2 Friday, November 2, 1984 • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ The naive and realists: Pre-election random thoughts Only the very naive fail to realize and admit that -perhaps 95 percent of the American electorate has already reached a final decision on who to occupy the White House in the coming four years. Therefore, further debating and agoniz- ing over the debates, whether they are vitriolic or informative, becomes sense- less. The voter must, in the American way of judging candidates, be given credit with concerns over social domestic issues as well as foreign affairs involvements. Nevertheless, new trends are in evi- dence. The country, like most of the world outside the Communist sphere, is becom- ing ultra-conservative. In some areas it is approaching reactionary leanings. There are other concerns. The injec- tion of fanaticisms into the current cam- paign has become deplorable. The resort to religious pressures — they are more than appeals, they are pressures! — has not raised the standards of American fair-play ideologies. Candidates and their supporters who have embraced Arafat could not possibly be considered people to be trusted with any public duties, and certainly not the political. Whatever the results of the election on Tuesday, nationally and on a statewide basis, there may be temporary concerns caused by the results. In the long run, the people of this country must retain a sense of confidence that if there is evil to be confronted it will be shortlived. This is a thought that must be entertained in relation to a decline of the liberalism that is the very core of Ameri- can life. Indeed, we are in the throes of ultra-conservatism. That's tolerable, as long as liberals and radicals are not stig- matized as evil-doers. This was part of the 1984 method of campaigning in this country, and that was the most tragic of all developments. There were appeals to patriotism and those who resorted to it failed to admit that they had no monopoly on the duties of citizenship. Therefore, with whatever the results of the current election, new duties appear on the horizon for the American citizen. There may be a need to revive a tolerance for liberalism, a respect even for radicalism. All citizens are loyalists de- voted to the best interests of this country. There is need for the unity that em- phasizes respect for differing views and a unity of peoplehood that is emphasized by it. Indeed, whatever the results in Tuesday's voting, this basic ideal re- mains a chief duty for every citizen. There cannot be, there must never be, defection from it! The most serious issues: Religion and Jackson Proof that "minds have been made up" became more evident with the editorial endorsements, with New York Times, De- troit Free Press and others in the Mondale corner; Chicago Tribune, N.Y. Daily News and those sharing their views backing Reagan. The major human concerns are what matters. Nuclear warfare, education, aid to the handicapped are the compelling matters. Politicizing religion must never be ig- nored, just as deifying cheap ward politics dare not be tolerated. The voters will surely be the proper judges. There is one element in the campaign that is associated with bitterness. It is the Jesse Jackson presence which is tooted as carrying with it a menace to America. No one can realistically endorse the anti- Semitic aspects in a campaign that was marked by so much anger. No rational American with a sense of fairness gave comfort to the Jacksonian prejudices. Of course, no one will endorse the iews of a man who embraces Arafat, just as voters must think twice before voting for a judge who had embraced Arafat. But in the proc- ess of having confidence in the good judg- ment of American leadership on all major matters affecting the-life of the nation, so also must be the self-esteem in believing that Arafatism will not influence the gov- ernment, no matter which party succeeds on Nov. 6. Jesse Jackson has made one good con- tribution to this nation: he has encouraged participation of the blacks in the ranks of responsible citizens who respond to the duty of utilizing their citizenship obliga- tion as voters. Now it is the total national duty to enroll them to guide them in exer- cising that right in the best interests of this nation and humanity. What is good in Jacksonism will be good for them; what is evil for humanity and the nation in Jacksonism will be most evil for them. Let's have confidence in the American people: they will surely know how to judge the politicians, for the Presidency and judgeships. Let's have confidence in the American voter: he'll know how to split the ballot, vote properly for the Presidency and judge- ships, select the well-tried and ablest in the Congressional races. November 6 is voter's day to ascertain it. ' A life for a life? Jewish extremists, seeking vengeance for the murder near Hebron of a Hebrew University student, attacked an Arab bus, killed one Arab, injured several, laid claim to the right to exact a life for a life. It has often been said that this is the only understanding Arabs have when there is murder: that vengeance calls for another life to be sacrificed. Such legends do not belong in a Jewish lexicon. They are wrong, they are not Jewish, they do not justify the extremism that has created a Jewish terrorism, and it will surely exact condemnation in Israel as•well as the Dias- pora. What has developed in the form of a Jewish terrorism is not condonable in civilized ranks. Those are the ranks where Israel and Jewry choose to be. Inviting respect, proper judgment in treatment of the world's personalities Business Week is not a literary maga- zine. As the name implies, it deals with business. Therefore, personalities in the business world are the specialized news magazine's concern. That is why its issue of Oct. 8 merits special attention. An