72 Friday, June 1, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The joys of translating Yid Ann Arbor translator Aliza Shevrin is making the treasures of Yiddish literature available to the non-Yiddish reading public BY SUSAN ISAACS NISBETT Special to The Jewish News Behind every well-known Yid- dish writer in America is an unsung hero: the translator. • 'Without the.translator as go- between, few Americans could make the acquaintance of Yiddish literary masters such as Sholom Aleichem, whose stories became Fiddler on the Roof; or Isaac Bashevis Singer, a Nobel prize-winner whose works were almost certainly judged in Engligh translation. Indeed, Yiddish literature is in- accessible even to many Jews. Writer Bel Kaufman (Up. the Down Stair- case) is Sholom Aleichem's grand- daughter and controls his literary es- tate. But she cannot read a word of Yiddish in which his books were orig- inally written. Enter the Yiddish translator. • Qualifications: fine writer; bilingual; a real feeling for the Yiddish lan- guage. In addition, the translator must be willing to subjugate literary personality to the author's and to see the author get credit for the work — as he or she will, if the translation is good. But to Aliza Shevrin, tranlat- ing is anything but self-effacing work. "It's like a performance. Iper- form Sholom Aleichem," she says sweeping by a woodcut of the author that ,adorns her dining room wall. Shevrin is responsible for the English-language edition of In the Storm, Sholom Aleichem's 1907 novel of social, political and personal upheaval. It was just released by Putnam's along with the paperback of Marienbad, the humorous, 1911 Sholom Aleichem novel-of-Jewish- manners she translated in 1982. Al- - though In the Storm has its share of classic Aleichem characters -- gos- sipy neighbors and adoring but dis- approving fathers — it is set not in the shtetl but in Kiev, and its subject is dead serious: the turbulent events . of the granting and retraction of the Czar's 1905 constitution and the sub- sequent pogroms that sent millions — including Aleichem himself -- to . new lives across the sea. A warm, lively 52-year-old social worker who lives in Ann Arbor, •Shevrin has found that books in a dying language require her service . Susan Isaacs Nisbett is an Ann Arbor free-lance writer. Translator Aliza Shevrin stands beside the S. Chafetz woodcut of Sholom Aleichem that adorns her dining room wall, • more urgently than people. A rabbi's daughter who grew up speaking Yid- dish as. her first language in Brook- lyn, she has refused to say Kaddish for the language she and other first- generation Jewish-Americans failed to pass on to their children. In trans- lations, she finds expiation.' "I feel guilty because I haven't taught my four kids," she admits. "I feel a great responsibility to take, great Yiddish works and make them available." Shevrin's "performances" — I.L. Peretz and I.B. Singer in additon to Sholom Aleichem — have brought her a translator's measure of fame and fortune: the pleasure of seeing the Singer novel she translated, Enemies, A Love Story, proposed for a IlEbitE4 UNIJ (ALLLUE LIBRAn, C WAL TB ROTHrn, LIDAkIAP 0,111) •15! ∎ m National Book Award; a nomination for the Janus Korczak Award for 'Holiday Tales of Sholom Aleichem (Scribner's, 1979); a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship to continue preserving Yiddish works in English; favorable reviews of Marienbad and In the Storm that mention her name proniinently alongside the author's; and a commitment from Putnam's to publish her next Sholom Aleichem translation, Yosele the Nightingale. Making "survivors" of Yiddish novels and stories is no easy task. Few languages are as rich in idioma- tic expressions and regional variants as Yiddish, a linguistic blotter that soaks up the languages of its host countries like matzoh balls in chic- ken soup. It one thing to identify foreign elements in Yiddish — the obsolete Russian military terms that punctuate In the. Storm, for example. To translate them — and maintain the language's multi-lingual flavor -- is quite another. "It'S like taking English that mixes French, English and a slang, and translating it into Japanese," nays Shevrin. Marienbad posed special trans- lation challenges above and beyond the usual translator's teinptation to, as Shevrin puts it, "say it better than the author." • She notes that there is neither narrative nor description to link the series of 36 letters, 14 love notes and 64 telegrams which constitute the book. "So everything has to come from the characters' speech," she sums up. "Welike writing a play. You have to ask: 'What are the characters' trademarks, their signatures?' Once you get the signature, the posture, the accent -- it flows; you don't even have to think." Like all crusaders for endangered species, Shev- rin seeks to convince a listener that the time to translate Yiddish literature is now Living dictionaries, she explains, are far more useful to her than printed references: "Most of my sources are my father, my mother and their con- temporaries — and maybe a few scholars. Yiddish will be a learned language after this generation, and Continued on Page 48