THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS with my government. Obviously. It Justice Goldberg reviewed the political muscle. In those days, that was my job. lessons and attributed the responsi- was lacking. "Zeiglebaum came to me at the bility for the tragedy, based on the "Also the Jewish people, includ- time of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising report of the Commission on the ing myself— I'm guilty — had a kind in May 1943. He advised me that Holocaust. of love affair with Roosevelt, and Jews were fighting in the ghetto. He "I rate what happened as fol- they refused to believe that he could also had a dossier on what was hap- lows," he said. "Hitler was of course a be indifferent to their plight. But he pening in Auscihwitz. By that time, killer. He stands in a class by him- had other priorities. two or three million Jews had al- self. No Jew did the murdering. "And it must be remembered ready been killed. "Second comes the anti- that this was a period of great unem- "But a Pole named Jan Karski, a Semitism or indifference of the Allied ployment. And that primarily was very courageous fellow who was 19 or governments. They could have the Administration's concern. 20 at the time, dressed up in an Esto- opened their doors in the period be- "The least responsible for the re- nian policeman's uniform and went tween 1933 and 1939 and rescued a scue failure would be those who lived into Auschwitz. He got out and . considerable number of Jews. But the in Palestine; Zionists. But there were brought with him pictures of the restrictive immigration laws of the only 600,000 of them. Furthermore, crematoria, of the bodies, of people so-called democratic, civilized coun- Palestine was under the . British who had died of starvation, and af- tries prevented them. mandate at the time, and subject to fidavits from inmates of what was going on. It was a compelling docu- ment. "We had heard about the actual killing from '41 on, because we had broken the Germans' code and we were intercepting cables which, if you read them carefully, indicated hen en former that Jews were being transported to death camps. So we were aware from Supreme Court Justice Arthur J. '41 on. But this was the first time that someone from inside a camp had ac- Goldberg accepted the tually brought out material. chairmanship of the American "So Zeiglebaum, who gave me the dossier, said that the Jews had Jewish Commission on the two requests, one from Auschwitz and another from the ghetto, to have Holocaust, he had two reasons for the places bombed. undertaking the difficult task. One "I raised the natural question. If the ghetto is bombed, won't Jews be was personal .. . killed, too? Zeiglebaum said yes, they knew that, but they would like the Germans killed. They were going to • be killed, anyhow, he said — and he put it to me very bluntly — and they wanted the ghetto bombed. "So Hitler killed the Jews. What the most restrictive of immigration "They were armed with very in- we're dealing with is rescue. Could rules." sufficient weapons against tanks, The lessons to be learned from flame throwers and so on, and their _ some have been rescued? My conclu- the Holocaust experience, Justice armament was puny compared to sion is yes. Hundreds of thousands could have been saved. So I blame Goldberg pointed out, are simple, but what the Germans could wheel in on governments first; their indifference among the most difficult to act upon. them. and anti-Semitism, if we believe "When human rights are vio- "The second request, from the there is a difference in terms. Maybe lated," he said, "whether it's Jews or inmates of Auschwitz, was to have indifference is on a slightly lower anybody else, you have to raise your the railroad junction, which was scale than anti-Semitism. Not very voice, not just submit. You may not where the transports came every day much. do good immediately, but you must by the thousands from all over "Third comes the media, outside speak out. Europe, bombed. And . they also of the Yiddish press. The Yiddish "I had a conversation with Rus- wanted the camp itself bombed. press had a good many stories about sian dissidents, both Jewish and "And again I raised the question: killings. But the general press had non-Jewish, when I was `Won't that kill them?' The answer very few. So I rate the media as very ambassador-at-large to a human was, 'They'll be killed anyway.' responsible, not for the killing, but rights convention in Belgrade. They "So I sent a courier to Washing- for the non-rescue. had been expelled or escaped from ton with Zeiglebaum's requests to "After that, I rate the- indif- the Soviet Union. So I asked them, Gen. Donovan, asking him to take it ference of the Christian community. `You know, I'm willing to be very vig- up with the highest authority. Dono- There were righteous Gentiles who orous at this meeting. Is that going to van was a good man, and I believe did what human beings ought to do, hurt those who remain? I'm not anx- that he did what I asked, because a and helped, but the great bulk of the ious to hurt them.' few days later he sent a messenger Christians did not. The Vatican