30 Friday, February 1, 1985 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Israel Goldstein Autobiography Continued from Page 2 Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, but the Falashas claim descent from Jews who arrived by way of Egypt in Temple times. Professor Faitlovitch became convinced that they were descended from one of the "Lost Ten Tribes" of Israel. He found that the Falashas were ex- posed to the blandishments of Christian missionaries and he re- solved to teach them the essentials of traditional Judaism and to reun- ite them with the Jewish people. They themselves were proud of their ancient Jewish heritage and wished to remain faithful to it. There were perhaps 70,000 Falashas at the time, living in con- ditions of squalor and destitution. They knew no Hebrew and spoke Amharic, the Ethiopian vernacu- lar, but the language used in their prayers was Ghe'ez, the sacred tongue of Ethiopia. Centuries of isolation, marked by hostile reli- gious pressure, had made them cling to a way of life prescribed in the Bible. They were oblivious of the Talmud and postbiblical (rab- binic) tradition. On the initiative of Professor Faitlovitch, Pro-Falasha Commit- tees were organized in various European Jewish communities be- fore 1914. Then, during World War I, he came to the United States, and established an American Pro, Falasha Committee. Some years la- ter, while on another visit to the United States, he sought help for the establishment of a boarding school in Addis Ababa, the Ethi- opian capital, where promising young Falashas would receive a Jewish education. A suitable plot of land for this school had been donated by Haile Selassie, the Negus or Emperor of Ethiopia, who had assumed the title of "Lion of Judah" upon his ascent to the throne. It was at this point, in 1930, that I entered the picture, when I went to hear a lecture given by Profes- sor Faitlovitch in New York. His vivid and moving account of the Falashas excited my interest and converted me into an ardent advo- cate of their cause. At his urging, I accepted the chairmanship of the American Pro-Falasha Committee. We undertook the project of build- ing and maintaining the school in Addis Ababa where Falasha boys would be taught Hebrew, Bible, and Jewish history, as well as cer- tain handicrafts. I recall going to Tiffany's on Fifth Avenue and pur- chasing a miniature sculptured lion, which we inscribed as fol- lows: (Hebrew U.); in Theology (J. Th. S.); named in his honour Hebrew U. Synagogue, & Jerusalem Youth Village. 12 Pinsker St., Jerusalem. Capsuled, ideal-cause-movement- wise, every itemized group listed here ac- counts for an activism that registers the Israel Goldstein name among the most dedicated in Jewish and human identifica- tions. He was the activist on the highest level and his memoirs prompt the recalling of his many associated tasks. He was and remains a leader in Zionism, he labored for civil rights and can be counted as a friend Dr. Israel Goldstein: Historic autobiography. of the blacks and of people of all faiths, with a role in the National Conference of Chris- tians and Jews. , In this period of striving to relieve the miseries of the Ethiopian Jews, among his most impressive records of service to, his people is his early association with leaders who sought to establish the links with the Falashas. Resort to this term was not re- jected at that time. Because the Goldstein reminiscence introduces the background of earliest interest aroused in the Ethiopian Jews in this country more than 70 years ago, the entire Israel Goldstein memoir regarding the "lost Israeli tribe" and its recovery merits special attention and complete quo- tation. Goldstein states on this subject in Vol. 1 of his memoirs: An exotic cause that claimed my allegiance in the early 1930s was that of the Falashas, known as the "Back Jews of Ethiopia." Though shrouded in legend, the history of these Falasha tribesmen, then scattered around Lake Tana in northwestern Ethiopia, had long been familiar to travelers and explorers. One who made a study of them was the French Jewish orientalist, Professor Joseph Halevy, who spent some time among the Falashas in 1868 and collected a wealth of information. The Alliance Israelite Universelle sponsored his mission. Halevy passed on his commitment to Jac"- ques Faitlovitch, a pupil of his at the Sorbonne. The latter dedicated his life to this remote outpost of Jewry. Faitlovitch first went to Ethiopia as a young man, in 1904. He spent eighteen months among the Falashas (a name interpreted to mean "strangers"), investigat- ing their religious traditions and practices. The Ethiopians gener- ally trace their ancestry to King To the "Lion of Judah," in appreciation of his helpfulness to the Falashas. From the American Pro-Falasha Committee. • This gift was taken to Ethiopia by Professor Faitlovitch, who, to- gether with his former pupil, the new principal of the school, Taam- rat Emanuel, attended Haile Selas- sie's coronation in November 1930. Soon after the coronation ceremony, Taamrat Emanuel ac- companied Professor Faitlovitch to New York, thus becoming the first of his people to arrive in the Unites States. I had suggested the advisability of bringing him, in order to increase the effectiveness of my fund-raising campaign. Taamrat Emanuel himself repre- sented the best argument in favor of the work to which Dr. Fait- lovitch had dedicated himself. Thanks to his mentor, he had ac- quired some