranging program aimed at prom- oting inter-religious understand- ing at the church and synagogue level. The action by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC) is believed to mark the first time a Jewish denomination has sought to bring together synagogue members and church- goers in activities seeking to create better understanding of each other's beliefs. The program was adopted by unanimous vote of 150 members of the UAHC Board of Trustees at its semi-annual meeting in the Grand Hyatt Hotel. In a resolu- tion, the board urged the UAHC's 780-member-synagogues, com- posed of 1.3 million Jews, to undertake:• Catholic-Jewish dialogues to explore the issues that divide as well as those that unite the two communities. • The exchange of teachers and team-teaching by priests and rab- bis in Catholic parochial and Jewish religious schools. • Catholic-Jewish dialogue and joint action in nuclear disarma- 1 4,1 ,14 ment, economic justice and other issues on which the National Con- ference of Catholic Bishops and the UAHC have adopted parallel policy positions. The resolution hailed the 20th anniversary of the issuance by the Second Vatican Council of "Nostra Aetate," which re- pudiated the charge of deicide against Jews and condemned anti-Semitism. Three Suspected In Taxi Killing Jerusalem (JTA) — Three Is- raelis — a policeman, a soldier and a student at the Hebrew Uni- versity — were remanded in cus- tody for 15 days by a Jerusalem magistrates court this week on suspicion of murdering an Arab taxi driver, Hamis Tutanji, on a West Bank road April 23. The trio, arrested over the weekend, were identified as Danny Eisenman, 26, a police officer who lives in Maale Adumim in the West Bank, Gil Fuchs, 20, a soldier on active duty; and Michal Hillel, 24, a female student. -