Left: Dr. Chaim Weizmann speaking at the dedication in 1934 of the Daniel Sieff Research Institute (right). A ceremony filled with hope Keynote speaker at the dedication ceremony: Nobel Laureate R. Willstatter. ...THE afternoon was bright, cold and windy. The Zionist colours and the Union Jack fluttered on twin flagpoles outside the new building which rose, gleaming white, from the sands. On an outdoor platform, its latticed back-frame threaded with leaves and flowers, sat a galaxy of official and civic dignitaries. With Dr. Weizmann, who pres- ided, were his wife Vera and his mother Rachel Weizmann. The High Commissioner of Palestine, General Sir Arthur Wauchope, was one of the two guests of honour. The other was Prof. Richard Willstatter, a Ger- man Nobel Laureate and one of the great scientists of his day, although already looked upon with disfavour by the young Nazi regime. As Weiz- mann's guide and mentor, he had given sound advice on the new insti- tute's research plans. Also, there was Weizmann's inti- mate friend Chaim Nachman Bialik, poet laureate of the Hebrew lan- guage, Nahum Sokolow, who had succeeded Weizmann in 1931 as president of the World Zionist Orga- nization, Dr. Arthur Ruppin, Col. Frederick Kisch, and many other Zionist leaders. The donor families were represented by Simon and Miriam (later Lord and Lady) Marks; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sacher; the young Marcus (later Lord) Sieff — his parents, Israel and Rebecca Sieff, having been unable to attend. And there was Blanche Dugdale, Lord Balfour's niece and biog- rapher. The keynote of the ceremony was Willstatter's address. It was a re- markable summation of the history of modern chemistry and the aims set by its founders — and a masterly blueprint for the future. He gave sage advice to those whom he was pleased to call "my colleagues of this Institute who begin their work tomorrow: "First," he said, "concern yourselves with, and investigate, the products of this country; but their analysis is not enough. Analysis must lead to synthesis. And the concept 'synthesis' seems today to offer a new significance. Once it merely meant the inversion of analy- sis and its verification. Now synth- esis plays a far greater role. One of the greatest scholars who ever lived — Leibnitz — said: 'Thoughts do not come of themselves to my mind; only when I am shown things, or when I am told of ideas, do new, even better, thoughts readily come to me'... "Secondly," he went on, "I want to advise you not to limit yourselves to practical aims alone. Set yourself, in your researches, scientific objec- tives such as may change the very basis of research and of science it- self. Research of this kind generally promises more important results than mere practical research. "The- English scientist, Lord Rayleigh, the uncle of Mrs. Dug- dale, whom we are glad to see with us today, -the discoverer of the rare gas argon, never dreamt that his discovery would, at a later date, be so valuable in industry. He could not foresee that electric lamp globes would be filled with argon. "My late colleague, Roentgen, the discoverer of X-rays, could hard- ly have foreseen the blessing which his discovery was to bring, and, with his peculiar shyness, kept in the background while the practical de- velopments of his discovery were being pursued. Heinrich Hertz, too, was far from suspecting the revolu- tion which his discovery of electro- magnetic waves was to cause in tech- nical physics with radio and wire- less." And, "Thirdly: Seek not to multi- ply your works, not to write many papers! Non multa — multum. I ask the people of this country: have faith in this Institute: do not expect showy or speedy results. The members of this Institute must work as free re- searchers, furnished with fully adequate means, in an atmosphere of absolute confidence. "May I mention here that my great friend, Dr. Weizmann, who has devoted the better part of his life to this country and its upbuilding, has at the same time nevertheless continued and pressed forward in his research work. He has been unable, of course, to compete with us in quantity of work, in number of pap- ers. But how willingly would I ex- change 100 researches of mine for one particular piece of work of his!" Prophetically he ended: "Over the gates of his Institute I see written: Work for this country, work for Science, work for Humanity." Simon Marks spoke, too. Among other things he said: "This Institute is a memorial to Daniel Chaim Sieff, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Sieff, and our nephew. He was to have come to Palestine just a year ago to continue his studies. In his short life he had acquired a scientific outlook and had planned for himself such a career as this Institute might have afforded him. He was taken from us at a very early age. We are grateful to know that his name will forever be associated with the scientific up- building of the country. He would have wished for nothing better." Next spoke his brother-in-law, Harry Sacher, who said, in part: "The particular tasks with which this Institute will grapple will be deter- mined by the nature of its equip ment, the needs of. Palestine, and the necessity of preserving the freedom of the researcher and of research. A scientific institute which pursued strictly practical or economic ends would be mutilated. We believe that in the program of work drawn up for the Daniel Sieff Research Institute a proper balance has been achieved of the practical and the theoretical." It was a ceremony filled with hope; for the just-born Insti- tute and for the community into whose charge the Institute had been placed. Perhaps the most vivid com- mentary on the Sieff Institute's pros- pects, as they appeared then to its founders, was made by Weizmann himself. In Trial and Error, he recal- led a conversation in Paris in 1933, with two celebrated German-Jewish - scientists, Professors Willstatter and Haber. Dr. E.D. Bergmann, who was to be the Sieff Institute's first director, was also present at the meeting. Weizmann wrote: "He (Berg- mann) developed before them his plans for work in the Institute which was then nearing completion. The two eminent scientists listened very attentively, and then Willstatter asked me ironically: 'How many floors has the Daniel Sieff Institute?' To which I replied: 'As far as I know it will have two.' " ',Well,' said Willstatter, 'you had_. .better build a skyscraper if you wish to carry out the program Bergmann has outlined.' " That "skyscraper" has since been built, if not vertically, then horizon- tally. Excerpt from an article by Julian L. _ Meltzer, printed in Rehovot, the Weiz- mann Institute's periodical. =