BACK ID SCHOOL • TWELVE OAKS MALL NOVI AT 12 MILE ROAD • TEL-TWELVE MALL 12 MILE AT TELEGRAPH • MEADOWBROOK MALL WALTON AT ADAMS • NORTHWOOD SHOPPING CTR. 1 3 MILE AT WOODWAR , PARACHUTE PANTS Continued from preceding page , Famous Name Irregulars Large 531/2"x271/2" reg. 2 for $8 2 For $3 each CELLO TAPE INVITATI I N LEGAL PADS 50 Count Legal Size 3tIC go each or . $450 Doz. 1 /2"x1 000" 3 For GABE SHOES Warml y 50 Count Letter Size 3 $ 1 For $1 1 or $360 Doz. Assorted Assorted Wicker GENUINE THERMOS .BRAND • As Always, We Promise The Best In Quality, Fashion, Fit and Service. Hampers & Baskets LUNCH KITS From (Box & Bottle) Many TV Characters reg. $7.50 $‘2 99 %. $ 1 99 to _ $1399 500 Count GABE SHOE S Box of Envelopes AND DANCEWEAR 4"x9" 27863 Orchard Lake Road Orchard-12 Plaza Farmington Great For College Apartments SILVERSTONE GRIDDLE 10%" Size reg. $4.99 $29 553-4401 . Bath & Beach Large Assortment HAND TOWELS Towels $25 ° • visa • mastercard • layaway U GREAT ITEMS FOR OFF TO COLLEGE reg. $3.99 CO-ORDINATING SHIRTS BY KAMIKAZE, CHAMS, DeBARON & FLAIR • Returning students report that the mechanics of reg- istration, finding the proper parking lot, standing in end- less lines to buy textbooks, be- come old hat after a while. . But the first time is usually remembered as a truly be- wildering experience. To make it easier for you, many campuses offer a special orientation for their older stu- dents. For example, the P.A.S.A.R. office at California State University, Sac- ramento, offers tWo orienta- tion programs at the begin- ning of every quarter. The registration process is ex- plained blow by blow, and P.A.S.A.R. volunteers actual- ly help new students on reg- istration day. There is also an information fair, at which facilitators field questions. New students then join old- timers for rap groups. A cam- pus tour and vocational in- terests tests are also avail- able. This kind of orientation session can help you to start some initial friendships, make contact with the reen- try office staff, plug provide you with valuable informa- tion that you will be using im- mediately. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS! HURRY IN WHILE SELECTION IS BEST! 100% NYLON welcomes "Back To School" Our Old Friends, and Extends An Invitation to All Former Hack's Kid Power Customers. BUSTING PRICES ALL-YEAR ROUND! -YOUR FACTORY OUTLET- SALE $i)4. $28 PRICE L Black - Grey - Silver brokerage agencies by writ- ing to: The National Center for Educational Brokering, Office for Research and Pub- lishing, 405 Oak Street, Syra- cuse, N.Y. 13203. PRICE BUS TERS,c 2000 PAIR JUST ARRIVED FOR BOYS & GIRLS Size 8-20 educational resources that There are over 300 infor- they confront. These brokers mational and counseling pro- help people make personal grams for adults listed in the and career decisions, select 1979 Educational and Career appropriate educational re- Information Services for sources, and embark on Adult Directory. You can find learning programs. out more about educational Box reg. $9.99 $ 4 99 Box of 500 29305 SOUTHFIELD RD. FARRELL S SHOPPING PLAZA N OF 12 MILE RD. 552-0555 Wati.:9- 9..:1111 #4..11..Fri, ... Saturday 4 Ab . ; ; Sunday 11-5 t :,t ZrZir• • • . r d •l• m a m 4Atk' a.. • ORIENTATION SELF- DEVELOPMENT COURSES Some colleges and univer- sities offer courses for credit that deal Specifically with the kind of transition you are going through. A woman who enrolled in a course called "Psychology of Personal Growth" at Oakton Coinmun- ity College after 21 years out of school, declared that "it opened un all kinds of worlds I never knew existed." A course called "Emerging .Woman" is offered at Mont- gomery College in.Roc,kville, :Maryland. One woman who enrolled, after 15 years away froth school, 'said that the course "helps you decide what it is that you want to do — either return to school, get a job, or just clarify your mind." REFRESHER COURSES •Many reentry programs offer these to help students improve their reading, writ- ing, and study skills. The Reading and Learning Skills Center at the University of Michigan offers a six week course at the beginning of each semester, held at times convenient for older students. Most reentry offices also keep a . current, list of : vailable - tliters; • •