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"The choice is yours," said the finance minister, suddenly using the same tone he used in Hadar Yosef. "Either you vote for Yitzhak Shamir or..." and here came the dramatic pause, to let the name he was about to utter sink in hoping that it would stir the audience to some emotion... "Shimon Peres." But it didn't work. go one stirred. He stopped talking, and one man spoke up: "All my life I've been Herut. All my life I have considered myself in the nationalist camp. I came here tonight, for the first time in my life, with doubts about the Likud. I came here hoping to be reassured by you that you're doing something, that you can do something. "But I've listened now, and I think I speak for many of us when I say that you haven't reassured me. I am as confused as I was before. For the first time in my life I'm considering voting Alignment, to help give them a majority so that we can get rid of these extortionate parties once and for all. So that once and for all a government will be able to have a policy and carry it through. You haven't reassured me." NETANYA. — There are no ques- tions about extreme religious nationalism, or about Shabbat in Petah Tikva, or even about why there should be, as the slogan says, "no buts about" voting for the National Religious Party. And Dr. Yosef Burg, venerable — and in this crowd of NRP members, venerated — receives his applause not so much for his policies as for his wit. "Why don't you retire," is the first query. "There are only difficult answers, not difficult questions," replies the minister, smiling, "and in this case neither the question nor the answer is difficult. The party needs continui- ty and change, we were caught unex- pectedly by the early elections, but I FORMER chief of staff Rafael Eitan may have lost about 500 votes to Rabbi Meir Kahane during an election early evening in Jerusalem last week, because the No.2 man on the Tehiya list couldn't match the "kill the terrorists, expel the Arabs" rhetoric of Kach's leader. If Yossi Sankt had happened to pass by the park next door to the old Knesset in downtown Jerusalem, it's unlikely that the minimal police pre- sence on the scene could have pro- tected the left-wing Labour MK. As it happened, a rumour swept the Kahane crowd of some 1,500 supporters, converts and onlookers that Sarid was in the neighbourhood and hundreds broke from the rally, scrambling up the embankments of the park to the street above, looking for the MK. That rumour spread moments af- ter Kahane had prothised that the only way he'd join a Likud coalition, (Scoop 80) would have retired in November 1985. "Besides, you know I speak five languages. So whenever the govern- ment needs to send five ministers abroad they can save money by send- ing me." A great guffaw ripples through the audience. Burg earns another round of applause from these mostly young parents by making the following crack: "You know the story about why the man had a clean conscience? Because he never used it." The next question concerns the NRP's problems with the competi- tion — Morasha, headed by Rabbi Hai-m Druckman. Burg says there are negotiations with Druckman over a deal for shar- Rafael Eitan of Tehlya-Tzomet speaks his piece. , ing surplus votes— "But don't let that make you think we believe it's all right for Rabbi Druckman to go separately. The NRP has to he strong. "What worries me is that Labour might be able to make a coalition without a religious party." In the audience, there are whis- pers, murmurs, and clucking of ton- gues at the prospect of a government "without the religious." Most worrying to the voters in the hall is what will happen to the Education Ministry, held since 1977 by Zevulun Hammer — once Burg's challenger, now his main supporter in a party riven by splits and rival- ries. Otie man suggests that Burg, "in (Israel Sun) all your wisdom" take over the Education Ministry. ."I didn't come here to take away Zevulun's job," says Burg, using his colleagues first name, to the delight of the crowd. "But let me tell you a story about portfolios," says the minister who has been in every Knesset since the first. "Many years ago a leading • Mapai minister (it was called Mapai, then) came to me and said 'Yosef, take off your kippa and you can be education minister.' And I said to him, 'I didn't take off my kippa for Hitler, I surely won't for you. ' That gets him his biggest round of applause. Robert Rosenberg In Petah Tikva later in the week, citizens who wished to see Shinui if elected to the Knesset, would be if members of the Jewish terror net- work were given amnesty. That promise, and his call , for "death to the terrorists, expel the Arabs" were the big applause win- ners. The Kahane rally came on the heels of a Tehiya assembly at which Eitan, dressed in jeans and wearing his usual paratroop-wing belt buck- le, read a statement calling for "an economy suitable to the national needs and priorities of our society." Raful's only applause came when he called for giving the vote and other civil rights "only to' those who have done national service." Kahane appeared to impress a crowd of leftover Tehiya suppor- ters. Kahane supporters and 'shop- , Knesset Member Amnon Rubinstein during his election cam- paign- visit had to brave a virtual verbal gauntlet of ye llow-shirted pers on their way home. In heavily right-wing Jerusalem, Kach Movement supporters. where in 1981 the Labour Party With a ready smile and a hand- barely managed 30 per cent of the shake for those who could reach him vote, . Labour's sidewalk booth did with an encouraging word, the Shi- the moss business. But many of lie nui leader made his way through a people approaching the booth stack- crowd that hurled epithets, curses ed with printed literature had only curses for the former paratrooper - and promises to "wipe out the lef- tists." who manned the stand, "PLO-nik, The 10 hysterical Kahane youths Traitor. Murderer," were just some were joined in their chanting and of the epithets thrown at the reserve cuirsing by about 30 others•who wore soldier who patiently agreed with Tehiya or Likud buttons and T- everything he heard, saying later shirts. Observers feared that vio- that "it won't do any goOd to argue lence would break out at any mo- with them, anyway." • ment during Rubinstein's half-hour But he added that many people . visit on the street.'No violence did approached the stand to say that ensue, but the MK was-prevented they had voted Likud in the past'and had decided to vote Labour this. • from giving a prepared speech. Robert Rosenberg time.