■ 2 1: 10 )1 . Friday, October 5, 1 84 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PURELY milmisimmm COMMENTARY PHILIP SLOMOVITZ MEDDLING .. . ... An accusatory in the new citizenship dic- tionary, with chal- lenges to the demo- cratic ideology A new term is in evidence in the citi- zenship dictionary. Meddling has become both an accusatory and a challenge. It is in evidence in many ways, and especially in two items now on the calendar of human, social and politiCal events. First comes the Genocide Convention. Why was its adoption delayed, with con- tinuing minimal obstacles which may delay action upon it by the U.S. Senate for another year? Because there is an element on the American scene with a penchant for meddling. The opposition to the genocide pact really commenced with the Southern rac- ists. Even after it had acquired the signa- ture of President Harry S. Truman in 1948, as the first endorser of the human docu- ment that would outlaw mass murder of peoples, there were Southerners — those who at the time still pursued policies of hatred for Negroes — who contended, out- side forces, from abroad, would, under the pact, be able to meddle in American affairs and compel introduction of civil rights on American soil. We libertarians, in our struggle for just civil rights for the blacks and for all who are offended as citizens, said in reply: Meddle, please meddle, so long as it is in justice and in defense of American fair play. Now we have an enforcement of civil liberties, hopefully unanimity in behalf of our black fellow citizens, and only one Southern Senator still holds on to prej- udice. Even he, Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina, is commencing to yield, in justice to human decencies, and he may be soft in his opposition to the Genocide Con- vention. It is important that our black fellow Americans should know this and under- stand it in response to calls for their coop- eration in defense of humanism with Jews and others who are truly their friends and compatriots in libertarianism. However, Senator Helms sticks to an old disillusionment in his approach to what we would term honorable diplomatic statesmanship and fair treatment of human values. The report on the current Senatorial discussions on the genocide is- sue, by Martin Tolchin, in the Sept. 20New York Times, concludes with the following: Helms told a group of report- ers after the committee meeting that the Jewish people are very enthusiastic about having this, but Israel is likely to be the first victim of this convention." He added: "They have killed a lot of Arabs. Who knows what a World Court would do?" In the first place, there is a bit of inex- cusable arrogance in this statement. What does the Senator mean by charging mass murder of Arabs by Jews? There is a tragic and unnecessary war, and people die — Jews are killed, Arabs are killed. But suppose the Southern Senator were right. In that case he should be re- minded that decent people do not object to the meddling danger. Ifthere is injustice in Israel, let it be exposed. Honorable people do not fear criticism. American Southern- ers have no right to fear, and Jews and Israelis will not fear emphasis on justice. MEDDLING .. . . . . Continuing emphases ,,, ill ;fa Property values vs. human needs A step forward, in the direction of so,:ial welfare, commenced a decade ago, when some states, including Michigan, emphasized the rights of the handicapped, with emphasis on the retarded, as a human policy for this nation. That's when the series of homes were established to care for the retarded, to recognize their just rights as citizens. That's when the best relations in good neighborliness included the many who had been denied their place in society. That's how the dignity of homes for the retarded became a policy in the Jewish community, thanks to the services rendered by the Jewish Association for Retarded Citizens. The transfer of a group of such residents provided for by JARC from an abandoned residence into a newly-acquired one was prevented by a group of citizens who maintain that their property values are affected when the handicapped are moved into their area. That's the argument advanced in opposition to the principle advanced for the creation of homes for the handicapped. It is a regrettable development and is, tragically, based on misjudgment. There was a very early experience in this community, some four decades ago, when a pastor of a Christian church registered a protest against the construction of a synagogue which was to be a neighbor to his church. He had one argument; fear by his parishioners lest it would lead to a drop in property values. The synagogue was built, the two faiths established an admirable friendship, they soon shared their parking lots. Human values rose high in that area from the association established on friendliest terms by Jews and Christians. This has been and continues to be the experience in all the neighborhoods where JARC homes have been established. Knowing each other, neighbors learn to live with the less fortunate. They have come to admire their sense of citizenship, their cleanliness. That's the type of home that JARC and related movements pursued by non-Jews who have established such residential safeguards for the handicapped have created in this community. It is a record to be proud of and to be respected. Therefore, recognizing the injustice just perpetrated under the guise of property values, there is an obligation resting upon all citizens. The efforts must continue to educate the citizens of all faiths that there are human values which supersede property values, that property ownership becomes more respected and more dignified when the rights of all citizens are respected, when the less fortunate are never again treated as a pariah. This is a call to action to this and other communities never to submit to devaluation of human needs. challenges to those who would make reli- gion an obstacle to the freedom of conscience Continuing the discussion on meddl- ing and meddlesome people: The word is introduced again in one of the most challenging of the opinions ex- pressed