14 Friday, May 10, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS T Bob McKeown Howard Simon and the Michigan ACLU push the fight for civil rights through the conservative, self-centered 1980s. BY TEDD SCHNEIDER Staff Writer here must be days when Howard Simon stares out the windows of his 17th floor. David Whitney Building office feeling like the straight man in an old slapstick com- edy routine. Sometimes — when the agency you front has been tagged with a "kick me" label by ultra- conservative, Bible-toting politicians, middle-of-the-road newspaper colum- nists and even a former colleague who once stood on the same side of the libertarian fence — coming in to work each day can be an experience akin to playing Abbott to the rest of the world's Costello. But Simon wants it known that despite the current whipping-boy im- age, the American Civil Liberties Union doesn't intend to shift its fight for individual and minority rights into a lower gear. In fact, the executive di- rector of the Michigan ACLU gnd his staff have hit overdrive in their battle to further civil rights causes in the self-centered 1980s. While the latter half of the 20th Century has seen advances in many areas, including civil rights, Simon dispels the notion that the world has entered a period of social enlighten- ment. We live in an era where society is polarized in many respects. We're divided more sharply than ever before along racial, ethnic, religious and class lines. "The fundamental freedoms that we have, that exist on paper, are under tremendous pressure in light of the mounting domestic and international tensions we find ourselves facing," the ACLU director says, driving home his point on the need for an organization that monitors rights abuses in con- temporary America. And if the ACLU always seems to be embroiled in controversy, that's probably because the issues it chooses to take a stand on are so emotionally charged and highly controversial. Sixty-five years ago, when the late Roger Baldwin founded the ACLU, its cache of clients_ consisted primarily of World War I conscien- tious objectors. Today, the organiza- tion can be found backing a range of defendants that runs the gamut from Communists to neo-Nazis — anyone who feels his or her rights under the United States Constitution have been violated. The ACLU doesn't actually repre- sent criminal defendants in court.