•11!•H 4 Friday, April 5, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS THE JEWISH NEWS Serving Detroit's Metropolitan Jewish Community with distinction for four decades. Editorial and Sales offices at 20300 Civic Center Dr., Suite 240, Southfield, Michigan 48076 Telephone (313) 354-6060 OP-ED The Exodus: Most Important Event In Civilized History BY RABBI IRVING GREENBERG Special to The Jewish News PUBLISHER: Charles A. Buerger EDITOR EMERITUS: Philip Slomovitz EDITOR: Gary Rosenblatt BUSINESS MANAGER: Carmi M. Slomovitz ART DIRECTOR: Kim Muller-Thym NEWS EDITOR: Alan Hitsky LOCAL NEWS EDITOR: Heidi Press EDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Tedd Schneider LOCAL COLUMNIST: Danny Raskin ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Lauri Biaf ore Joseph Mason Rick Nessel Danny Raskin OFFICE STAFF: Marlene Miller Dharlene Norris Phyllis Tyner Pauline Weiss Ellen Wolfe PRODUCTION: Donald Cheshure Cathy Ciccone Curtis Deloye Ralph Orme 1985 by The Detroit Jewish News (US PS 275-520) Second Class postage paid at Southfield. Michigan and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: 1 year - $21 — 2 years - $39 — Out of State - $23 — Foreign • $35 CANDLELIGHTING AT 6:42 P.M. VOL. LXXXVII, NO. 6 The Cup Of Redemption Each year on Passover we celebrate — and pray for — freedom. This year we can also give thanks for the miraculous exodus of thousands of Ethiopian Jews who have made it to the Promised Land of Israel after years of suffering. To mark this event, the United Jewish Appeal Rabbinic Cabinet has published a special reading, titled "The Cup of Redemption," and asked Seder participants everywhere to recite it prior to the blessing over the third cup of wine. This insert brings the drama of the Ethiopian homecoming into the Passover celebration. We reprint it here and urge our readers to incorporate it into their own Seders this weekend: Leader: Let us raise our cups of wine once more and recall the third divine promise— As it is written: "I will redeem you with an outstretched arm." Redemption. The promise has been kept so many times. This Passover, it is being fulfilled again as thousands of Ethiopian Jews taste the wine of freedom in the land of Israel. They have already eaten their bread of affliction — not as a symbol of ancient slavery — but as a harsh daily ration. They have endured family separation and walked for weeks through a dangerous drought-ravaged land. Their courage and suffering help us understand the human reality of the flight from Egypt. And their willingness to risk their lives for freedom brings us closer to the meaning of Passover. Now they need our help to turn their exodus into a homecoming. When they arrived in Israel, our Ethiopian sisters and brothers kissed the soil. Exhausted and barefoot, they carried only their ancient Jewish culture, their pride and their potential. How many hours of schooling and years of training will they need to unlock that potential? They will need our help and support for many years. The promise of the third cup is ours as well as God's. We will stretch out our arms. We will help redeem our people. And in reaching out to Jews in need, we shall earn the right to taste the wine of our own redemption. Blessed are You, Lord our God, Ruler of the universe, Who has sanctified us with the promise of the third cup. Blessed are You, Creator of the fruit of the vine. Please allow a moment of silent prayer for those Ethiopian Jews who have not yet joined their friends and families in Israel. Their hopes and their prolonged suffering have not been forgotten and we pray for their speedy deliverance. May they soon see the light of Israel. Last Peace Chance? King Hussein of Jordan is in the limelight because of his negotiations with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the numerous interviews he has granted on the question of Middle East peace talks. He holds a closely-knit line with PLO leader Arafat. In most of his current comments, Hussein keeps declaring that this is "the last chance for peace." In the process, Hussein keeps refusing direct negotiations with Israel. What this means is constant postponement of peace. As long as Israel keeps clamoring for an accord and the United States under President Reagan's leadership emphasizes direct negotiations as a compulsion, there can be no such thing as a last chance to end the animosities. Hussein will surely have another chance to alter his personal pessimism. When Jews sit down at the Seder table,they are commemorating what is arguably the most important event of all time — the Exodus from Egypt. If for no other reason than the Exodus directly or indirectly generated many of the important events cited by other religious groups, this is the event of human history. That it is a Jewish event is eloquent tribute to the ex- traordinary role that the Jewish people — so minute a fragment of the human race — has played in human history. The Exodus — the movement of the Hebrews from slavery to freedom — transformed the Jewish people and its ethic. The Ten Commandments open with the words, "I am the Lord your God who took you out of the Land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage." The implication of this Divine, in- volvement in history is stated right there in the Book of Exodus. Idolatry is rejected. Having no other God means giving no absolute status or loyalty to other- forms of divinity, or any human value that demands absolute com- mitment. Neither money nor power, neither economic nor political system, has the right to demand absolute loy- alty. We are all relativized in the presence of God. This is the key to democracy. Exodus morality meant giving justice to the weak and the poor. Hon- est weights and measures, interest- free • loans to the poor, taking care of the widow and the orphan, leaving part of the crops in the field for the stranger, the . orphan and the widow, treating the alien stranger as a native citizen — are all applications of the Exodus principle to living in this world. Thus the Exodus transformed the Jewish people and their religion and ethical system. This transforma- tion is articulated at Sinai; there the Jews covenanted to live by Exodus values. The influence of the Exodus goes far beyond the Jewish people. Prophets like Isaiah already pointed out that the event is a model for the entire world. Ultimately, there will be a new Exodus in which all of humanity will go from slavery to freedom. The Exodus is the core of the messianic dream, which promises universal re- demption for all humanity. That dream continually stimulated re- sponses in oppressed people whenever they came in contact with it. In the First Century, the Exodus model generated a messianic group centered around the life and death of Jesus. That view came into contradic- tion with the death of Jesus and with , In modern times, the image of redemption has proven to be the most powerful of all. the ongoing suffering and evil in the world. The resolution was a transfor- mation of the idea of Exodus into spiritual fulfillment. "The kingdom of God is within you." Salvation is not of this world. Armed with this promise, Christianity reached out all over the civilized world. Today, more than one billion people are shaped by Christian values. Thus, the event of Exodus transformed the values of a major frac- tion of the world. The same Exodus model — the promise of deliverance and a God who deeply cares for humanity — gener- ated the religion of Islam. Islam sees itself as a successor to Judaism and Christianity, but it grows out of the Continued on Page 40