14 Friday, September 14, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS CLOSE-UP PREACHING POLITICS • Are Reagan and Mondale, after addressing the B'nai Brith Convention, backing away from the church-state issue? Continued from Page 1 same reference to the Constitution ap- politicians hoping to get their votes, is peared in both candidates' speeches, difficult to determine. Neither speech Mondale said. "I believe in an America was inspiring. Mondale's delivery was that honors what Thomas Jefferson flat and Reagan's was low-key. But it first called the 'wall of separation be- was also the first time either candidate tween church and state.' " And Reagan had offered up a major issue. said, "The unique thing about I'm afraid it was one of those situ- America is a wall in our Constitution . ations- that brings down on the press separating church and state." accusations of sensationalism. The So what was all the fuss about? two presidential candidates were ap- Mondale virtually ignored all poten- pearing in the same hall, if not simul- tial issues in favor of the religious one, taneously, then almost. They were ad- possibly taking his cue from a pro- dressing the same group, if not in de- posed B'nai B'rith resolution opposing bate, then almost. And the media had any and all ties between government assembled a great weight of equip- and religion. (The draft resolution, too, ment and personnel to cover the mentioned the "wall of separation be- almost-confrontation. What could tween religion and government.") they do but extract the only speck of Reagan celebrated what he saw as the news on hand? It looked almost as if successes of his Administration, stood the TV, radio and print people had "four-square on the side of human lib- been maneuvered into the situation. erty," attacked "ugly intolerance," But who was doing the maneuver- pledged support of Israel and tried his ing? Mondale? Reagan? The B'nai hand at a few Hebrew phrases (which B'rith? The media itself? An agent to- he muffed). tally independent of all four? We will The assembly appeared to greet probably never know. The fact re- both candidates with some suspicion, mains that Mondale, Reagan and the although in all fairness it did seem to media came together in a most news- be warmer toward Mondale. (For worthy time and place, and that Mon- whatever it is worth, Mondale was in- dale made a few points. Given all of terrupted 22 times by applause, and that exposure, though, one would have Reagan was interrupted 21 times.) In wished for a more thorough and cohe- any case, neither speaker generated rent discussion of the crucial issues what you might call excitement. facing us this year. Whether the lack of passion was But that may be too much to wish due to the average age of the delegates, for. The church-state separation issue most of whom seemed to be past their is well on its way to a hopeless muddle. middle years, or to the fact that the The day after he spoke before B'nai audience members were simply evinc- B'rith, the President blamed the press ing a healthy detachment toward for distorting his remarks and said that "antireligionists," rather than his Administration, were trying to break down the wall between church and state; a rather odd connection of oppos- ing premises. And Mondale, in an ap- parent attempt to reassure conserva- tive Protestants in the South, asserted that "there's a relationship" between religion and politics. "Meantime," New York Times writer John Herbers reported Sunday, "theologians, public officials, pundits and others are debating the issue and what it means to the relationship be- tween church and state. Although people of various faiths, including political leaders, are split on the issue, all acknowledge that over the past two detades there has been a movement away from the strict 'wall of separa- tion' enunciated by Thomas Jefferson. The Supreme Court has encouraged the movement with a series of rulings that stress accommodation of religion in government." ". . . the separation (of church and state)," wrote David Fink and Patrick O'Driscoll in USA TODAY, "is no longer so clear. The Supreme Court has said a city-funded Christmas manger scene does not violate the Constitution; the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Jerry Falwell preach politics from the pulpit; Catholic bishops decry the nuclear buildup; and the Republican platform urges that only anti-abortion judges be appointed to the federal bench." The inevitable result of all this pressure is heat, and it is the sort of heat that can burn both presidential candidates. They have felt it, and are already backing away. Reagan cannot afford to alienate young conservatives and Jews, who may be attracted to him on economic issues but put off by his links with the Moral Majority. Mon- dale does not want to lose his tenuous hold in the South. Political strategists in both parties are reportedly advising the candidates to soft pedal the reli- gious issue and get on with more prod- uctive subjects, Earlier in the B'nai B'rith conven- tion's proceedings, liberal Leonard Fein who edits Moment magazine, and conservative Irving Kristol, who co- edits The Public Interest magazine, did debate. Actually, they discussed, rather than debated, the question, Are Jews Losing Their Traditional Concern for the Welfare of Others?" Generally, Fein and Kristol