1111-11.1111W 88 Friday, November 9, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A BOWL OF A H LPIN HAND Bo b McKe o w n Deli owner Maxie Silk uses a lifetime of contacts to raise funds for terd ► inally-ill children in Detroit BY MICHAEL BENCSIK Special to The Jewish News Maxie Silk and Fr. Russ Kohler share some soup and fundraising plans. n size, the soup bowl re- minds you of the water bowl the -100- pound German Shepherd down the block drank from when you were a kid. This is chicken soup at Maxie Silk's Left Field Deli. The little man who has run the deli near Tiger Stadium the past 16 years charges $1.25 a bowl. A regular at the deli, and a reg- ular chicken soup man, is Father Russ Kohler, founder of the Pope John XXIII Hospitality House in Detroit. The house is a retreat for terminally and seriously ill children and their families. On a recent weekday afternoon Kohler sat at the counter — the only seats in the deli — and while eating the soup he spoke with Silk, who for five years has been a primary funder, fixer and a schemer on behalf of Hospi- tality House. Their latest endeavor is to send a group of terminally-ill youths to Israel for the holiday season. It would be nice to be in Tel Aviv for Chanukah and then in Bethlehem for Christmas Eve," Kohler said. We want to sustain the endurance of these kids. They are striving for life and we should help them." As Kohler speaks, Silk nods and occasionally smiles. This man with _ dark brown eyes set close together, thinning hair and a thin voice prefers for his cohort to do the talking. "Talk to the priest," Silk says. He is the one who runs things. He is im- portant." If the excursion to Israel is pulled off it will be the third "pilgrimage" sponsored by Kohler and Hospitality House this year. In February, two teens with ter- minal cancer pilgrimaged to the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico City. In April, two more youths were taken to Rome for Easter Week. "These prilgrimages give them something to live for," Kohler ex- plains. "Ffrst; it is an escape from the sterility and needles of the. hospital world — the only world they now know. Second, it shows themselves and their peers the value of enduring — the promise of life." Kohler, who also serves as a Catholic chaplain at Sinai Hospital, explains the financing for the trips as a collection of donations and a little fun- draising by his ace money man Maxie Silk. "Maxie sold an omelette one day for 50 bucks," Kohler said with .a twinkle of his blue eyes for emphasis. Silk simply shrugs his shoulders in acknowledgement. He then turns and walks to the grill to create a mas- sive Swiss cheese omelette for a cus- tomer, dressed in hand-me-downs. The deli at 1266 Michigan Ave. serves patrons ranging from derelicts to divinity. Kohler says it is all part of the wealth of Maxie Silk. "No, he isn't wealthy in the finan- cial sense, but he has a wealth of con- tacts. He knows a lot of people." .Silk, 77, said that comes with a lifetime of serving the public. "I've been behind the bar all my life," he says in his high-pitched voice. "During Prohibition, after Prohibi- tion. When I bought this place it was to put a bar in here, but they wouldn't let me because there were too many in the neighborhood. So it ended up a deli." Deli or bar, Silk is one of those people who quickly make friends. His eatery has gained him a variety of new contacts he has used to Hospitality House's advantage. "Maxie got us a Cadillac ambu- lance free," Kohler says. It really helps when it comes to transporting some of the kids." "Oh yeah, a friend up north," Silk says with another shrug. He also got us a Hudson taxi to drive around in," Kohler adds. The kids love it," responds Silk with a smile. Kohler explains the Silk system of operation when it comes to acquiring donations: "Things get started when I call Maxie and tell him what I need," he said. He thinks about it for a day, makes the connection with the person who has what we need and then he calls back to say it's on the way." Kohler said contributions to Hos- pitality House have increased sig- nificantly since 1980 and boomed last winter after a reporter accompanied him and the youths on the Mexico pil- grimage. "I could tell from the calls coming in that this went over big," he said. Silk thinks the pilgrimages should continue and, in a rare mo- ment, offers the briefest but signific- ant rationale: "They deserve a chance to go," he says with a nod of his head. "They de- serve it."