— QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE NEXT 50 YEARS An interview with Professor Michael Sela, President of the Weizmann In- 1 stitute of Science, on the occasion of the Institute's 50th anniversary. L jowieloWiliOewsw The next Fifty QUESTION: Reflecting on the his- tory of the Institute — and even of science in general it appears that, periodically international research • efforts seem to gravitate or concen- trate on what might be called a "hot science." There was a time when cheniistry took centre stage, then phy- sics; today everyone is animated by molecular biology. Which area of . science do you think will come to the fore in the years ahead? And if there is such an area, will the Weizmann Institute be prepared to move in its direction, in the same way as it has been able to shift research emphasis -_, over the past 50 years? Of course no institution can easily or with certainty predict which will be the upcoming "hot" areas of research. What we can do, though, is try to keep moving into various fron- tier areas so that when a specific "hot science" emerges, management will be in a position to judge whether posed by diffiCult-to-control parasi- body fluids, such as blood or urine, work in that field is possible - or not. tic infections. Here the design of to what is present in cells. That I'll give you three examples, in two synthetic vaccines might be particu- would include indentification and of which the Weizmann Institute was larly useful, although the use of quantification of membrane recep- "with it," and in one of which we synthetic antigens to provide protec- tors and proteins in the cytoplasm were less so. tion against viral and bacterial dis- and nucleus. When molecular biology entered eases is also promising. Di) you think it will be necessary io "centre stage" the Institute was redefine the role, goals and structure While the Institute was not a ready to pursuethe topic. Not that pioneer in molecular genetics (also of the Institute to suit new research we consciously decided to edge away known as genetic engineering), to- interests as they crop up or will it from classical biology and bioche- day at least a dozen vigorous Insti- simply be a matter of spotting trends mistry, but rather that scientists like tute groups work in this area. Prob- and trying to adjust to them on an Aharon and Ephraim Katzir had just ably the most interesting aspect of ad hoc" basis? started to deal with extremely excit- I'm glad _you asked this question, this whole field is the work being ing problems in biology and bioche- done on campus in the analysis of because, in fact, we are in the middle mistry, the study of which later be- oncogenes, the genetic elements of exactly this kind of rethinking and came known as molecular biology. A known to induce cancer in man and restructuring. Our greatest recent similar thing happened later when animals. It now appears that all the innovation has been the creation of attention began to be focused on genetic information responsible for centres - intellectual rathe'r than cancer research. When this occur- cancer is within us, not introduced physical amalgamations - designed red, we realized that the Institute from the outside via infection. Even to bring together scientists from had , considerable strength in this oncogenic viruses don't bring any. different departments and faculties sphere and could make significant new information but rather activate to work on problems of common and contributions. or change information inside our related interest. On the other hand I must admit own dormant genes or, alternative- Today I think we may have that when the energy crisis struck in ly, transfer oncogenes from one indi- reached the stage. in which certain 1973. we didn't have much energy physical and administrative renova- vidual to a second. The Institute's research going at the Institute. This long experience in immunology tions might be in place: We should has been totally corrected since. helps us to make contributions in this perhaps consider cloSing down some As to the upcoming areas likely to field. departments and opening new ones. achieve major importance at the Finally, I predict breakthroughs in Two Institute committees are work- Institute in the future, I would think both cancer diagnostics and therapy. ing On this question. In parallel, I've that within the next 50 years interdis- In diagnostics the field will shift from appointed a group, headed by Prof. ciplinary collaboration between our the examination of what is present in Ephraim Katzir,.who- together with theoretical mathematicians and our 77. 771 theoretical biologists might be one Wit such area. This kind of alliance might, for example, make major contributions to our understanding of artificial intelligence and also help us gain greater insights into the mechanism of natural intelligence. In physics, future interest here is likely to concentrate both on the tiniest and the largest of objects. As far as the largest is concerned, some of our astrophysicists may develop new theories regarding the forces operating to keep the universe and its constituent bodies in motion and the way in which the cosmos was formed. In regard to the very smal- lest of things, I think that Prof. Haim Harari's still unproved theory about the "Rishon" being the tiniest unit in the universe is likely to go on pro- voking discussion. I also expect, revolutionary new developments in the area that lies between physics and chemistry and is known as materials science. We have some beginnings here, but I hope we will develop a strong mate- rials science department within the next 10 years. As far as biology is concerned, I suspect that the greatest excitement . will involve the area of neurobiolo- gy, in which we already are very active. We are also capable, I be- lieve, of meeting the challenges still Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir is welcomed by Prof Sela. . 