was "The answer I got was uniform: back to me, saying that he was taking delinquent, so were the Protestant `Please go ahead. It may not help in it up with the highest authority, our churches. terms of persuading the Russian gov- high command. ernment, but the Jews and other dis- "When it comes to the Jews, the "The answer was that they could sidents still inside will not feel alone. Jewish organizations did not do all not do this because it would divert They will have the sense that people that they could have done. But in planes from their primary mission of are conscious of their plight. their defense, if there is a defense for going after Germans. We were bomb- "Another thing we have learned not having done all that could have ing five miles from Auschwitz at the (and that world Jewry has learned, I been done, we must remember that time. It wouldn't have been a very hope) is never to repeat the role of the Jewish organizations of 40 years great diversion. what was called the Judenrat. Those ago were not what they are today. "So it was my sad duty to call were the heads of the Jewish com- There was no Jewish lobby, they Zeiglebaum — I had him to dinner — munities in Europe who — I think were just emerging from immigrant and give him the response. The next basically out of good motives — dealt status. The principal spokesmen day he committed suicide. with the Nazis. Step by step, they had were two rabbis, Stephen Wise and "So maybe, if you ask why I was to provide the lists of people the Nazis Abba Hillel Silver. willing to probe the questions raised wanted. And they all landed in Au- • "Today, the spokesmen for the by the Holocaust, I don't think there schwitz, by the way. Jewish community are presents of can be a sensible argument as to why "But beyond that, the conscien-, Jewish organizations, big con- the facts shouldn't 'be brought to tious ones, who took it because they tributors to the Republican and light. Because we have to learn the hoped to have an ameliorating Democratic parties. , They have some lessons. And must say me have."• • ' W , Friday, June 8, 1984 41 ence, learned that they were being used to keep Jews quiet. "It is this type of thing that I think has to be talked about. We do not cooperate nor collaborate. You know you're going to be killed any- how, but at least you save your own conscience. You don't make it easy for the real killers." Justice Goldberg leaned forward in his seat. He meant to deal, once and for all, with the charge that Jews experienced 'a conflict of interest be- tween their religion and their alle- giance to the United States. It was a sore point. He had been accused of double loyalty in 1965 when he-res- igned his seat on the Supreme Court to represent the United States at the United Nations. "The charge of double loyalty is nonsense," he said. "I left the Sup- reme Court to serve the country. I don't have to prove my loyalty. I've demonstrated it. I gave up lifetime security and a job I love because our country was in trouble in Vietnam and I thought I could help get us out of it. How many people would do that? And I don't regret it. I miss the court, but I did the right thing. "But I'll tell you something about Jews. Sometimes they aggra- vate me. I'll be honest with you. They are so enamored with their titles that they miss the point. Is title and posi- tion more important than principle? "Jews, I think, should give the back of their hands to this charge of double loyalty. Take Israel. We're al- lies. President Reagan says so. So what's wrong with supporting an ally? I think Jews don't reason it out. Sometimes it's because people don't recognize the nature of America. We are a pluralistic country. We come from many countries. And what is wrong with a strong attachment to your origins, your roots? It may sur- prise you to know that even Supreme Court Justices who are Jewish some- times fall into this. `I was the only Supreme Court justice out of five in 1962 who took his oath on a Hebrew Bible. Everybody else took it on the King James ver- sion, but when they presented it to me, I said, 'That's not my Bible. I'll swear on the Hebrew Bible.' "And do you think it won me any criticism? It won me praise from my colleagues. They said, 'You did the right thing. Would you like us to autograph that Bible?' So I had them do it, and now I don't know how to - divide the Bible between my two children (Barbara and Robert). I've given them each a cabinet chair. ' That's fine. But I only have one Bible. "More and more I like Or- thddoxy," said Goldberg, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. "My father was an Orthodox • rabbi in Chicago. I was once at a meeting where several people in the audience expressed disapproval over my leaving the court. A rabbi got up and wanted ,to reply. I was tired of answering, so I said, 'Rabbi, please do.' He said, 'You were at the United Nations in '67. You were the author of 242 (the U.S. resolution that estab- lished the principles for a settlement after the Six-Day War). It was bashert (fate) that you should be in that place at that time.' " 'You answered it better than I Could,' I said. 'Thank you very much.' . .