THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS the two Orthodox communities split asunder by the big ditch. • Landscaping to beautify the decks. Rabbi Kaplan says the federal government has "significantly re- neged" on this concession, citing limited funding available for such projects under subsequent acts of Con- gress. • The appointment of an om- budsman by and for the Michigan De- partment of Transportation to serve as community advocate for the Orthodox — Rabbi Kaplan. Rabbi Freedman is proud of the decks. He describes them as "long, ex- tensive decks over the expressway that, if they live up to all their prom- > ises, will integrate the two Orthodox areas on either side of the expressway. It will almost be as if the two sides are still united. It will still be one commu- nity. From the air, the community will appear to be intact. These large 600- to 700-foot decks will be well-lighted and landscaped, with benches on them. You'll have all the access that you have today from both sides (of the ex- pressway) to the different synagogues and communal resource locations. They've even guaranteed us that every thoroughfare that exists today, and that includes roads, pedestrian access, even the tiny paths that are beaten through the fields in back of the Jewish Community Center, will con- tinue to have that same access through the deck at the Center and at Church Street. And they've promised us they wouldn't work on Shabbat and on the High Holy Days during the construc- tion phase, which is also unusual," adds Rabbi Freedman. However, some observers have reported seeing homes being moved along the route on Shab- bat last spring and summer. "They've certainly come through on their promise to- appoint a commu- nity advocate," continues Rabbi Freedman, "so that anyone who has any problems with how these things are developing — construction noise, relocation expenses, all those things — has a person paid by the state who they can go to. "All in all, they've appreciated our problem in terms of language. Many of the elderly people affected in the area are either Russian emigrants or Yiddish-speaking people, and they've made numerous accommodations for the ethnic nature of the community." Still, the earthmovers continue to mass at the Huntington Woods bound- ary of Oak Park, as if they are only awaiting the order to cross the frontier at dawn. And there are visible signs of the coming of the expressway, al- though some may be a little oblique — like the creation of an instant baseball diamond behind Cong. B'nai Moshe where once stood the homes on Win- chester Court. Concessions, after all, are merely words. "I hope this country is not like a banana republic," sighed attorney Schlussel. The representations of one Administration should be considered to be those of the government itself, and should be adhered to." But are they? Schlussel admits the existence of what he calls a "dilution factor." He defines it by explaining, They (the federal government) take back their promises a little piece at a time until you don't know that they've taken them all back." Schlussel points to the "commit- ment" for an additional 150 units of replacement housing for the elderly promised to the organized Jewish community as part of the deal" — to be built on land adjacent to the Feder- ation Apartments on Ten Mile Road. "The Administration is being very evasive on this," says Schlussel, a past president of the Federation Apart- ments and negotiator of the 1981 con- cessions from the federal government. "I have a feeling they may be trying to walk away from that corfimitment. We were told that Jimmy Carter's then- Secretary of Transportation Neil Goldschmidt (who is Jewish) had per- sonally checked with the Department of Housing and Urban Development about this. We were advised that as of fiscal 1985 that's September 1984 — `you will have a commitment for 150 units (of senior citizen housing) — all you need do is apply.' We were elated. But we've heard nothing about it since." Rabbi Freedman is less optimis- tic. "Between me and you, it died, be- cause no one was sitting on top of it. Once we lost the battle, I saw to it that Rabbi Kaplan got in place to handle the day-to-day struggles, and then I kind of died on it. I knew it was over for us. Had we won, I would have had some fervor and we could have pushed the housing through. But nobody cared to stay on top of it." Goldschmidt, who is still active in "transportation" — albeit as vice president of the Beaverton, Oregon- based Nike Corp., manufacturer of running shoes — would not speak with, nor return telephone calls placed by this reporter. Already there is talk that both of the decks across the Ten Mile Road stretch of the expressway may really be only 500-feet long and not the prom- ised 600 to 700 feet. Indeed, a copy of a confidential State Department of Transportation interoffice memo leaked to this reporter says, "The length of the three decks (one is to be constructed in Southfield) as currently proposed will be in the 300-foot to 700- foot range." Community activist Zentman, vice president and investment officer of Manufacturer's National Bank, maintains that "neither the federal nor state government ever had any in- tention of alternatives to the 1-696 route. Although many alternatives were' put forth, they were never really considered. The very reasons given for the construction of the expressway were ludicrous. They could have put all that money into widening the mile roads. But instead they told us that once the eastern leg (the 1-75 inter- change) and the western leg (the 1-96 connection) were completed, they had no choice but to finish the middle part. That's absurd. Does that mean that if you cut off one arm and leg you have to cut off the other one too?" Rabbi James Gordon of Young Is- rael of Oak-Woods agrees with Zentman that the expressway should not have been constructed along its present route. It was always our hope that the expressway would never come through here," he explains, "or that it would be changed (to run) further north — where it should be. When it was planned 20 years ago, this may have been a logical route. But today, with so many people moved to the north and northwest (suburbs), a crosstown expressway should really be further north." Does Rabbi Gordon believe the project could ever have ,been stopped? "I think the Jewish community got in- volved much too late," he reflects. Had they organized a number of years earlier perhaps something could have been done. The expressway was origi- nally scheduled to come through the intersection of Woodward and 11 Mile Road in Royal Oak, but the churches on that corner got together and pro- tested and the plans were changed. Continued on next page Friday, October 26, 1984 • The negotiated concessions tried to minimize the effect on the Orthodox community. Rabbi Eliezer Kaplan, Jewish communal ombudsman for the Michigan Highway Departnient. 17