2 Friday, December 7, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ How Roosevelt 'okayed games' with Jewish conferees on Zionist, rescue urgencies Roosevelt Lipsky In his review of The Abandonment of the Jews by David S. Wyman (Pantheon Books) in the New York Times Nov. 23, John Gross had this reference to the Franklin D. Roosevelt's means of warding off whatever he wished to ignore: The Rt. Hon. 'Manny': Saga of the remarkable centenarian Shinwell In its issues of Oct. 23, 1959, the Lon- don Jewish Chronicle carried an item about one of the most eminent British statesmen of his time. It opened with the following explanation about him and his affectionate designation: A peculiarly Anglo-Saxon way of marking the distinction and re- spect attained by public per- sonalities and of the affection in which they have come to be held is to refer to them by the diminutives of their first names. When political foe as well as personal friend speak thus of "Winnie" and "Ike" and, perhaps of "Clem," we may be sure that the acerbities of conflict- ing views have been tempered by understanding of sincerity and by appreciation of character and abil- ity in public affairs. So it is that the once turbulent proletarian, Emanuel Shinwell, the fiery agitator become Elder Statesman, is now the universally esteemed Right Honourable "Manny," several times Cabinet Minister and Member of Her Majesty's Privy Council. This earns renewed attention, merit- ing quotation with emphasis on the Right Honorable Emanuel Shinwell having be- come a centenarian. On the occasion of his having reached the age of 100, it is recalled that at the height of his career as a parliamentarian, having been told to "go back to Poland" in the course of a debate in the British House of Commons, he did not hesitate to slap his fellow MP. It. became an inerasable story in British parliamentary history, detailing it, and recording a personal Shinwell incident about a catapult in his life, the London Jewish Chronicle needs to be quoted again, from its issue of June 5, 1970: When the redoubtable Emanuel Shinwell bade farewell to the House of Commons last week, after a parliamentary career dat- ing back to 1922, he received a most unusual parting gift — a catapult. Mounted on varnished wood, it was presented to him by Rear- Admiral Gordon Lennox, the Sergeant at Arms. This presentation is intended to compensate for an unhappy ex- perience that Manny had as a child. He says: When I was aged six in 1890, I was walking along a very narrow street in Leeds. I was minding my own business, wition,I. "Roosevelt emerges from the book as having been . . . a curiously frivolous fig- ure (though he took electoral considera- tions seriously enough). On the one occa- sion when he was persuaded to meet with a Jewish delegation to discuss the Holocaust, he 'immediately launched into a semi-humorous story about his plans for post-war Germany' and spent some 80 per- cent of the time talking rather than listen- ing." Severe critics of FDR often resorted to such antagonisms to the late President as to refer to him as a "playboy" with political and other issues. The Wyman episode in The Abandonment invites the telling of a related incident. It had not been publicized previously, although it may have been re- told numerous times. The story: It was in the mid-1930s, when the Hit- noticed a commotion on the other side of the street. "There was a policeman, an- other man, and a little girl. She was pointing at me and accused me of having stolen a bar of soap she had bought for her mother. "I didn't know what they were talking about, and anyway at the age of six I had no use for soap at all. "However, they took me to the nearest police station when I was thoroughly searched. They didn't find any soap. Although I left the station without a stain on my char- acter, they confiscated, to my hor- ror, my catapult." Shinwell, undoubtedly among the greatest figures in Parliament during this century, has clarified the famous incident involving him and the anti-Semitic MP, Com- mander Bower. Manny says that he did not hear commander Bower's remark, "Go Back to Poland" (Manny was actually born in London) but an- other MP drew the House's atten- tion to it. Bower was asked to withdraw but refused. Manny then went up to him and invited him to go outside the chamber. When Bower refused, Manny hit him in the face. Only later did Shinwell learn that Bower had been heavweight boxing champion of the Navy. "Had I known this I would not have challenged him," Manny modestly explains. But I doubt it. Manny, who had himself been a pugnacious little boxer, was capa- ble of challenging even a Joe Louis in such circumstances! Serving 48 years in the House of Commons, and intermittently holding some of the most important cabinet posi- tions in the British government, Proletarian-Socialist Emanuel Shinwell resigned and was made Life Peer in the British House of Lords. The Rt. Hon. Manny item would be incomplete without some excerpts from another reputable British Jewish weekly newspaper, the Jewish Telegraph of Man- chester. In its way, the Telegraph matches its London journalistic confrere, the Chronicle. In an Oct. 10 article, the Tele- graph recalled: Lord "Manny" Shinwell's political career could have been one of the shortest of the century. Instead, it has become the longest ... and certainly among the most turbulent. In 1913, he was organizing a breakaway seaman's union in ', ler threat was becoming a calamity