60 Friday, April 19, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS LOSE WEIGHT NOW 1 THE HEALTHY WAY natural product with herbs 1i10% guaranteed Call HILDA RASKIN - 569-5288 TORAH PORTION Dietary Laws Are Key To Concept Of Holiness outstanding business opportunities available .training . . . sales . . . management BY RABBI JAMES I. GORDON Special to The Jethish News THE BAGEL FACTORY • 24551 W. 12 MILE JUST WEST OF TELEGRAPH NEXT TO STAR DELI I • 11 Delicious, Fresh Baked 1 Varieties Of Bagels • FRAGELS®-The 1 legendary "sweet” bagel! I • CROISSANTS I • COOKIES • HEARTH BREADS I 1 1 /2 DOZEN with 1 DOZEN PURCHASED EXPIRES 5-3-85 . Tues. & Thurs. Eve. after 4 P.M. 1 BAGELS $1 49 doz. I EXPIRES 5-3-85 1 `am INI11111111111WANamium Is- WE ACCEPT ALL LOCAL BAGEL COUPONS i,,:.., , „ ,w,,,k - ,'Z m, :,;, ,„, , , ,, .-..v,,,,,,v–N .-, .,,, , ':, '. 'R.fs • ,,,, ,,,., z.s Fa: ,.‘,$,,„:. Itiz '"' ,4 - - , A ,,..: u , ,,,,,:, , kkt% ,,,,,„ , ' . ,.-• v 41 - '' 'f; A .,„.4. „..; , k, '; '',,,,• 4 4', ' s , ts, • \ , — '*. G5 1.1*' , , . ; s * ,, .,, :: ,,,,‹ ,:, , lk - 4,' 13' ESt l_l NI' 1 MICV5 , 1 COOT , Of all the Jewish values, none is, so vague and indefinable on the surface as holiness. The holy man is usually pictured as an emaciated unworldly ascetic, lost in contemplation, head in the clouds, occasionally coming down from the heights to offer guidance to lesser mortals. At the heart of rabbinic ethics is the concept of holiness. The goal of Jewish aspiration is not happi- ness, but holiness. It is through holiness that man achieves the maximum moral relationship with God and his fellow man. Contrary to the prevailing sup- position holiness is not a vague, nebulous, pietistic, mystical state of being that enables a man to withdraw from the world and limit himself to prayer and ritual alone, but rather a program at- •tainable for all. In the Torah, the theme of Holi- ness carries both positive and negatie commands. From the verse found in this week's reading "Sanctify yourselves, therefore, and be you holy for I am holy" (Lev. 11:44), we derive the concept of imitatio dei to imitate God's vir- tues of goodness, graciousness, patience, tolerance, truth etc. From the latter phrase, "you shall - , not defile your souls," we learn of the necessity to withdraw from that which is impure, abominable and repulsive. Man must learn to avoid that which might defile both physically and spiritually. In a striking statement in the Talmud, Pinhas Ben Yair tells usj "Heedfulness leads to cleanliness, cleanliness leads to purity, purity leads to holiness." • The Holiness Code does not begin in Leviticus 19, which is the source of all man's ethical and moral behavior, but rather here in the Sidra of She- Shemini: Leviticus 9:1-11:47. I Samuel 20:18-42. mini with the introduction of the dietary laws. First place is given to food \because daily diet affects man's whole being. The attain- ment of a highly sophisticated ethical code is largely dependent on the physical habits and prac- tices of man. Ever since the Exodus from Egypt and the re- e Fresh BROccOu large size • • • • • • • • • • 89c bunch Fresh • • • • • • • • 59 lb. GREEN BEANS • • • MARLA suss CHEESE ..) ACORN I SQUASH FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE 29 lb. DAILY\ • • $249 lb . • Open 7 Days, Mon .-Sat. 8 am - 6 pm, Sunday 9am -5pm 1 DELMONICO ROAST 79 lb. . Vernors Low Calorie GINGER ALE 1 liter bottle 35Ceach or 3 for $ 11 00 Borden's LOW FAT MILK • • • • • • •$ I 29 Specials Good Through April .24, 1985 plastic gal. SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS $ 289 Whole or half Great for the Bar-B-sue Save 700 lb. Kettle Cooked CHIPS Ruffle or Plain LEAN & TENDER $ 42 %. 1 pOTATO U.S.D.A. Choice LEAN &- TENDER FRESH ASPARAGUS $ I 49 lb. pkg. • • • • 1/4 U.S.D.A. Choice U.S.D.A. Choice 1/4 Strictly Fresh LEAN & TENDER SCALLOPS BONELESS SIRLOIN KABOB MEAT $399.. $349 .. Save 50' lb. Save 50• lb. & *Ca Vg At ma t* Mta, 6. - , v,;•tk , K ,k 7 :4 ' • • :Y-4? 1