BACK ID SCHOOL Overcom ng Dyslexia Albert Einstein was dyslexic. So was Thomas Edison. The "difficulty with words" has nothing to do with intelligence. In fact, it may accompany a high order of creative or athletic talent. BY POLLY KENT HOSTETLER Special to The Jewish News lexic's brain that is respon- sible for language process- ing has developed differ- ently from the average. Most of us learn by seeing and hearing — we assimi- late information visually or auditorially — and then store what we have learned for retrieval at some point in the future. Because of the visual and auditory processing diffi- culties of the dyslexic, the information that he has learned is more difficult- to retrieve, and to express his answer in words is still more difficult, if not im- possible. The problem is not with his understandng, but with his ability to reproduce that which he has under- stood, particularly through the medium of language. Every dyslexic is differ- ent, and there are different cat run arm u Oy train shout correct _ . •8. h vily _ _ 9.etk177. 10. I I. heaven educate oh mate rial r ruin t/ 12. • fashion ___• The spelling performance of a dyslexic child. Education has always been important in Jewish culture. But if an otherwise intelligent child, raised in a typical Jewish home, dis- likes school of rejects educa- tion, the problem may be more complicated than sim- ple childhood rebellion. Dyslexia is a learning disability that prevents from five to 15 percent of this country's children from learning to , read and write adequately. The problem is not limited to any particu- lar race class, or sex, but it is four times more common in boys than in girls. It has no bearing whatsoever on in- telligence: Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison were boty dyslexic. Quite often, in fact, the dyslexic child . 7!iitshow unusual talent in - *that needs no lan- e? skills, such as, art, athletics. 'The Tha , author is a freelance writer and certified tutor of reading for dyslexics. She works with the Michigan Dyslexia Institute in Okemos. .•••••44••••• •• ••• problem is not a function of environment, or education; it is commonly believed to be hereditary. Translated from the Greek, "dyslexia" means "difficulty with words." Al- though dyslexia is usually characterized by the rever- sal or confusion of letters or syllables in writing s the same difficulties can be ex- hibited in the dyslexic's speech. Mirror-writing can also be a sign of dyslexia, as can be the inability to dis- tinguish between similar letters such as "b" and "d" or "p" and "q." The dyslexic may be chronologically or spatially disoriented, unsure which is "yesterday" or "tomorrow," or which is "forward" or "backward:" Sometimes he'IL have trOuhle remem- bering thing**. knew the day before, commonly forgetting names, dates, or times. AMbidexterity is common in , dyslexic chil- dren; in testing, one boy used his right hand to make the vertical line of the letter "T" and his left hand to cross it — from right to left. ••• ••• •• ■ •••••••••••• ■ •••••,.••• • 1, ...,8, ••••••••• - .• •. ••• ••• ••• •• • •• .4.09. • • •••• ••• • ••• •• ■ The dyslexic child may appear disorganized, be- ginning each task in the middle rather than ap- proaching it in logical steps. His handwfiting may be hard to read, if not illegible, and his spelling will be poor. The child with undiag- nosed dyslexia has a dif- ficult time learning to read and write. He may complete complicated arithmetic problems in his head, only to write down the wrong an- swer on paper. The "extra- curricular" activities, such as sports and music, in which he. may excel, are too often denied him in an effort to focus his attention on the "three R's" that give him so much trouble. These children know they are having problems that other children are not hav- ing. They will go to great lengths to hide their diffi- culty from their peers and their parents, sometimes getting into trouble as a re- sult. According ,to his mother, one boy — a class clown — thought he was less intelligent than his fpop414."13e figured out that • 4. 6. ••• •••••• 1•• •1. ..... , • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• ••• ....... •• • •• •• ■ ■ •• •• ■•■ .0 • he was stupid, and it didn't degrees of dyslexia, which is matter what Mom and Dad what makes diagnosis of the said — Moms and Dads are problem so difficult. While supposed to say nice things, some of the characteristics right? He figured out that described previously may be we were too dumb to realize exhibited, others may not that he was dumb. But that be. Any of the described wasn't so bad," she said. characteristics may be The worst thing to him was found, separately, in a child that he didn't want his who does not have dyslexia. friends to know." But a child — or an adult — Sometimes the dyslexic who persistently makes child will be' labeld by his spelling errors or: who can- school system as "unintelli- not read or write at a level gent" or "unmotivated;" a consistent with his age or dyslexic adult I know was intelligence, is quite possi- diagnosed as "minimally bly dyslexic. • brain damaged" when he Without help, the dys- was in the first' grade. The lexic may never master the school told his parents he skills of reading and writ would never learn to read ing. As an adult, he will feel and write, but since his dys- compelled to disguise what lexia was diagnosed, he has. he knows to be a problem, The most tragic aspect of becoming a master at dyslexia is that most of cover-up. One man told me these children are of aver- that he avoided filling out age or above-average in- forms on the job by arriving telligence, and they can late, then offering to take learn to read and write them home and fill them out adequately, if they are in his spare time. In reality, properly taught. of course, his wife would What causes dyslexia is complete the form for him. not known for certain. When asked to read in pub- Based upon re- lic, the dyslexic has often . ongoing . earc , scientists believe forgotten his glasses." If he that portion of the dys- is a businessman, he may -0) . 1 the 3 11 LI ),(; ■ 0. ••• rm. " • .. do go . . . .1, • •• • . 1 j:f i ) even carry a newspaper that he never "has time" to read. This continued necessity for deceit will certainly di- minish the dylexic's self- esteem and may destroy his self-confidence entirely. Of course, all dyslexics are not illiterate, but dyslexia can prevent a child from fulfil- ling his potential, if not completely, at least as quickly as he otherwise might. dyslexic. General George Patton, for example, graduated from West Point after five years .only by memorizing his textbooks word for word. If you are concerned about a child with learning difficulties, first rule out the obvious: have his hearing and eyesight tested to be certain that no physical problems account for the difficulty. Examine his fam- ily history for clues: dys- lexia is believed to be hereditary, and frequently a dyslexic child will have family members who have had learning difficulties, or who stutter. Left- handedness and ambidex- terity are also char- acteristics common to dys- lexics and their family members. If you suspect that your child is dyslexic, talk with his teacher, the,school psy- chologist, or the learning disabilities specialist about him. The law allows you to request that your child be tested for a handicapped learning disability such as dyslexia, if school officials do not suggest it.-Testing is a lengthy process that should involve verbal and non-verbal testing, of in- telligence, word corn- prehension, letter recOgni tion, and auditory recall, among other things. It is particularly important that the child be allowed to ex- press his answers non- verbally during intellige nce tests, by pointing to pictures or miming activities, so that ' Plc a l