80 Friday, March 1, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Weekly broadcasts give Rabbi Yitschak Kagan two additional opportunities to expound the philosophy of the Lubavitch movement. BY ANNE Y. MEYERS Special to The Jewish News Benyas-Kaufman O RA I D RA F or starters, it has to be pro- nounced correctly — Lu-ba'- - vitch. Lubavitch is actually the name of a small village in Russia where this Chasidic Jewish movement was centered for over a hundred years. "The name Lubavitch is actually like the Ameri- can Philadelphia, City of Love," Yitschak Kagan says, and the sect of Orthodox Jews he belongs to believes in joyous celebration of their Jewish- ness. Kagan is a Lubavitch rabbi. He is public relations director at the Lubavitch Foundation of Michigan. He works outreach to "irreligious" Jews, writes a pamphlet called A Thought for The Week, counsels people about their problems. He founded Chabad houses in Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids and is in the planning stages of one in Flint. He travels around the country for speaking engagements. He also hosts two radio shows. "The radio program is just begin- ning to take off to a new and better track," the rabbi says. "It began in 1968. I was made aware of the fact that according-to-FCC- regulations every radio station is re- quired to give some hours of public service time. They often do one-minute public service announcements. "Whatever minutes or hours are left they.. give to religious programs. ChristianTaiths have known this and taken advantage of it for many years. The Jews, unfortunately, hadn't been good at using the time. "I sent out a blank cover letter. The Jewish community did not have a religious program." eceived word from Kagan soon received_ program director Paul Cannon at WKNR — now WNIC — that they were interested in the show. "They (WKNR) had wanted to ex- pand their religious broadcasts and were prepared to give me a half-hour a week," Kagan remembered. "Now, we are the only religious Jewish program in the state of Michi- gan — nothing else with religious thought, philosophy and teachings," the rabbi explains. Although Kagan had a lot of ex- perience in public speaking, he was new to radio. "Paul Cannon used to run the microphone, etc. . . ." Kagan says. "The show was very stiff and formal at the beginning. We used to be stuck between the Christians and the Islam programs. After a year or two we began to grow and I began producing the show on a tape recorder." I Due to funding cuts, the station could no longer supply the show with the technical assistance. Kagan learned to do the minor technical work and produced his show without help after hours. He knows how to "run the board" but still describes himself as an amateur. Recently, however, the show — The Jewish Sound — got a boost from Jerry Liebman, president of Specs Howard School of Broadcasting. "I'd like to make a professional sounding program," the rabbi stresses. "They (WNIC) moved my time to 11 p.m. Sundays and I have a second show at 6:15 a.m. Sundays on WMJC" for 15 minutes. Specs Howard has donated a studio and an engineer and the Lubavitch Foundation is going to ad- vertise the shows more heavily. Few radio stations spend the funds to measure the size of listening audiences for public service broadcast- ing. Rabbi Kagan's programs are no exception. A few listeners have told him that they caught his program while switching stations, but the rabbi says that most responses to his shows are favorable. Kagan feels that his show is unique because of his use of music. "There has been an explosion in Jewish music," he explains. "Hosts of young groups have taken a Jewish message to young people." Recordings by The Megama Duo and The Diaspora Continued on Page 34