article comments on the latest book by Stephen Birmingham, The Rest of Us: The Rise of America's Eastern European Jews (Little, Brown and Co.). Birmingham is known as the author of best-selling books about American Jews with origins from Ger- many and Spanish-Portuguese back- grounds. In the new book, the quest for sensa- tions is the emphasis and Business Week renders a great service with the following item: Stephen Birmingham, a New England Episcopalian, has achieved literary fame exploring the history of American Jews. His best-seller, Our Crowd, dealt with German Jews who came here in the mid-1800s and became rich, largely as financiers and retailers. In The Grandees, he wrote about the equally successful Spanish Jews, who migrated at least a century earlier. Now, in The Rest of Us, Bir- mingham turns his attention to the Eastern European Jews who ar- rived from the 1880s until World War I and whose descendants now account for the bulk of the nation's 5.7 million Jews. Despite his good intentions, Birmingham does a disservice to American Jews whose Yiddish- speaking families originated in Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lithuania and other Eastern European enclaves. He tells their story by forcusing on the well-known eccentricities of a handful of fabulously successful but often unappealing people — Samuel Goldwyn. Louis B. Mayer, David Sarnoff, Helena Rubinstein, Samuel Bronfman and Meyer Lansky. By dwelling on such offbeat celebrities, Birmingham offers a highly distorted view of how Yiddish-speaking immigrants and their offspring have made it here. He overlooks the legions of businessmen, scientists, artists, politicians, and other public fig- ures who were just as successful as Birmingham's heroes but who were not eccentrics. Granted, Sar- noff, Bronfman, and the Hol- lywood tycoons make good copy. But a more serious treatment of the Eastern European Jews in America would have shown that to succeed one did not have to be a screwball, a crank, or — as in the case of Lansky — a criminal. Those concerned with realities and with the need to search for the positives rather than the negatives in the back- grounds of newcomers to this country, should be gratified with what was accom- plished in this review. Contrary to the usual flattering blurbs in Publishers Weekly and other periodicals where works like the current by Birmingham are acclaimed, Business Week has exposed a great fault. There is so much in the record of Americanized East European Jews that what Birmingham did earned severest criticism. It is not Birmingham alone who is at fault and who must be called to task for sensationalism. There are many others. The subject thus called to the atten- tion of historically-minded people is vaster in its scope than merely another book. There are many literary attempts that are subject to challenge. Recently, a very popu- lar author, who has gained fame as an "authority" on Talmud and major Hebraic scholarly legacies, was called to task for serious errors and was challenged on his claims of being a Hebrew and Aramaic authority. Such challenges must be encouraged. Else, truth will be buried by misleading documents. ZBT: The fraternity with a notable background Tragedy struck the oldest-on-record Jewish fraternity in this country. One stu- dent died and several were injured in the fire at the fraternity house of Zeta Beta Tau of Indiana University in Bloomington. Any similar tragedy, regardless of the Jewish or ethnic positions of the occupants of a fraternity or other home, is cause for sorrow. In the instance of ZBT, it provides a reminder of the origin of the fraternity. Zeta Beta Tau was founded by Prof. Richard Gottheil of Columbia University toward the end of the last century. He used the phrase from Isaiah 1:27, which reads: Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and they that return of her with righteousness. The mere phrase Tzion b'Mishpat Tipode — Zion shall be redeemed with jus- tice — would imply that the fraternity was a Zionist organization. On the contrary, during all the decades of the existence of ZBT, surely until the rebirth of Israel's statehood, its leadership was anti-Zionist. Enigmatically, Founder Gottheil was a pioneer in American Zionism and was the first national president of the Federation of American Zionists, which later became the Zionist Organization of America. It is as an historical note that the re- collection of this fact is utilized as a com- ment on a regrettable tragedy. Isaac Bashevis Singer autobiography emphasizes fiction as life's reality Nobel Prize winner Isaac Bashevis Singer keeps stimulating his readers with so much that stems from Old World experi- ence that his writings retain the appeal that earned him world recognition. - The mere fact that Yiddish literature won recognition in the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Singer is in itself an indica- tion of an acceptance, although it had to be based on translations. Indeed, his acclaimed works are the translations. Interestingly, Singer often participates in translating his own works into English. While demons and the satanic have a predominance in the I.B. Singer themes, a more impressive autobiographically- idealized volume has just been issued which gives emphasis to family legacies and a spiritual idealism in the life and works of the eminent Yiddish literature Nobel Prize winner. Love and Exile (Doubleday) is his newest classic. Under a summarized title, A Memoir, the new volume contains three of Isaac Bashevis Singer's books which have rela- tionship to his childhood and his settle- ment in this country. They are A Little Boy in Search of God, A Young Man in Search of Love and Lost in America. Together, they form a most interesting portrayal of a literary activist's experi- ences. It should be noted in relation to the Continued on page 24