for Jews, when it was so vital to promulgate the Zionist ideal, to seek havens of refuge, to plead for an open door to what was then Palestine. President Roosevelt granted an audience to a group of Zionist leaders. The late Louis Lipsky, a former president of the Zionist Organization of America and one of the leading activists in Jewish life at the time, Stephen S. Wise, the eminent spokesman for world Jewry who was then president of the World Jewish Congress, and others whose names this writer can not recall at this time, were with FDR. Mr: Lipsky was a guest here a week later of the ZOA Detroit District. A small group of us met with him in the small Zionist office in the Penobscot Building. There were no more than five or six of us at that private session, and he related: FDR had granted the national Jewish group ten minutes for an urgent audience on Palestine, Zionism and securing an open door for the settlement of victims of Hitlerism. The President opened the ses- sion by relating an anecdote. He said that a Palestinian kibbutz wanted to honor him. A calf was born and the kibbutzniks named it Franklin D. Roosevelt. From that point he laughed and laughed at his anecdote and the session ended. Thus, the Wyman Abandonment re- collection and the Roosevelt calf relate. Any wonder that the FDR name is now the source of the abominations that inter- fered with efforts to rescue Jews from the Nazi crematoria? This is one of the most disheartening experiences in American and human history — that when the U.S. could have rescued, the heads of state shut the doors to Jews who fled from Nazism. "A photo exhibition featuring scenes of the Jewish autonomous region (Birobid- zhan) in the USSR will be displayed at the Rogers Park Branch of the Chicago Public Library, 6911 N. Clark St., Nov. 14 to 17, sponsored by the Council for American- Soviet Friendship." Sovietish Heimland, the Yiddish mag- azine published in Moscow and hailed as the pride of the Soviet ruling classes in the claims that Jewish rights in Russia are fully protected, and Soviet Life and other periodicals had begun a campaign to popularize the Birobidzhan matter. It was not successful until now, when the entire matter earned the attention of the Chicago Sentinel. A factual record of current conditions in Birobidzhan was outlined in a most in- teresting and revealing essay by Allan L. Kagedan, research analyst with the inter- national relations department of the American Jewish Committee who is a doc- toral candidate in Soviet nationality prob- lems at Columbia University. Writing in the Herald Tribune May 7, 1984, Kagedan called attention to the movement inaugu- rated at that time by the Soviet Union for a celebration of the 50th anniversary of what had been proclaimed as the Jewish Auton- omous Region in an area bordering on China. The Soviets began to play up that anniversary date by issuing a book on Birobidzhan and in radio broadcasts. In his article, which was entitled "Sta- lin's Bogus 'Home' for Jews Still Touted," Kagedan states: The Soviet regime created Birobidzhan on May 7, 1934 to sub- stitute for a partially successful program of colonizing Soviet Jews in the south Ukraine and the Crimea. Funded by American Jews, the program of settling Jews generated enthusiasm in the Soviet Jewish community and led leaders of the community to call for the founding of the Jewish Soviet Socialist Republic. Stalin and other Soviet leaders were troubled by this demand for recognition of Jewish rights and they decided to detail the program and direct the settlement to the remote and forbidding Birobid- zhan. By granting land to the Jews in this Far Eastern area,, Stalin hoped to dampen Jewish interest in ethnic rights. Few Jews would journey to this distant, sparsely populated region, which had little arable land, uneven precipitation and was located on the tense bor- der with China. By attracting few Jews, Birobidzhan could serve as a pub- lic relations ploy, and garner Rt. Hon. Manny's slap was heard around the world. Glasgow's dockland when one of his opponents produced a revolver and tried to shoot him. The bullet missed, and killed the man stand- ing next to him. Few parliamentary careers have as rich a record of activity and courage as has been registered by Emanuel Shinwell. Frequently, it was debated whether he had aligned himself properly and sufficiently with the Jewish people. His friends and admirers prove that he has fought val- iantly in support of Zionism and Jewish statehood, that his pro-Israel stand is staunch. There is no doubt about it. The Rt. Hon. Manny was and remains one of the most dramatically illuminating per- sonalities of this age. The greetings to him on his 100th birthday come from sources that embrace the British, the Jews, the fellow proletarians who admire fearless- ness in statescraft. Birobidzhan spotlighted as an exaggeration and monstrous mirage In certain circles in the USSR, includ- ing the Jewish propagandists of the Krem- lin ideology, there were attempts made earlier this year to create anniversary glory for the 50th year of the creation of the Communist-sponsored Birobidzhan "Jewish state claim." They didn't gain much attention, except for an important article in the internationally - circulated N .Y . Herald Tribune. It fell to the lot of an English-Jewish weekly newspaper to bring the matter to public light. The Chicago Sentinel, in its Nov. 15 issue, car- , ried this .item: A 4 , • Continued on Page 22_ — — • .1 ■