'I expect revolutionary new scientific developments' Professor Michael Sela, President of the Weizmann Institute, in this special interview. - . • • • eight young tenured scientists = will try and see where the Institute and the Feinberg Graduate School should go if they are to meet the needs of the country in the years ahead. I hope to have recommenda- lions from this committee within a year or two. How are Institute scientists prepar- ing themselves for these netv chat- /owes? As new challenges arise resear- chers may have to change their fields of interest. One example: the move of some of our biochemists and physical chemists . into neurobiology and the • behavioural sciences. More dramatically, people have . • shifted from chemistry to biology, from che- mistry to physics, from physics to chemistry. Take for instance Prof. Henryk Eisenberg, an expert in po- lymer chemistry for many years, who. started off focusing almost exclusive- ly on studies of non-biological synth- etic polymers. Then he moved to biological polymers, on to More complex biological structures, and finally to the .structure of genes and chromosomes. Such changes take place all the time. This doesn't mean that whenever something new turns up, we suddenly jump into the thick of it. Not at all. SometimeS- we can and do; sometimes we can't and therefore don't. However, over the years, the Institute has been char- acterized by a dynamic spirit of in- novation and change rather than by restraints of intellectual conservat- ism., Does the fact that the Institute isn't a university mean that it is freer to Move in new 'directions? Yes. We are not only able to move more easily in new directions; it is also essential that we do so. A question as to w science of human behaviour. Man advances scientifically and technologically, but basic human nature remains un- touched, or largely so. Despite mans many achievements, war, pre- judice and other ills all remain; .sonic' are even exacerbated by scientific progress. What, if anything, can working scientists do about this? First of all, they must and do demonstrate concern. • But I'm not - sure whether scientists, as such, have the right to demand veto powers over the uses to which their discover- ies are put. In any case, whatever the end results, researchers must go on with their research. Moreover, if you look at the 'situation dispassionately, I think you will find that despite the many negative consequences of modern scientific and - technological developments - including even more lethal weapons of war, acid rain, air pollution, etc. - on balance, science has done far more good than harm to civilization ; if only because more people enjoy long and reasonably comfortable lives than ever before. Problems remain, but I am confi- dent that in time most of them will be overcome. Can one justify the Israeli ,govern= ment's continuing outlay of huge ,funds to finance the Weizmann Insti- tute (among other such institutions) at a time when the country pees .vudi dire economic problems I'm certainly the last person to stake the Weizmann Institute's right to exist On the basis of its contribu- tions to the country's economy. However, in fact, the Institute and Israel's other centres of higher learn- ing not only help to set and preserve Israel's scientific and cultural stan- dards, but also contribute in con- crete terms to economic develop- ment. One of the reasons that Israel's citizens enjoy a higher standard of living than do those of -many other young states is because - when Israel was established, we already had a network of universities and research centres; we already had local scien- tific and technological know-how. I'd like to point out that two of Israel's well-known high technology companies, Scitex (manufacturing computer-based lithographic sys- tems) in Herzliya and Makhteshim (manufacturing a variety of chemic- als) in Ramat Hovav, exist in part thanks to Weizmann Institute -trained research and development people and to Institute-developed technology. Between them they ex- port products worth close to $100- million a year, while our owncurrent budget is about $65-million a year. Nonetheless, we cannot limit ourselves to research that may pro- vide economic pay-offs. This would cripple the Institute. In any case, the surest way to guarantee that there will not he a pay off is to ignore basic research, upon which economic achievement ultimately depends. Prof Sela holds the W. Garfield .West on Chair of Immunology. Prof Henryk Eisenberg, the William and Lee A brahmowitz Chair of Macromolecular Biophysics, and Prof Katzir, the' Theodore R. Racoosub Chair of Biophysics.-