I f 28 Friday, June 29, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS INSIGHT Parashat Hukat: The ashes of the Red Heifer BY HOWARD SCHWARTZ Special to The Jewish News In addition to describing the deaths of Aaron and Miriam, Parashat Hukat (Numbers 19:1-22:1) in- cludes two enigmatic episodes, one concerning the ritual of using the ashes of a red heifer to purify a person who has become ritually unclean, and the incident in which Moses struck the rock in the desert with his rod rather than speak to it, as the Lord had commanded. Let us consider the more obscure of the two, that con- cerning the red heifer. The portion opens by de- scribing in great detail how the red heifer was to be selected and burned. The preparation was to be done by the assistant to the High Priest and the ashes were to be mixed with water taken directly from a well (nayim hayim) and sprinkled on the third and seventh day on anyone who had come into contact with a dead person. For in doing so that person had become ritually unc- lean (tame) and could not enter the Temple until the ritual of sprinkling the mix- ture of the ashes and water had been performed. Only this ritual could make them tahor, ritually pure. There is an interesting paradox associated with the potent ability of this ritual to turn the unclean clean. For if a ritually pure person should accidentally or otherwise come in contact with the ashes of the red heifer they would be ren- dered impure. It is this paradox that has remained a mystery over the cen- turies, causing the ritual of the ashes of the red heifer to be considered so enigmatic that only Moses was said to understand its true mean- ing. King Solomon said that this was the only mystery he could not penetrate. Therefore, assumptions about the meaning of this paradox must remain speculative, but it was on such. unresolved problems that rabbinic commentary thrived. Such rabbinic commentaries are found in the Talmud, the Tosefta, and midrashic collections such as Pesikta de-Rab Kahana, which devotes an entire chapter to this ques- tion. Judaism has always rec- ognized the need for and importance of rituals of purification. The mikvah is one primary means and fasting is another, as well as reciting the Psalms. Rab- binic and Chasidic tales are filled with inventive methods proposed by the sages to attain purification for one particular sin or an- other. Using the ashes of the red heifer was the most power- ful of these methods, be- cause of the almost magical powers associated with the ashes. But the mitzvah of using this 'ritual, which is one of the 613 command- ments, is no longer ob- served, for a cow perfect enough to serve for it — which may not have as many as three hairs that are not red — has not been found for many centuries. Therefore, we are all ritually impure, since vir- tually everyone has come into contact with a dead person at one time or an- . other — even to be in the same house is enough to re- nder one impure in this sense — and that is why Jews are not permitted to go on to the Temple Mount at the site of the Temple in Jerusalem. Thus, this mitzvah is in the category of those corn- mandments it is impossible to fulfill, such as those which had to be performed in the Temple, or that con- cerning the use of tekhelet, the special blue dye that is required to dye the middle thread of the fringes of the tallit, but cannot be used because the secret of how to make it has been lost. The dual ability of the ashes of the red heifer to re- nder the impure pure and the pure impure may be seen to suggest the essential nature of a polar structure, such as the soul, which is subject to the influence of both the Yetzer Hara, the Evil Inclination, and the Yetzer Toy, the Good Incli- nation. This notion suggests that a soul under the sway of the Yetzer Hara may re- store itself to purity by some kind of purification ritual. Yet at the same time, a pure soul that comes into contact with evil will itself be ren- dered impure, and require some kind of tikkun, resto- ration, in order to reachieve the state of purity. In any case, this ritual has meaning only in this world, while in the World to Come it is God who will purify Israel: And I will sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean; from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you (Ezekiel 36:25). And when will the prac- tice of using the ashes of the red heifer be taken up again? The Midrash tells us that nine red heifers were furnished by the Holy One, beginning with that of Moses, and that the tenth will be furnished by the Messiah. Copyright 1984, National Hawirah Committee Council eyes tension over Zionists and non-Zionists Jerusalem (JTA) — The A decision to evaluate the uneasy alliance between merger was taken at a meet- Zionists and non-Zionist ing in Caesarea three years supporters of Israel — the ago and became known as "fund-raisers" from abroad the Caesarea process. The — was the focus of intense Zionists reportedly feel they debate at the annual session are losing power to the of the Zionist General non-Zionists. Council which met here last Criticism to that effect week. was expressed by Alleck Re- The council, the govern- snick, president of the ing body of the world Zionist Zionist Organization of movement between Zionist America, and former ZOA congresses, is awaiting the President Ivan Novick. report and recom- Novick said he was con- mendations of its gover- cerned with the motives of nance committee on the is- the non-Zionists and ques- sue. The council's resolu- tioned whether they were tions were brought up be- equipped to deal with the fore the Jewish Agency As- basic problems of Zionism. sembly which convened in But Avraham Shenker, Jerusalem this week. At the heart of the matter chairman of the governance is the struggle for-political committee disagreed. He power and managerial maintained that both authority. It dates back to groups are of a single mind 1970 when the Jewish on 90 percent of the issues Agency was reconstituted to and was confident that the incorporate non-Zionist others would be resolved. Howard Schwartz teaches at the Jews from overseas, espe- Accqrding to Shenker University of Missouri, St. cially the United States, Zionists have not lost LAW 5 who raise( tti#if.014.101k140,i4)iiii 'f,t * 111.11.*,