degree of European culture and a modicum of Hebrew learning, which he in turn endeavored to instill in pupils attending the school in Addis Ababa. He thus exemplified what could be achieved for the Falashas under proper guidance and train- ing. A women's division of the Pro-Falasha Committee was estab- lished, comprising representatives of the Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform wings of American Jewry. Mrs. David E. Goldfarb was chair- lady and Mrs. Samuel Speigel and Mrs. Herbert S. Goldstein served as her deputies. Dr. Cyrus Adler, one of the first to encourage Fait- lovitch, and Professor Mordecai M. Kaplan were among those who took a keen interest in our work. The Italian occupation of Ethiopia (1936-1941) and World War II were a temporary handicap to these endeavors. At a latei stage, Professor Norman Bentwich rallied support in Great Britain and visited Ethiopia, where he spent some time among the Falashas. He was a tower of strength to Professor Fait- lovitch. When the war ended, Profes- sor Faitlovitch settled in Tel Aviv and strove to gain wider support for this cause until his death in 1955. Fourteen years later, I was able to see the effects of worldwide Jewish apathy toward the Falashas and their perilous situa- tion, when I visited Ethiopia in 1969. There follow additional data- providing facts about the Ethiopian Jews. Dr. Nahum Sokolow Chapter 12 in Volume II is devoted to the subject. Dr. Goldstein describes a mission he fulfilled to the Ethiopian Jews. The importance in the long quotation about the Ethiopian Jews lies in the reve- lations about early concerns about them in this country and in England. There is a personal interest in the matter. This reviewer was associated with the pro-Falasha efforts from the very be- ginning. I knew and befriended Pfof. Fait- lovitch and guided him in his efforts in this community. Falasha was not viewed at the time as an insulting term. Dr. Goldstein was a frequent Detroit visitor, on missions for the Keren Keyemet l'Yisrael Jewish National Fund — and other Zionist causes. There are two special references to Detroit in his memoirs. One was the national convention in Detroit in 1932 of the Zionist Organization of America, when he was defeated for the presidency by Rabbi Solomon Goldman. He was elected to that post two years later. It was during the administrations of these two presidents that Detroiter Simon Shetzer served as national executive secre- tary of the ZOA, when the national office was located in Washington. The second major event recalled by Dr. Goldstein was the national convention of the Jewish National Fund, held at the Book Cadillac in Detroit in 1942. The ses- sions were addressed, in addition to Dr. Goldstein, by Senators Alden Barkley of Kentucky and Homer Ferguson of Michi- gan; Dr. Nahum Goldman, president of the World Zionist Organization and the World Jewish Congress; and Morris Rothenberg, ZOA president. The Goldstein memoirs contain important excerpts from his ad- dress at that JNF convention banquet, at which Dr. Goldstein was the honoree. Another important matter related in the Goldstein reminiscences is the interest he took in Iran (ancient Persia) and its Jewish population, especially on the occa- sion of the 2,500th anniversary of King Cyrus' accession to the throne of Persia. There are lengthy evaluations of the visits by Israel Goldstein and his wife Bert, the lengthy conference with the Shah Mohammed Riza Pahlavi and the friendli- ness that was expressed on behalf of Ira- nian Jewry. In the study.of Iranian Jewish history, these recollections will serve a valuable purpose. Of major interest in the Goldstein re- miniscences are the steps he had taken in the establishment of Brandeis University some 40 years ago. He joined in the acquisi- tion of the university's medical school, which was in financial difficulties. Inspired by the late Joseph Schlossberg, the prominent labor leader, Goldstein conducted negotiations which led to the acquisition of the struggling Middlesex College. Meeting with Albert Einstein and other notables, he was given encouragement for the establishment of a Jewish-sponsored university. Dr. Goldstein's initiative resulted in the founding of Brandeis University. He takes justified pride in his achievement and has authored a book on the subject of Brandeis U., his role in its creation, the background that led to the effort and the people who were involved in the great task. Dr. Goldstein's proposal to name the university in honor of Louis D. Brandeis had the endorsement of Albert Einstein, who declined the honor for himself. From the record emerges the signifi- cant historical fact that Dr. Goldstein was actually the founder of Brandeis U. The volume he had written on the subject de- serves revived circulation. It would take many pages to relate the story of this achievement and there is need for credit- ing it to the noted leader in reviewing his memoirs. Bert — Mrs. Israel Goldstein — shares many of the reminisced activities of Dr. Goldstein and that is valuable in these memoirs, Mrs. Goldstein having attained leadership in many forms in her own right, and always as her husband's constant associate in all his devotions. The Goldstein memoirs are an enrichment of Jewish history and of the Israel and Zionist record. The two-volume memoir is a collective gem. The documen- tations are superb. They will surely fulfill a great need in retaining the records they enrich. II ' 4 4 I