88 Friday, September 7, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cra ig Terkow A Labor Day conversation about the condition and future prospects of the labor movement with Joseph L. Rauh Jr., former general counsel of the UAW and founder of the ADA. Joseph L. Rauh Jr.: A union man. who busts corruption. STATE OF THE UNIONS BY SHERWOOD KOHN Special to The Jewish News It should come as no surprise to any- one, as another Labor Day passes, that the labor movement appedrs to have lost much of its impetus, and that the Jewish giants who helped start it in this country — Samuel Gompers, David Dubinsky, Sidney Hillman — have not found their counterparts among the current generation of labor leaders. Labor's day — at least in the orga- nized, blue collar sense — seems to have passed. In fact, according•to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the De- partment of Labor, the proportions of union members among non-agricultu- ral employees peaked in 1945 at 35.5 percent and has been declining ever since. The 1980 figure, which was the last one available, was 24.7 percent and dropping. The causes have been complex and largely evolutionary. A steady shift over the last 80 years from a goods- producing to a service-based economy has been central. Of course, foreign competition and technological change have contributed, and most experts agree that unions have been less suc- cessful, at organizing white collar workers than they once were at sign- ing up blue collar employees. But these are the theories of econo- mists, statisticians, detached obser- vers. Joseph L. Rauh, Jr., at 73 one of the last of the great liberals and legal minds of the -labor movement, ap- proaches the matter from another point of view. Rauh was there, not from the begin- ning, but during the turbulent hey- days of the United Automobile Work- ers, United Mine Workers and Steel- workers' unions. He has served as gen- eral counsel for the UAW, has repre- sented the International Association_ of Machinists, the United Shoe Work- ers, the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, the Ameri- can Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees, the Brother- hood of Railway Clerks and the Inter- national Woodworkers of America. Rauh fought side by side with Jock . Yablonski in 1969 to clean up the United Mine Workers Union, and after Yablonski was murdered, helped put Tony Boyle behind bars. He represen- ted Ed Sadlowski in his sliccessful bat- tle to clean up the Steelworkers' Union in the '70s. He helped found Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), successfully defended Arthur Miller after the playwright was con- victed of contempt of Congress, represented Lillian Hellman before the House UnAmerican Activities Com- mittee, was one of the first and staun- chest opponents of McCarthyism, and was with Clarence Mitchell of the NAACP one of the chief lobbyists for the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, 1970 and 1975, and the Fair Housing Act of 1968. "We did win that fight after Jock died and we did upset the election. We had a new election and we beat Boyle. And we sent Boyle to jail for murder. So it was a great success. "Unfortunately," said Rauh, "if you have a success like that, everybody thinks you can do anything.. You'd have thought I could clean up the rest of the labor movement. I did help Sacllowski clean up the steel workers. and I've done a lot of work for union democracy. But the labor movement does not tolerate people helping a Yablonski or a Sadlowski. They are very hostile to that sort of activity. So Rauh knows whereof he speaks when he says, "The labor movement has run out of steam. It's not a ques- tion of will it," he said last week in his law office overlooking the intersection . of Connecticut Avenue and K Street in Washington. "It has. One of the- things that has happened to cause it is that there's been this terrible split between labor and liberals on Vietnam and subsequent foreign policy issues. In its simplest terms, the labor move- ment is the center of hawkishness in America, and the liberal movement is the center of dovishness. "Second, and I don't want to weigh the two and say which is more impor- tant, is the corruption and underdemo- cratic practices. in some unions that have hurt the labor movement. Every- body knows about the Teamsters, but there are others. "You see," said Ruah, "I've had a kind of personal odyssey in this thing." - He looked around at the walls of his office, where he had hung pictures of his mentor, Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, along with others of Jock Yablonski, Walter, Victor and Roy Reuther, Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, Gene McCarthy, Lyndon Johnson and Senator Philip Hart, all signed with messages of high regard. The Johnson photograph. which commemorates the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, is inscribed with, "To Joe Rau, a fighter, Lyndon B. Johnson." Senator Hart signed his, "To Joe Rau, the real conscience of the Senate..." And a testimonial scroll from the officers of the Civilian Relief Supply Distribution of the Emergen- cy Control Administration of the Com- monwealth of the Philippines, hangs in Rau's outer office, a souvenir of his service on General MacArthur's staff during World War II. "In 1969," he said, "if you had in- terviewed me this way, I would have mentioned only the first problem: the labor-liberal split. But in 1969, my life changed considerably. A fellow nam- ed Jock Yablonslki came to see me and said, 'I'm going to clean up the United Mine Workers.' Either then or a short Continued on page 58