THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 27, 1984 15 goodness . . . America is great. But it is not good." "Jesse (Jackson) could have threatened Mondale as the Jewish leaders threatened Mondale. The Jewish leaders said (that) if Mondale buckles to Jesse, if Mondale gets close to Jesse, if Mondale concedes anything to Jesse, the Jewish leaders said they would abandon the Demo- cratic Party, take their money and go back to Reagan. What was that? A threat? . . . So the white women got Mrs. Ferrarb. The South got Bert Lance. California got Manatt back. The Democrats got their man Walter Mondale. And the Jews were happy `cause Jesse was apologizing." And on Farrakhan's controver- sial visit to Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Qaddafi: "I went to Libya not to talk revolution with Qaddafi. Many people want to use black people. They hope we would make revolutions. But they don't want us. White people don't want us . . . they Continued on next page Protecting the celebrity a A member of the Fruit of Islam stoically protects Rev. Louis Farrakhan during his speech in Detroit on Monday. finished with the Jews yet. "I say go pick up your Bible. You go to St. John, the eighth chapter, the 44th verse, and he condemns this people. I don't expect you (the Jews) to tell the truth by me. You didn't tell it by Jesus." Now it was time for Farrakhan to deal with his recent defense of Hit- ler. Again assuming his mocking stance, he asked, "Farrakhan, did 31.011Prai ,aitler? , "Farrakhan, did you hail Hit- ler?" He answered his Own question with another. "How can I hail a man who didn't care two cents for black people? "How could I hail a man that is reported to have murdered six mil- lion Jews?" "I said he was a great man. "Ah ha! You see, you're praising him again! "Bullshit! You got a dictionary at home? Get it out and look up the meaning of the word 'great.' If Hitler were not great, he would not have spanned the time. His magnitude has affected the politics of the world. That's greatness. When you can live beyond a generation and move men's minds to think and affect their lives even after you are dead and gone, that's greatness. mean that it is • "But it does not ,Lt,,, "If I lose my life, you won't take it. I will give it." Minister Louis Farrakhan appears preoccupied with his per- sonal safety. Everyone who attended his Detroit rally this week — including members of the press — were required to pass through an airport-style metal de- tector before entering the church. Anyone who slipped through the line was certain to incur the wrath of Farrakhan's elite corps of body; gards. Farrakhan's speech was pep- pered with references to plots on his life. He accused the "govern- ment and establishment and white people and their black con- stituency" of trying to "find some reason to put you in prison un- justly — or kill you to silence your voice." At the conclusion of Far- rakhan's Monday night speech, a "show" was made of the precau- tions being taken to get the Black Muslim leader out of the church for his own safety. Half an hour after his so-called exit, Farrakhan was still in the church -- in the offices of Rev. Holley — where he was receiving a steady stream of the faithful.