•t THE DETROIT' JEWISH NEWS 22 Friday, June 8, 1984 FIRESTONE The Finest -- For The Finest GOLDENBERG PHOTOGRAPHY Southfield At 13 Mile 646.8484 JEWELRY Wholesale Oiamonds 6 Jewelry Remounting Jewelry & Watch Repair SUITE 318 ADVANCE BLDG 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile (313) 557-1660 YOUR KEY TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL SECURITY Alarm Systems a AA 00 LIMV. FROM Call now for FREE Security Inspection (313) 669-2206 1-800-336-9932 Jewish alternatives Continued from Page 4 blacks' political interests. Blacks are a minority — their candidates can only win statewide or nationally in coalition with whites. At first glance, Jackson',p candidacy has made a fu- ture black President or Vice President a more credible possibility. But this simple black particularism — evidenced by his perceived anti- Semitism — has made his presence on a ticket the kiss of death. He has been tempted into silence on Far- rakhan; this silence has condemned him to a political ghetto. It would take a dramatic shift on the Jewish question to make a Jackson opening to white America credible. In this election —as in other political realms — attitudes and ac- tions towards Jews again are a lit- mus test of the health of the system. Jackson's failure to repudiate Far- rakhan grows out of his tendency to put his appeal to blacks ahead of ev- erything. Jackson's coalition has not emerged because he has come across as essentially concerned with the black agenda only. Jews should not withdraw from blacks in a pique. As political insur- ance, Jews should develop their al- liances with others — with Hispanics in New York and nationwide, with conservatives as well as liberals, and with Jackson rivals for black leader- ship. As part of the development of an effective Jewish political culture, the Jewish goal should be: neither to get mad nor to get even — but to get ahead through strategic alliances. Copyright 1984, the National Jewish Recource Center. INTRUSION IE3VICE1 Inc. Jackson called an anti-Semite the security people — HUTTON "C WITH AN ED S • • Hutton's CD program offers highly competitive yields. • CDs are available with maturities that range from 3 months to 10 years* • CDs are available as fixed rate or zero coupon instruments* • Hutton intends to maintain a secondary market in CDs it offers (although it is not obligated to continue doing so). • CDs are available with a minimum investment of $1,000 and in additional multiples of $1,000. • CDs have FSLIC or FDIC insurance up to $100,000 per client. • No commissions on the purchase of an original issue CD. New York (JTA). — Nathan Perlmutter, direc- tor of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, said last week the Rev. Jesse Jackson's rhetoric has been "indistinguishable from that of anti-Semites." He added, however, that given the demographic na- ture of American big cities, "political leadership in our urban areas will simply not be available to demagogues who stir narrow constituen- cies." Perlmutter said that the urban political future of blacks and Jews will be bet- ter served by the "realpolitik of civility than by separatist ideology." In his annual report be- fore a session of the ADL National Commission meet- ing, Perlmutter said that CDs with an edge: Maturities* , 3 mos. 6 mos. 3 yr. 5 yr. 10 yr. Yields* 10.50 11.10 12.80 13.30 • 13.45 Nathan Perlmutter good through 6-11-84 maturities and type of instrument are subject to availability and market conditions. Compare with your bank rates. CFHutton E F. Hutton & Company Inc. Call Howard M. Rosen (313) 358-3200 When E.E Hutton talks, people listen. Member SIPC ••••• ■■ •aro Jackson's record of anti- Jewish statements over the years "cumulatively pro- vide context for hie 'Hymie' comments." "Let us say it plainly. We are dealing with a person whose recorded expressions are those of an anti-Semite. How else do you view a man who, when annoyed by the press, attributes it to 'Jewish' domination of the press? And when critical of labor, blames it on 'Jewish' control of labor unions? When displeased by a box- ing match between a white South African and a black, American, condemns 'Jewish' promoters? He has attributed President Ni- xon's venality to his 'Jewish' advisers, 'Ehrlichman and Halde- man' . . . there are these and more, so many more state- ments." Noting a recent poll which showed that the younger, more educated and wealthier blacks are, the more favorably disposed they are to Mr. Jackson, he said that while the figures do not reflect the degree of the respondent's awareness of Jackson's anti-Semitic litanies, the fact that these groups "esteem a person with such prejudice is sober- ing." Perlmutter called atten- tion to the fact that "in Chicago, twice a many Jews in percentage terms voted for Mayor Washington as did other whites, despite the fact that his opponent was Jewish; twice the percent- age of Jews than other whites cast their ballot for Mayor Goode in Philadel- phia and 75 percent of California's Jewish voters voted for Mayor Bradley in his gubernatorial cam- paign." Jackson's reference to Jews as "Hymies" and to New York city as "Hymietown" was deplored by 58 percent of blacks in the United States, pollster Loll Harris revealed over the weekend. The remarks were condemned by 76 per- cent of Jews indicating that' there is substantial agree- ment between blacks and Jews that Jackson was "dead wrong" when he made ad, . Jesse Jackson his Hymie remark," Harris told the ADL meeting. The pollster: said his sur- veys reveal a "remarkable agreement" between blacks and Jews on many political and social issues. He noted that according to one poll, 43 percent of blacks agreed with the proposition that Jews are "more sympathetic than most other non-black Americans with the aspira- tions of blacks to achieve equality." Only 23 percent disagreed. On Saturday, former Vice President Walter Mondale and Sen. Gary Hart rejected Jackson's contention that the United States favors Is- rael to the detriment of its relations with the Arab countries. The three Democratic Presidential contenders re- peated their positiohs on the Middle East in response to questions from NBC's Tom Brokaw in the last nation- ally televised debate of the primary campaign. Jackson, who said too much attention had been paid to the Middle East in the campaign while' other areas such as Asia and Af- rica had been ignored, reit-