on President Ronald Reagan's in- troduction of political fundamentalism into the current Presidential campaign. Henry Steele Commager, Emeritus Pro- fessor of History at Amherst College and author of The Empire of Reason as well as scores of essays on politics and history, wrote an essay on "Public Morality, Not Religion," which appeared on the New York Times Op-Ed Page on Sept. 16. Here are excerpts from it which should be engraved on the conscience of all Ameri- cans: We tend to forget that separa- tion of church and state and rejec- tion of religious establishments were, in the 18th Century, the most revolutionary experiment on which the new United States em- barked. It commanded more atten- tion, applause and censure than creation of the new nation or the rejection of colonialism. No other Western nation had ever tried so reckless an experiment. But the Founding Fathers knew what they were about: they wanted peace and harmony in a society dangerously heterogene- ous. They did not resort to subtle arguments or to elaborate legal provisions but contented them- selves with the general principle — one that is subject, as James Madi- son observed, to a variety of in- terpretations. But the principle it- self was clear. John Adams put it bluntly: "Congress shall never meddle with religion other than to say their own prayers and to give thanks once a year:" Furthermore, Madison asserted that "the Con- stitution does not create a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion." In the Constitutional Conven- tion, Charles Pinckney, a staunch Episcopalian, proposed the simple provision that the legislature of the United States shall pass no law on the subject of religion." Clearly, what the Framers had in mind was more than separating church and state: it was separating religion from politics — religion, not moral- ity, for the Framers were almost to It is the matter of meddling and in- termeddling that is at stake here, and should be properly understood. The reader should be fully apprised about the authoritative and scholarly role of the man just quoted. Prof. Commager is the top-ranking American historian and his views have been treated for more than half a century with deepest. respect. Therefore, his NYTimes essay merits additional consideration. In his discussion of the separation principle he stated: We should not get bogged down in constitutional or legal controversies on this fundamental issue, but strive to fulfill the ideal of the Framers — to create and maintain a political system that, so far as possible, establishes justice and insures domestic tranquility. To do so, we should resort to ex- perience. What influence, Madison asked, have "ecclesiastical estab- lishments had in the past? They have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of civil authority; they have upheld the thrones of political tyranny; in no instances have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people. A just government, insti- tuted to secure and perpettiate the public liberty, needs them not." We must be clear about our own logic, which is pragmatic, not speculative. We do not limit prayer in public schools or forbid reli- gious "tests" because the Constitu- tion so provides; the Constitution so provides because experience taught its Framers that such ac- tions would menace the peace and harmony of our society. The Founding Fathers were, most of them, deeply versed in his- tory. They were familiar with the tragic century-long religious wars that tore the peoples of Britain, Germany and France apart. They were descendants of Pilgrims and Puritans who found refuge from religious persecutions and of Scot- tish dissenters. They were all familiar with the Anglican Estab- lishments in at least five of our Colonies. They were determined that neither religious privilege nor bigotry should ever ruffle the sur- face of American life. What is almost miraculous is that the measures they took to avoid all this worked — the mighty Edmund Burke had pronounced it impossible. The new nation man- peoples of every nation and fait and somehow to maintain religiou peace and harmony. Atherican have never had a religious war, not even persecution on the Old World scale. There has been prejudice harassment, ostracism Catholics, Mormons, Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses, but no on has been sent to the stake or im- prisoned or exiled or — since the 1830's — tried for blasphemy; nor have any, except temporarily the Mormons, been denied civil and" political rights on religious_ grounds. To our shame, we have in- dulged more persistently than most civilized nations in racial an ethnic bigotries, and we have pai and are still paying a bitter pric for those sins. But we seem to hav known, by an instinct rooted in our colonial experience, that we can- not afford a comparable religious bigotry, and that we cannot afford. the meddling of religion in politics. Those who would interject religion into politics today would do well to remember. Reason, experience and com- mon sense counsel us to cultivate, in this -arena, wisdom, patience and magnanimity — and to. hark tc Winston Churchill's admonition that "the duty of governments is first of all to be practical." The issue has been raised, the prej- udice has been injected in politics, men' -- dling is on the agenda. There is reason tt, believe that the American voter in this era will be as sound in judgment as those in t days of deist Thomas Jefferson and the libertarian James Madison and his associ- ates. Indeed, the issue will not be ignored. This is a- time to meddle — by means 1._ sharing in the political discussions and let- ting it be known that the Separation Prin- ciple is not on the bargaining counters'. George Will's pessimism: back to genocide concerns: George Will, the admired columnist /II took up the genocide issue in a column t Detroit News entitled, "Genocide Treaty. A I Dead Letter." In that suggested pessimism one may as well recite a funeralistic "human rights 1 death oration." Perhaps George Will is right. In an er--' when McCarthyism seems to make a n( appearance even on the democratic Ameri-'